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"Hey, will you be okay to go to the Order meeting today?" Remus asked as he came in to their bedroom the following morning with a glass of water for Maeve.

"Oh yeah, that," she groaned and took the water from him, "I don't think so. I feel too sick, I can barely walk without being dizzy."

"Yeah, you definitely got a concussion," he said lowly, nodding.

"Just tell them I'm not feeling well," she said, taking a sip of water.

"Okay," he said, "although Sirius will know what's really going on."

"If Sirius knows what's good for him he'll keep his mouth shut," she said strongly, "I understand that although what you did was shit, you feel awful about it and it was the cause of a lack of impulse control from the wolfsbane. The others wouldn't get it."

"Don't give me an excuse though, okay? I don't deserve a pass or anything-"

"Babe, it's okay," she stroked his cheek comfortingly with the back of her finger.

"It's not."

"Well it will be."


He got up and walked to the bathroom to have a shower before going to the meeting. After Maeve watched him go she closed her eyes, trying to shut off her busy mind that was buzzing about the day before, what had happened.

≿ ———————— ❈ ———————— ≾

When Remus got back from the meeting some three hours later, Maeve was sitting on the sofa, wrapped up in blankets with a big glass of water cupped in her hands. She looked to him happily, but her face fell when she saw his expression.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I..." he sighed and shook his head, making his way over to sit next to Maeve on the sofa, before saying, "Fabian and Gideon are dead."

"Wha...what?" Maeve breathed, shifting closer to him, "how?"

"They were ambushed by some death-eaters a couple of days ago, Dumbledore gave us the news today," Remus told her.


She didn't know what else she could say. What was there to say? The news that the twins, those two men that she had grown so fond of, the ones that were so cheerful and full of life, so kind...had died.

No, died was too peaceful a word. Their lives had been stolen, there was no better way to put it.

Remus said nothing but watched her face, before opening his arm out to her. She relaxed into him, and they held each other for a bit, as if doing that was the only thing that could keep them going.

After a while Remus spoke up again, in a whisper, "the funeral is on Thursday. Every member of the Order is invited."

"Okay," she mumbled back.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Things had been put into perspective a bit.

≿ ———————— ❈ ———————— ≾

Maeve smoothed down the skirt of her black dress and walked to the front door where Remus was waiting patiently.

"Ready?" He asked.

She nodded, and took his arm.

⚯͛ Unfortunate - Remus Lupin ⚯͛Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum