27. A Date

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Before Tyler's mom had left, she made sure to tell me that I could borrow or take any clothes that I needed for the remainder of the time that I was here.

Which was good because I had nothing to wear and her closet was full of clothes.

Like does this woman just shop all day?

I kind of didn't know what I wanted to wear.

I was thinking of a laid back, chill look. But something that also made it look like I put somewhat of a little effort into what I looked like today.

My eyes roamed her closet once more before settling on a black and white short sleeved cotton crop top, light washed mom jeans with the ends cuffed, and a pair of all black converse.

Lauren told that she had a pair of new underwear and bras in a bag in her closet.

I walked over to it and pulled out a matching set of a black bra and underwear.

I hurriedly threw the clothes on and ran a brush threw my hair, throwing it up into a high ponytail.

I left the room, making sure to close the closet door and made my way downstairs.

Tyler was sitting on the couch with Jake watching a game.


I've never understood nor liked sports.

They just weren't for me. I found sports to be boring and pointless to watch or enjoy. I'd rather read a book then watch a game on TV or go to an actual game.

But maybe that's was just me since I'm a bookworm at heart.

Another reason why I also didn't have many friends.

"Well you look nice." Tyler said with a smirk, looking me up and down.

Jake murmured in agreement and he jumped down from the couch, and moving to go stand in front of me.

"Hi Mber." He said softly with a small wave.

"Hi Jake." I said brightly, scooping him up in my arms and taking a seat next to Jake.

I always liked kids.

Even with my anxiety I liked them. Although the slightly more excited and hyper kids kind of made me freak out, I still enjoyed being around them and their company.

"So what are we gonna do today?" I said with a huff, running my hand through Jakes hair as he leaned his head on my chest.

"We're going to the carnival." Tyler said with a grin as Jake cheered in my lap.

My face immediately fell.

A carnival? With people?

I've been doing well recently but going to the carnival was a huge step for me. Bigger than a step for mankind.

"But there are a lot of people at carnivals." I mumbled, looking up at Tyler as I did so.

Jake stopped cheering and looked up at me, "A lot of people?" His bottom lip jutted out in a pout and his lips started to quiver.

"Hey you two, don't worry." Tyler said confidently. "It'll be as if we're the only ones there." He looked up at me and nodded his head.

There was sympathy in his eyes as he looked down at Jake and I, who looked as if you just told us that you killed a puppy.

"I can promise you both that it will be as if it's just us and no one will get in the way." Tyler said sincerely. He looked up at me in hope that I'd agreed to go.

He looked so hopeful and vulnerable that I couldn't help but nod my head along in agreement.

Although I couldn't say the same for Jake.

"Hey Jake." I said, he stopped twiddling his fingers to look up at me. "Everything will be fine okay. It'll just be me, you, and Tyler okay?" He looked between the both of us, still hesitant.

"I'll promise to buy you all the cotton candy and junk food that you want." Tyler bribed, leaning in to pinch Jake's cheeks and his childlike giggle filled the room as he nodded.

"Alright it's a date." Tyler said with a smirk, leaning back against the couch and kicking his feet up on the coffee table.

"A date?" I asked confusingly. "This isn't a date. It's just a friendly outing with two friends and one of the friends little brother." I exclaimed as Tyler just smirked at me and continued watching the game.

"Carnival carnival!" Jake shouted as he jumped up and down in my lap, pumping his little fist in the air.

"Alright alright." Tyler said, getting up from the couch. "To the car we go."

He subconsciously swung his keys around his index finger as we walked out the house.

Jake walked ahead of us, still shouting about the carnival.

"Wait." I said grabbing onto Tyler's arm, making him stop walking. "A date?" I questioned again as the smirk came back on his face and his eyes twinkled.

"I know I know." He said holding his hands up in surrender, letting out a huff. " 'It's just a friendly outing with two friends and one of the friends little brother'." He mocked in a whiney voice.

"Hey I don't talk like that!" I exclaimed, slapping him on the arm.

"You have got to stop abusing me." Tyler said sourly, walking over to the car.

"Remember this is not a date." I said, pointing a finger at Tyler as he helped Jake into his car seat.

"I know it's not a date." Tyler said as he opened the door for me while I walked over.

I thanked him, going into the car but before I could get in I was pressed against the car door.

I let out a gasp as I felt Tyler's mouth along my neck, blowing on it. His lips hovering over the sensitive part.

"It could be though." He whispered, nibbling on my earlobe.

My breath hitched and he pulled back, still holding the door open as he waited for me to get in.

What the heck.

My head snapped over to his as he just looked at me with a smile as if his nibbling on my earlobe didn't just happen.

"What the. Why did, I'm so confused." I mumbled, touching the spot on my neck where his lips barely touched.

"Well are you going to get in?" He asked.

I huffed in annoyance while he just smirked.

I plopped in the seat reaching for the seatbelt but a hand stopped me.

I looked over at Tyler in confusion to see him fastening my own seat belt. He looked up with a small smile and make sure to make sure it wasn't too tight.

He looked at me and placed a kiss on my forehead before closing my door and walking over to his side.

My hand briefly touched my forehead but quickly dropped when Tyler got in the car.

It's going to be a long confusing day.

Authors Note!

Hey guys! Guess who has another chapter for you? I do! Hehe. I wonder if any of you guys actually wait for me to update? Hmm. But yeah here's the chapter. I know it's short, like around twelve pages. But Tyler and Ember and a bit of a moment and I really wanted to post it so here goes. But another chapter should be here shortly. Don't forget to like and comment. Okay have a nice day, buhyyyyyy
- Jade xoxo

P.S. Not edited lol

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