23. Drink Up Nerd

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I looked between both guys as Logan looked down at me with a smirk on his face and a knowing look in his eyes, as if he knew I'd already picked him.

I looked up at Tyler and he had a hint of a small smile on his face as his eyes shined with something I wasn't used to seeing.

Was it worry? Worry that I wouldn't pick him?

Logan cleared his throat, interrupting my thinking. "Well what is it Ember? Who are you picking?"

Then that's when something snapped.

It was that fact that he asked who I was picking and not what was I going to pick.

I let out a small sign as I ran a hand through my hair that had came lose during the movie. "I think I'm going to stay with Tyler."

Tyler's head snapped over to me quickly with a look of shock on his face.

"Good. Now go inside and get your stuff so that I can-- Wait what?" Logan paused as he looked down at me.

"I'm staying with Tyler." I repeated with more confidence as I stood up straight and went to go stand over with Tyler.

An angry look passed over his face before he stormed off and got back in his car, pulling out of the driveway. But not before shooting me a glare.

It wasn't as if I had already felt horrible.

I mean I met Logan before I met any of the guys and he was so nice and even introduced me to his friends.

But hey, one day with Tyler wouldn't ruin my friendship with Logan would it?

I hope not.


"So what do you want to do?" Tyler asked as he plopped down on the couch.

After Logan stormed off and we made sure that Jake was still asleep we had went back into the living room.

"It doesn't matter to me really." I said honestly as I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Let's play twenty questions!" Tyler exclaimed with a glint in his eyes.

"Sure." I said as I sat down next to him and tucked my leg under. "You can go first."

Tyler chuckled slightly before asking. "So why aren't you staying at your house?"

I stiffened a little.

Tyler seemed to notice this as he took the question back. "It's okay you don't have to--"

"No it's okay, I can answer it." I said with a small smile.

"My mom and dad are pretty important people you know? They weren't ecstatic to find out that they're only child had anxiety. It would really bug my mom too when we would have events and people would look at me strangely when I started spazzing out because too many people tried to talk to me. At one point she just stopped bringing me. Soon, some people didn't even know that she had a kid. It was kind of sad and upsetting but I knew it was for the best. I didn't have friends as a child either. No one would talk to me.

It wasn't until I met you guys that I actually smiled for once. She didn't seem to like you guys. Or maybe it was just the fact that me actually being social would reach out to her clients and people would start to ask questions.

But I was tired of her telling me what to do all the time because of he occupation. It wasn't fair. So I called it quits and walked out." I said softly with a small grimace.

I didn't look up to see Tyler's face.

I didn't want to see that look of pity that I was bound to get because my parents didn't exactly love me the way they should have.

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