❦︎Chapter 5: Folderol

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Been two weeks since their first arguement came. If you don't know what had happened then here's a recap.

" I don't need you to visit me. I'm fine without you beside me-"

"To be with that other guy all the time?" He retarted back,Yoongi widen his eyes as for surprise. "What do you mean-"

"Don't pretend that you don't know Yoongi. Your having an affair with someone else." Yoongi gaped his mouth,furrowing his eyebrows.

"ARE YOU F*CKING ACCUSING ME!?" He stand up. He slams his hands to his desk as Hoseok flinched.

"Yes I am!"


"OF COURSE I DO!" He almost stuttered, Yoongi noticing it. "Yesterday! YOU NEVER ANSWERED MY CALLS! I HAVE TO ASK HELP FROM YOUR COUSIN TO HELP ME FIND YOU!" He grips his bag as he holds his tears.

Hoseok sighs, he made a huge mistake on doing that. Or so he thinks.

Cold Husband
A Sope Fanfiction

Nothing has changed between the two. Him trying to approach the older but his attempt turns around. He doesn't have the power in him to succumb to tell him two simple words.

I'm sorry

Chapter 5

But why should he be the one have to say sorry to him? It's not his fault that he had to puke offensive words to the older. He deserves it. But,him scolding himself. He keeps on saying that Yoongi's doesn't deserve does words on what he said. He was just carried away by his feelings, he didn't think further more before shouting.


( NO :( )

;) Enjoy

He sighs thinking to himself, sitting on the couch.

"He is still dumb,that he never fails to make me pissed off." He gritted his teeth and close his eyes thinking of the man.

He opens them quickly as he upon hears the echo of the doorbell. He stands up having a sly smile on as he unlocks the door.

"Welcome back home Yoongi. You're early." He forced a smile as when Yoongi just gave him a cold shoulder and walk away.

He sighs,"rude." He looks both of his hands, forming them into a tight grip.

Hoseok went to the hallway seeing Yoongi checking himself out in the mirror, his face changing into an expressionless one seeing the younger. Right time to ruined his mood.

"So how was work?" He dourly says as Yoongi sighs.

"Just like always." And so he walks away leaving Hoseok all alone again.

He can never answer me properly huh?

Hoseok shook his head in discouragement. Same like the other days but more frigid and sharp.



"Hmm?" Yoongi didn't even spare a single glance at him as if he was just a statue in the room.

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