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New Years Eve. Typically a time of celebration but there would be no parties in the wizarding community this year. The fear of the Dark Lord had become too great. Little did the wizarding public know, the Order had destroyed the Dark Lord. He would be in hiding for at least ten years, at least that's what Dumbledore was predicting.

But for now, no one was to leave their homes under official guidance of the Ministry. Soon, once they were sure He was gone, they would notify the Ministry and the public. Until then, they would celebrate in their homes best they could.

"It's so depressing having New Years without being able to drink," Maeve complained.

Remus handed her another champagne flute filled with apple juice, "Only...five months or so left?"

"Yeah, something like that," she shrugged.

"Are you guys actually ever gonna go to the hospital to like...see the doctor about it?" Sirius asked from the kitchen.

"What's the point? We already know I'm pregnant, what more is there?" Maeve asked.

"Well the hospital can tell you if the baby's healthy?"

"And a magical hospital could tell us if the babies a werewolf or not," Remus said.

The couple exchanged a look before shaking their heads, "nope, not doing that."

"But wouldn't it be better if you knew?" Sirius asked.

"It would just make us worry about it more," Maeve said.

"I just don't want something to happen and for you guys to...regret your decision."

"It'll be fine, mater," Remus said, clapping a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, it's nearly 1981, let's celebrate!"

They just didn't realise how much there was to actually celebrate. How different things could have been in 1981, the people that could have died. They didn't realise any of it, but maybe it was better that way.

"Here's to us, and the New Year!"

Later on they received a letter from James and Lily.

Dear all,

Hoping you are well. It's Harry's first New Year's Eve but he's already asleep (and James keeps calling him a wimp for it, even though he's only five months old).

We miss you all loads! Can't wait to see you ASAP. Remus, make sure Maeve isn't drinking.

Love you all lots, and Happy New Year!

The Potters

"That's sweet," Sirius said, taking the letter from Maeve and re-reading it. "I miss them."

"It's only been two weeks, mate."

"Well I think I'm getting withdrawal symptoms, okay?!" He exclaimed, making them laugh. "If I don't get enough James I can't cope..."

Maeve snorted, "you're so dramatic."

"It's part of my charm," he said before yawning and stretching. "What's the time?"

Remus checked his watch, "eleven."

"Really? Why am I so tired?"

"Because you're getting old," Maeve teased, poking his cheek dimple.

"You're older than me," he nudged her.

"I'm ageless, I don't know what you're talking about," she said with a grin.

"Want another beer, Sirius?" Remus asked, getting up from the sofa. "A cigarette?"

"Well now you're just mocking me," Maeve said.

⚯͛ Unfortunate - Remus Lupin ⚯͛Where stories live. Discover now