10. Aha You Fucker I Beat You

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"Okay on three." Logan said while squatting down next to us.




Our thumb war began.

I immediately wiggled my thumb and pulled it back as far as it could go.

I caught Brooks thumb for a second before he slipped out the trap.

We wiggled our thumbs and pulled it back and to the sides for a couple seconds before he caught me but I was lucky enough to slip out.

Our arms were rising as we tried to get the others thumb and amazingly I had caught his thumb.

All I have to do it hold down with all my might so he won't get out and I'll win!

Man this dude was really putting up a fight.

"One! Two! Three! And the winner is Ember!" Logan shouted while grabbing my arm and holding it up.

"Aha you fucker! I beat you!" I chanted as I jumped out my seat and danced around him.

Wow his language was really rubbing off on me.

First the waffles and now him. Oh golly what's next?

"I call a rematch!" He demanded while getting up from his chair and slamming his hand down on the table.

"Uh-uh! No way Jose! Your just a sore loser is all." I said with a smirk while sticking my tongue out at him as he glared at me.

He's just mad because he lost.


"Dude I can't believe you lost a thumb war." Logan said teasingly while laughing at Brooks.

"In my defense my thumb slipped! And she has a very strong thumb!" He retorted while throwing his hands up and sitting back down in defeat.

Yeah that's right you lost sucker.

"Can you three keep it down I'm trying to sleep!" The guy who ran detention snapped.

I honestly do not know what this dudes name is.

" 'Can you three keep it down I'm trying to sleep' " Logan mocked.

"Dude your not even supposed to be sleeping so fuck off!" Brooks snapped before turning back around to face us.

The guy glared at Brooks then all three of us and then Brooks again before dropping his head back on the desk and falling asleep.

Suddenly the detention door opened and in came the slutest of them all.

I'm pretty sure you guys know who I'm talking about. If not I'll give you a hint.

It's the walking STD.

She huffed in annoyance as her eyes landed on me but immediately perked up as she saw Logan and Brooks.

She strutted her way over to where we were and came to stand by Logan making sure to get really close.

"Uh-uh STD move." Logan said while shooing her away and scooting his chair over while turning his face up into disgust.

"YOU HAVE AN STD?!?!?" Brooks shouted while jumping out his seat and running to the desk the guy was at and snatched the bottle of hand sanitizer sitting on it.

He pulled the top off and dumped a big handful on his hands while slowly making his way over to us while making sure to bring the hand sanitizer with him.

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