❦︎Chapter 30: Truth

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Sooyoung doesn't understand his cousin, neither does the whole marriage situation between him and Hoseok.

It's irritating to think of it. Rather than trying to remove the thought out of her head it just continues to circle around her mind making her more agitated than she's normally be.

She stops at her tracks seeing a familiar looking man infront of her.


The man slowly turns around after hearing his name being called out, smiling after seeing Min Sooyoung he was expecting to see.


Cold Husband
A Sope Fanfiction.

Sooyoung ran to hug him as Jimin returns the gesture.

"It's been so long since I've last heard from you. I thought you decided to ran away from us." Jimin laughed at her words.

"I was so busy at work that I couldn't fine the time to contact you and Hoseok. You know, gotta have to earn money for living."

"Where's Namjoon?"

The mention of his name made the man go quiet, his expression has changed. Sooyoung caught on at his seldom expression, quickly realizing there's a problem with them.

"Me and Namjoon... we broke up..."

Sooyoung never expected that Jimin and Namjoon would ever break up with each other. Knowing how much these two were madly in love with each other, it was too surprising to ones ears.

Chapter 30

"W,what? Excuse me? It wasn't that long since you guys dated...what happened?"

Instead of breaking down,Jimin awkwardly smiles at her. Sooyoung clearly sees his eyes watering.

"Just... simple reasons?" Jimin shrugs while sheepishly smiling as Sooyoung sighs at him.

"For God sake, Park Jimin.  What happened?"

Jimin grumbles, he breathes in and out to control himself from suddenly acting stupid infront of Sooyoung.

"We—"  He looks up, slowly opening his eyes but before he can continue his sentence someone from behind Sooyoung had stop him from doing so.

Sooyoung tilts her head slightly confused as to why Jimin suddenly stopped speaking, looking speechless for some reason.

"Jimin?" She herself turns around seeing no other than Kim Namjoon.

Oh my... What the fuck is this situation!?

"N,Namjoon!" Sooyoung scratches her forehead aggressively. Today is another rough day for her.

"O,Oh... Sooyoung... It's been so long..." Namjoon averted his eyes after making eye contact with the man beside Sooyoung." And you too, Jimin..."


Sooyoung's mouth was now formed into a straight line. She couldn't handle this tension happening. It was too quiet... too awkward.

Chapter 30

I can't handle this anymore. From Hoseok and Yoongi to Uncle's death and now... to this!?

Sooyoung had finally decided to break the silence before the air between the three them gets thicker and colder.

"Enough of this already! I can't handle another drama!" She grabs Namjoon's and Jimin's hand dragging them with her. "Let's go to Hoseok already before he breaks..."

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