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"Where do we sit?"

"Over here!"

The group, in their best robes, found a row of free seats on top of the grass by the black lake. Around the back were friends and family chattering excitedly. The Graduation Ceremony was supposed to start in ten minutes.

"Guys, save our seats," Remus asked the group, before grabbing Maeve's hand, "Come with me, I have some people I'd like you to meet."

"What?" She asked as he dragged her along.

And then she caught sight of a man and a woman. The woman had light brown hair and beautiful blue eyes, the same eyes as Remus. The man had darker brown hair and dark eyes, but he was about the same height as Remus and he had the same build...even the same face structure.

Remus let go of Maeve's hand momentarily to greet them, hugging his Dad and kissing his Mum on the cheek. He then turned again and gestured Maeve to come next to him. She did, smiling nervously at them.

"Mum, Dad, this is Maeve. Maeve, these are my parents."

"Call me Lyall," His Dad nodded with a similar lop-sided grin to Remus.

"It's nice to meet you," Maeve shook his Dad's hand, before his Mum pulled her into a hug, "Oh, thank you, Mrs Lupin."

"Call me Hope. We've heard a lot about you," His Mum pulled away, smiling warmly at her,

"Alright, Mum," Remus laughed, pulling Maeve away gently by the hand.

"All good things, I hope?" Maeve said, looking at Remus teasingly.

"All great things, recently he hasn't gotten through a letter without mentioning you," Lyall said.

"Okay, enough, Dad," Remus said, chuckling nervously.

"He's not lying, dear," Hope said in her soft, welsh accent, an amused sparkle in her eye that Maeve found very familiar.

"Could everyone please take their seats, the ceremony is about to begin!" They heard Professor MgGonagall call from the front.

"Well, it was lovely meeting you," Maeve nodded, smiling pleasantly at Hope and Lyall.

"You too, dear," Hope smiled, patting the girl on the shoulder kindly.

"We'll be seeing you soon," Lyall nodded.

"Bye, guys, love you," Remus said before he and Maeve walked back to their seats.

"That went well," Maeve whispered to Remus.

"Yeah, it did," Remus said as they sat, grinning at her, "They seemed to like you."

"Yes, well I am very likable," Maeve joked.

"You are," He told her with a nudge.

"Hello all, students, friends and family. We are gathered here today to celebrate the graduation of the Hogwarts class of 1978," Dumbledore said, smiling broadly, "I believe that Professor MgGonagall wished to say some words."

MgGonagall nodded and stood stiffly from where she sat.

"Teaching this year group has been one of the most trying experiences of my entire career," She said, her eyes flickering over to the Marauders for a moment, her thin lips curled into a small smile, "But it has also been the most rewarding experience. I could never fault your hard work and drive as a collective, and I know you will all go on to do amazing things. I am proud of every one of you. Thank you."

She sat down, wiping her eyes with a small handkerchief.

"Thank you, Professor MgGonagall," Professor Dumbledore nodded, smiling warmly at the woman, "This year group will be missed, but I am sure this is not the last we'll be seeing of you. Congratulations on graduating!"

Everyone cheered. Maeve looked at Remus excitedly, gripping his hand tighter.

"The tradition of Hogwarts is to take the boats across the lake at the end of seventh year, as you did in first year. I guess the founders were nostalgic that way. So, if the seventh years would like to follow our own Rubeus Hagrid to the boats across the black lake, you will find the Hogwarts express waiting for you in Hogsmeade." Dumbledore told them, gesturing to the large groundskeeper who was standing bashfully in front of the boats on the lake, hands behind his back, bobbing up and down excitedly.

They got up, all exchanging looks full of nerves and excitement, the atmosphere electric. Sirius and James rushed over to a boat on the far side, Maeve and Remus following them. It was four to a boat, so they would be stuck with them for the journey, Maeve just hoped she could remain dry and that they wouldn't capsize them.

Remus helped Maeve into the boat before climbing in himself.

The boats began to glide slowly across the peaceful lake. Maeve felt a calm stillness within herself for a second as she looked at the castle they were leaving. The amount of memories that she had there.

She looked over to James who was furiously wiping at his eyes with the sleeves of his cloak, Sirius blinking determinedly to push back the tears, and she even saw Remus' eyes become slightly tearful. Softies. She smiled fondly at the boys. For boys she once couldn't stand, they had really grown on her.

"This is it," Remus said quietly.

"It was a good seven years," Sirius said, nodding.

"That's an understatement," James said with a chuckle.

"It was the best seven years," Remus said.

"And now what?" Maeve asked softly, not pulling her focus away from the castle getting smaller and smaller.

She caught Lily's eye, who was also crying, but smiling at her all the same. Lily levitated a spare handkerchief from her pocket over to their boat, landing in James' lap. He nodded gratefully at her, before going to cry into the handkerchief.

Maeve grinned at the adorable exchange, and leaned into Remus a bit more. She could always count on finding comfort in being close to him. He put his arm around her and stroked her arm soothingly as they watched the silhouette of the castle become
smaller and smaller until it could be mistaken for a mere tree in the distance.

"This is only the beginning, lads," Remus told them.

"The beginning of what?" James blubbered into the handkerchief.

"The rest of our lives."

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