❦︎Chapter 3: " I'm Hoseok Min his husband"

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"HE WHAT!?" Namjoon and Jimin shouted in unison making Hoseok cover his ears on how loud it was.

Cold Husband
A Sope Fanfiction

Yoongi left for work an hour ago leaving Hoseok with no words again. Him being upset and sh¡t wanted to rant on what was happening to him to his friends and so decided to Skype with them.

"Yes... it's all true." He said softly making the MiniMoni duo pity him.

Chapter 3
"I'm Hoseok Min his husband"

"That's.. awful Hoseok. I've never of him thought of the point of how far that Yoongi 'guy' would be. He is a definition of a cruel person Hoseok. Not to be rude but why would your mother agree to this deal. IT'S NOT EVEN WORKING!"

Enjoy ;)

"I agree with Namjoon. Hoseok you know you could divorce him now. He doesn't even want you and clearly said to himself at his sleep he'll divorce you to be with that Husen?Is that his name? Who cares whatever his name is. What I am saying is that don't push yourself to hard further to the relationship between you two." Jimin spoke with the with-the-matter-of-fact tone in his voice.

"I wish it would be that easy but I'm also considering about my mother and sister-"

"Hoseok." Namjoon interrupted. "I know your concern about them too but it's not them who will decide the fate of you and him. It's you who will be the one who will intervene to this whole situation. Whether or not, you had the choice to not agree with this but you chose to say yes and it's partly your fault to be suffering right now. I'm not pointing fingers at you but it's the truth. You chose this to happen and that's the price of the outcome and you have to deal with it." He finishes his words as he sips his slurpee, Jimin just nodding at him,made it obvious which side he is and it's Namjoon's.

"I know I made the wrong choice-ish.. but there's a hope right?" Hoseok answered back leaving the two to sigh.

"In this new generation there are some relationships that are not even real or doesn't even last long or even cheating with someone else.Hoseok, wake up from your senses and realise what you are in now." Jimin replied with a seriousness in his voice.

"You can't just say "there is hope" because at the end maybe your wrong. Don't cope up too much deeper to the relationship because between you two you'll be the one end up heart broken while him is enjoying his luxurious joyful life with that I don't know his name boyfriend. Do you want that to happen?"

Hoseok sits back as he huffs and shook his head at Jimin's words,"No of course it just that maybe our relationship between us two could maybe work out. Well, I mean it's still one month there is a chance!"

"Whatever makes you sleep at night then and don't come up ranting and crying out to us about you and short guy alright?" Namjoon responds.

To make the older happy and chirped up the MiniMoni duo decided to talk about random craps and sh¡ts leaving Hoseok to crack and giggle. As long as their hyung is happy their happy.

"Hey Hoseok maybe how about you try visiting him for once? You haven't been coming out of the house after the marriage and you look like he isolated you there and just comes out to shop for things or buy and stock for groceries." Namjoon started, hoping Hoseok would listen to him afterwards.

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