🔔Chapter 22: Peace

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[will contain fluff]

After what had happened last time. Hoseok decided to go back living with his husband again. He wanted to fulfill his father's wishes of him finally getting along with Yoongi since he's married with him after all.

He gave Yoongi another chance after his break-up with Sehun and telling him the reasons why he acted like that to him. Which he understands, that's how much of a forgivable person Hoseok was.

Despite the fact that he didn't want to forgive him. He still did.

The moment he feels like to give up at their relationship, he remembered all the reasons why he chose to stay.

For the past two months Min Yoongi spent his time keeping up with his husband. Grinning at him, being nice to him, randomly giving presents, spending some time alone dating during weekends (which sometimes gets cancelled because of the older's meetings and schedules).

Hoseok, was beyond baffled the change of the older to him. It feels unusual being greeted back. It feeld unusual someone telling you "I'm back!" from his work. It feels unusual seeing this durastic change of the older to him.

It felt so... unreal.

Living like a new life.

being an egg. Associated with new life, birth, fertility, resurrection and the potential for growth.

But the thing is... Yoongi never showed physical affection, kisses or even saying "I love you" to him, yet. And he isn't sure if the older would actually do those things to him.

He felt joyful from the new way his husband was acting to him but he feels empty at the same time. The way his heart doesn't really flutter that much around Yoongi anymore. The way like he doesn't want to be with him anymore despite-


You still love him.

Why does my thoughts hurts more than reality?

Cold Husband
A Sope Fanfiction

About Mr. Jung... well... he' still at the hospital. At this point, he's getting weaker and weaker. Last time, Yeona ( Mrs. Jung ) sees him collapse at the ground.

And decided to just let him stay at the hospital until he gets better.

Min Yoongi, being the one paying and supplying the needs of his father-in-law.

The older hasn't spoken to his family for a couple of months except his younger half-brother, Daeshim. From what he has been hearing his parents has been quite fighting a lot because of his mother.

If only father didn't make a mistake that night...

...if he didn't actually made a mistake that night I wouldn't have a wonderful younger brother...

His mind is all rumbled.

You never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have.

Yoongi needs to stay strong for Daeshim. And for his husband.

All the couple want was peace for at least one day.

Chapter 22

The two became quite a bit close. Not as close as you would think but they manage to be sort of close due to Yoongi stop being a cold husband.

Cold Husband | SopeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon