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"I wanna get another tattoo," Maeve said, looking at herself thoughtfully in the bathroom mirror, "maybe something on my wrist...or maybe my ribcage I'm not sure."

"Seriously? But they hurt?" Cissa said, "I don't know why you'd ever willingly get one."

"But Cis, we did that," Liz said, looking up from her charms text book as she sat on her bed.

"Yeah, but that's different. Think about how much choice we actually had with that," Cissa defended.

Liz thought for a second, before muttering a "fair."

"What would you get, Mae?" Cissa asked as Maeve walked back into the room and sat onto her bed.

"Well," she began to braid her hair, "I'm not too sure. Hey, maybe I should get Sofia, and she could run around me for the rest of my life."

She was joking, but her narcissistic grey cat leaped onto her lap as if in agreement. Maeve looked up with a raised eyebrow to Cissa, as if beginning to consider it.

"You're gonna get a cat?" Cissa asked.

"No," Maeve kissed the grey ball of fluff sitting on her lap, "I'm gonna get Sofia."

"Wow," Cissa giggled.

"When are you gonna get this? I might come with," Liz mentioned.

"Oh cool, well I'm not sure," Maeve shrugged, "maybe in the christmas holidays?"

"What would you get, Liz?" Cissa asked, brushing her long hair.

"I don't know, something badass," She smirked, "definitely not a cat."

"Hey, Sofia is more badass then you'll ever be," Maeve said jokingly.

Sofia meowed as if in agreement.

"Hey, you guys excited for the next meeting? I'm buzzing. Seeing an actual muggle get killed? It's gonna be so fun," Liz flopped back happily on her bed.

Maeve locked eyes with Cissa. Time to put their acting skills to the test.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to it. Wonder how it'll sound when it screams," Maeve laughed slightly.

"Awh yes," Liz laughed, nodding in approval, "what about you, Cis?"

"Yes. Screaming. Fun," She said almost despondently.

Maeve gave her a hard look. It's really not that hard to sound excited about someone being murdered, come on Cissa.

"You don't sound too enthusiastic," Liz laughed.


"I am! I guess I'm just tired right now, but I am looking forward to it. It's gonna be so funny," Cissa recovered.


Maeve checked the time: 10:40. She had to go meet Remus in the kitchens in 5 minutes.

Being in a secret relationship was really difficult, especially the late nights - Maeve honesty just wanted to sleep.

"I'm gonna go to the kitchens, I don't think I ate enough at dinner," Maeve said, "All those mudbloods around us made me lose my appetite."

Liz snorted at the last comment, and waved a goodbye. Maeve shot a final look to Cissa, as if to say don't say anything stupid, before leaving the dorm room.

She walked quietly but quickly down the stairs and through the common room, being careful not to catch someone's eye or draw too much attention to herself.

But when she got out of the portrait, Remus was standing there waiting, an anxious expression twisted on his face. Why was he here?

"We have a situation."

After those words left his mouth a feeling of dread flooded into Maeve's chest. Her stomach tightened and it seemed as if her breathing had stopped altogether.

"What's going on?" She asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

"You know we got that muggle to take our picture on the pier in Brighton when we visited in the summer?"


She could already sense where this was heading.

"Well...Peter saw it."

"Okay," Was all she could say, her heart feeling as if it was stuck in her throat, "what did he do?"

"Nothing. He's sworn to secrecy," Remus nodded, as if trying to convince himself as well as her.

"Do you trust him?"

He hesitated.

"Yes, I do."

"You're not sure though, are you? Fuck. Remus. This could get me killed."

Her breathing became shallower and she felt tears prick her eyes. No. This couldn't happen. Not now. He can't tell anyone. She can't die.

"Shh it's okay," He pulled her to his chest, obviously not caring that anyone could leave the Slytherin common room and see them, "it'll all be okay."

"But what if it won't. What if he tells someone?" Maeve asked in panic, "I feel sick."

"It's okay," Was all he could say, and hug her once more, "I won't let anything happen. Trust me, if you can't trust him then please try to trust me."

"I do," She said, now in tears, "Can we go somewhere?"

"Come on," He took her hand.

They quickly went on the walk to their spot next to the library, desperate to find somewhere to escape the paranoia of anyone else seeing them.

When they went through the wall they ran up the stairs, before both collapsing onto the window sill at the top.

As soon as she sat down, Maeve began to cry.

"Hey hey hey," He put his arm around her, "Why are you crying?"

"I don't want to lose you," She said through tears, "I can't."

"You won't."

"Promise?" She said, suddenly feeling very small.

"I promise...Maeve?"

She pulled away, her big green eyes shining sadly at him.


"I...love you."

She began to cry again, but this time a huge smile on her face.

He began to panic, thinking he'd done something wrong, "I'm sorry, it's not the right time I know-"

"I love you too, you idiot."

She loved him.

⚯͛ Unfortunate - Remus Lupin ⚯͛Where stories live. Discover now