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"Pass the blueberries."

"You're addicted, Reg."

"I gotsta have my bloobs, just got to," He shrugged.

"You're so weird," Liz snorted, passing him the blueberries.

"Shut up," He stuck out his tongue.

Maeve ate her own breakfast quickly, as she was going to visit Remus after she had eaten as it had been a full moon the night before and he would be in the hospital wing. Now Sirius knew about them, it would be less dangerous for her to visit.

Speak of the devil, Sirius had appeared at the Great Hall doors, seemingly scanning the hall for someone. Was he limping?


When his eyes landed on her own, he widened his and gestured slightly with his head before walking away from the entrance again.

Very odd.

She collected her stuff up, "Have to go to the toilet before class, see you losers at transfiguration."

Following Sirius out the doors, she spotted him leaning on the wall waiting for her.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

"Yes...well no. It was a rough one last night, Remus really fucked himself up. James and Pete have left the hospital wing so I thought I would come and get you," He said, leading her down the hall towards the hospital wing.

"Oh Merlin, what happened?" She asked, feeling terribly nervous all of a sudden.

"Nothing he can't handle, he's strong," Sirius reassured her.


"I promise it will be alright, he will be alright. Okay?" Sirius comforted, "Just come see him, it will make him feel the world better, I'm sure."

"Okay. Thank you for getting me, Sirius, I was going to visit him any way, but...I'm glad I'm a bit prepared now," She said, shooting an anxious smile at him.

"Of course, you're welcome," He nodded, "Remus is my best mate, so by default you are too now."

"Good logic," Maeve laughed.

"Thanks," He snorted, before sobering up, "Ah, we're here."

They walked through the doors. Remus was laying in one of the beds, his eyes shut. Maeve tried not to wince seeing him there.

She saw his left forearm and hand heavily bandaged up, and saw a prominent closed up cut going down from his jaw to below his shirt. From under his shirt it also seemed his torso had been bandaged up. His eyes were shut.

He was so pale.

"Remus?" She whispered, coming to sit beside him on a small chair by the bed.

His eyes slowly opened and he looked to her for a second, before cracking a stupid smile. That smile she loved so much.

"Hello there," He greeted, his voice hoarse but his tone optimistic.

She reached out to hold his hand that hadn't been bandaged, "How are you feeling? Are you in pain?"

"I'm fine, love, Madam Pomfrey fixed me up good and proper," He said, lifting her hand up to his lips to press a kiss to it.

"How are you so...happy?" She said, laughing tearfully.

"This happens every month," He said, before adding, "To be fair, it's never normally this bad, but I have had worse."

"Okay," She said, a tear slipping down her face which she quickly wiped away, "Woops."

⚯͛ Unfortunate - Remus Lupin ⚯͛Where stories live. Discover now