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"Just listen to the beautiful sounds of a muggle in pain, really listen," He said, flicking his wand once more.

The muggle held by tight ropes above the table convulsed violently as another cruciatus curse was sent his way. It was as if he wasn't human anymore. As if he was a toy, a mere form of entertainment for the Dark Lord to enjoy.

Maeve couldn't watch. But the sounds were enough.

"Who wants to finish him off?" The Dark Lord asked, the casual expression on his face was as if he had just asked how you like your steak.

She lifted her eyes to scan the room, a couple of death-eaters seemed enthralled by the idea and nodded eagerly at the Dark Lord. Maeve did not move.



"Who should I pick?"

Thank Merlin.

She looked at her options, but finally went for "Yaxley looks very willing, My Lord. I would go for him."

"Good, Thank you. Proceed then, Yaxley," The Dark Lord ordered, a small smile spread across his thin lips.

At least she didn't have to do it. Not yet.

"Thank you, Iverson, My Lord," Yaxley stood proudly, raising his wand strongly...

"Avada Kedavra."

≿ ———————— ❈ ———————— ≾

The next day Maeve felt numb. As if she was ready to just give up, go to the Dark Lord and say sorry, this just isn't for me.

But then she'd die.

Maybe that would be okay.

No, it wouldn't. She has Remus. He's enough to live for.

"I'm so glad it's Hogsmeade day today, I feel like we need this," Cissa giggled, seemingly not as affected from the night before as Maeve was.

They strolled down the road towards the carriages in a silence that felt safe and comfortable.

That was, until they saw the thestrals.

"Thestrals," Barty said softly, "I've never seen one before."

They were strange things. Horse-like, but also not at all like a horse. They were these dark and skeletal creatures with ghostly white eyes and leathery black wings resting beside them.

They were haunting.

"They're invisible except to those who have seen death," Snape recited, "is that us now?"

"Well we were all at the meeting yesterday so, yes, that is us," Maeve said monotonously.

"But it was only a muggle," Liz said.

Maeve just looked at her blankly - not wanting to show her how absolutely infuriating that statement was - and climbed up onto the carriage.

Barty followed her, and for once as he sat next to her she was glad to feel his arm around her. They both knew that they needed the comfort, that they needed to feel safe.

On their carriage ride Maeve thought about how she could escape the Dark Lord...was there any way that she could leave without being killed?

Being able to see the thestrals, to be reminded of what they represent in her life, was the last straw for her.

Albus Dumbledore was renowned as being the only wizard Voldemort was afraid of. Maybe afraid is the wrong word, but the Dark Lord was wise enough to know that Dumbledore was just too powerful to be challenged. Perhaps Maeve could confide in him, then? Perhaps. She'd think about it.

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