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"Why is your cousin crying?" James asked Sirius, looking over at Narcissa Black who was sobbing into Regulus' shoulder.

"Maybe her arranged marriage fell through," Sirius snorted.

"God, all the Slytherins look awful," Lily said.

"We already knew that," James said.

"No, I mean look at them, they look as if something really bad has happened. As if someone's shot their dog or something."

"Shot?" James asked.

"You haven't heard of a gun before?" Sirius laughed at the uncultured boy.

"Isn't that a muggle thing? Is that we they use to speak to each other?" James asked.

"Oh Merlin," Sirius threw his head back and let out a bark of laughter.

"You're so stupid, it's adorable," Lily teased.

Remus looked over to the Slytherin table, "Hey, where's Maeve?"

"Is she not there?" Lily asked, looking over at the table.

"She's probably already left for her dorm, I think I saw her go actually," Peter said quickly.

"Oh, okay," Remus said, shrugging, "I guess I'll see her tomorrow then. Weird, though, she hardly wrote to me over the holiday."

"I hope she's alright," Marlene said.

"Maybe she's ill?" Alice suggested.

"Maybe she's pregnant," James joked.

"Shut up," Remus shoved the boy with a laugh.

"Nah, you used the protection spell, didn't you?" Sirius asked with a laugh.

"Come on Sirius, they probably haven't-" Marlene began.

"Yeah, I used the spell," Remus said, going slightly pink.

"Remus Lupin!" Lily shrieked, hitting his shoulder.

Marlene let out a shocked laugh whilst Sirius grinned stupidly and James facepalmed.

"We've been dating for two years, what did you expect?" Remus laughed.

"I can't believe you," Lily said, jokingly shaking her head.

"Sex isn't a bad thing! Although it might be for you if you do it with James," Remus said.

"OI!" James yelled, before muttering grumpily, "I resent that."

They all laughed, apart from Lily who now looked very red in the face.

"So," Lily clapped her hands, desperate to try to change the subject, "Everyone excited for NEWTs?"

They all groaned.

"Why'd you have to bring that up, Lils?" Alice whined.

"Oh Merlin, I haven't even started revising," Peter squeaked.

"I can help you if you want, Pete, I have lots of transfiguration work to do anyway, do you wanna study together tomorrow?" Remus asked.

"Oh, that would be good, thanks, Remus," Peter said, smiling but not meeting the boy's eyes.


"Oh, can I get in on that action?" Sirius asked, "Just MgGonagall's set us so much work and even though my work ethic is good-"

Everyone laughed.

"I wasn't joking," Sirius said, pouting.

"Are you sure? It sounded like it," Marlene said teasingly.

⚯͛ Unfortunate - Remus Lupin ⚯͛Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin