19. The Social Butterfly

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"So how was it?!?" Lauren asked.

"It was actually kind of fun. We watched If I Stay and it was so good! Although we did run into this one girl who kind of irritates the living crap out of me. And then when he dropped me off at the door he gave me a peck on the cheek." I said, finishing with a hint of red on my cheeks while Lauren squealed in joy and repeatedly shouted OTP, OTP.

Don't even ask me how she knows what OTP means.

"Alright lady calm down, I've had quite the night so I'm just going to head to bed now." I said with a laugh as Lauren told me how we weren't done discussing this and left the room.

I can't believe he kissed me!

Okay so it was a kiss on the cheek, but it still counts.

A quick knock surrounded the room before a figure entered.

It was the one and only Tyler.

"Hey Tyler, what's up?" I asked as I got up off the bed and walked towards him.

"Oh nothing much. I just came to stop by and ask about how your date went." He said with a small grin as he ran a hand through his hair.

"It went pretty good, thanks for asking." I said with a small laugh while shifting to the other foot.

"I actually wanted to ask you if you wanted to hang out tomorrow? I mean I could pick you up after school if you'd like." He asked looking up at me through his flop of hair that had fallen back in his face.

Well don't I feel like the boy magnet.

Okay wait Ember, do not get ahead of yourself.

Tyler just wants to hang out as friends. Loads of people do that all the time.

"Yeah sure, that would be cool." I said with a small smile.

He gave me a quick smirk before muttering a good night and leaving out the door.

Well look who's becoming the social butterfly?

Go Ember!

Well this will sure be a story to tell to my hundreds of cats.

"Ember darling!" A voice screeched.

Oh god.

Could I not just walk down the halls of hell without encountering the devil?

"Ember! Ember didn't you hear me calling you? You just kept on walking." Emma said as she scowled down at me.

Well of course I heard her but honestly, who wants to talk to Emma this early in the morning?

"Aww I'm sorry Emma, I didn't hear you." I replied as I kept walking down the hall to my locker.

A huff of annoyance was heard as she followed me while her five inch stilettos clacked against the floor.

I honestly don't understand how girls can walk around in heels so tall.

Aren't they afraid about falling?!? Or I don't know, maybe breaking their neck?!?

"You know it was pretty cool seeing you last night and that guy you were with. What was his name again?" She questioned as we reached my locker.

"Logan." I said as I twisted the dial and opened my locker.

Poor Logan.

She was probably already thinking of how she was going to pay Eric and get Logan's schedule.

Eric is the total brains of the school who could get you anything you would possibly want.

Want to know your crushes schedule? Eric's got it. Want to know the answers to that math test that you didn't study for but should have? Eric's got the answers for you. Want to know why your boyfriend hasn't been answering your calls lately? Eric can show you the footage of your boyfriend and the schools top skank getting it on in the janitors closet.

Like I said, Eric is your guy. He knows everything.

"You know we should totally hang out more. We could go shopping! I mean obviously you need major fashion help but I'm a good teacher!" She said as she looked me up and down.

Well that sure was offensive.

And my outfit wasn't even that bad! All I had on was a light blue flannel, some maroon jeans, and converse.

"Yeah sure." I responded as she smiled brightly.

"Look I've got to head to class but I'll talk to you later, okay? Bye!" I yelled as I ran down the hall and into advisory.

I am so thankful that she isn't in there.

I don't know if I would be able to take it.

"Oh Ember, thank you for being on time today." Mr.Fisher said.

I don't even have a record for being late and this is what I get.

I looked around the room and spotted Parker and Logan in the back of the room talking.

"Hey guys." I said as I took the seat in between them.

"Hey Em." Parker said with a head nod while Logan flashed me a smile.

"You look rushed." Logan commented with a laugh.

"Well someone wanted to stay in the bathroom forever." I replied with a growl as I glared at Parker.

He responded with a laugh.

The guy spent almost an hour in the bathroom. An hour!

I mean how long does it take a guy to pee, shower, and do his hair?

And they say girls take forever, pft.


The bell rang, announcing the start of classes.

"Wait!" Mr.Fisher shouted as we headed out the room. "I'm sure you all know that today is Friday so your classes will be shorter and you'll get out earlier. Everything else is the same so just behave."

The perks of being a senior.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Logan asked as he placed an arm around my shoulder.

"Well I don't know what you two are doing," I said as I gestured between Parker and Logan. "But I have plans."

"Aww she has plans! Our little girl is growing up so fast." Parker teased while pinching my cheek.

"Oh hush." I said while slapping his hands away.

"Feisty! I like it." He said with a grin.

"Go to class already." I replied as he stuck his tongue out at me.

I question is he's just a five year old child stuck in a seventeen year olds body.

"Okay okay. I get it, you want me gone." He said as he walked backwards down the hall.

"I'll see you later baby!" He shouted.

"Not likely!" I shouted back as heads turned to see what all the yelling was about.

"So you have plans huh?" Logan asked as we walked down the hall.

"Yeah, I'm going to hang out with Tyler." I said with a small smile.

"Oh, uh cool. Yeah that's totally cool." Logan replied with a cough.

"I'll um catch you later." Logan said as he turned around and walked the opposite way.

"Uh okay. Bye!"

Well that was odd.

Although this is high school, things are bound to be odd.

Authors Note!

Hey guys! Long time no talk huh, el-oh-el. I'm so terribly sorry for not writing in so long. I thinks it been about a month. I've had a major writers block and it's been killing me. Again, I apologize for the long wait. But I will make a schedule for this writing stuff and try to at least write once a week or every two weeks. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I know it's not much but hey, I tried el-oh-el. I hope whoever is reading this has a great day! Okay buhyyyyyyyy.

P.S. This chapter isn't edited, sorry!

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