25. What's That

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Tyler's Pov

"Let's talk about sex baby! Let's talk about you and me! Let's talk about all the good things and the bad things blah blah! Let's talk about sex!" Ember sang as she danced around Parker who seemed to be enjoying it.

I shot him a glare and he raised an eyebrow and looked at my confused.

Wait why did I glare at him?

Was I jealous? Jealous because she wasn't dancing around me? I couldn't be.

She had been acting like this the whole time and when the twins showed up things seemed to get worse.

An they were definitely not helping what so ever.

"Hey Ember, do you know how to twerk?" Parker asked smirking Ember as she stopped her dancing and turned to look at him.

She pouted as she spoke, "I don't have a butt to twerk."

I let out a small chuckle and she genuinely did actually look sad that she didn't have a butt.

Although I had no idea what she was talking about because she definitely had a butt.

Then out of nowhere Ember burst out crying.

I immediately ran over to her and looked down to peer at her. "What's wrong love?"

"I don't have a butt and I don't know how to twerk." She mumbled, crying into my chest.

I looked over at Parker who looked right back at me.

I didn't know how to fix this or help her. I mean I didn't know how to twerk and neither did Parker, or Brooks that I knew of.

"Hey Ember, not everyone knows how to twerk." Brooks said softly while rubbing her on her back.

His comment seemed to make her cry even harder, if that was even possible.

"Fix this." I growled as I ran a hand through her hair.

"Hey Ember if I taught you how to twerk would that make you feel better?" Brooks mumbled sourly.

I felt Ember lift her head up off my chest and she slowly nodded.

"Okay let's go." He said holding out his hand.

"Wait where do you think your going?" Parker asked with a smirk.

"To go show Ember." Brooks mumbled.

"Oh no, you are doing this right here." Parker exclaimed while whipping out his phone.

I shook my head at his antics while discretely whipping my phone out too.

I mean this would be good stuff for blackmail.

"I hate you both." Brooks said while glaring.

"Love you too brother!" Parker shouted.

"Okay Ember let's get this over with." He said as she nodded and turned to face him. "Now get into a squatting position and kind of bend your knees. Now place your hands on your knees and point your elbows outward. Now flex your back in, as if you are pushing out your chest. This should cause your butt to move up. Now when you relax and stay in that position it should go back down."

Ember nodded as she took in the information.

"Now you push your chest out again to lift your butt up and then relax again. Now keep repeating it but slowly. And once you get the hand of it, start to go faster and faster." Brooks explained.

He then resulted in demonstrating with a hint of pink on his cheeks the whole time.

"Okay now your turn." Brooks said.

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