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On the train ride back to school, Maeve couldn't help but smile stupidly, staring out the window, she even started humming at one point! Her friends found it very unusual. Fortunately, Barty was not sitting with them. Thank fuck.

"Is anyone else really creeped about by how happy Maeve is right now?" Liz asked.

"Yes, it's...suspicious," Reg said.

"Who did you kill?" Dahlia asked her.

"No one!" Maeve laughed, still smiling, "I'm going to the loo, you can discuss why I'm so happy after I've gone."

She left the compartment, all of their eyes still on her.

Walking down the corridor she had a bounce in her step, even other students were noticing the strangeness. But she did not care, she was in love.

Remus was in a similar position. He couldn't wipe the smile off his face, even if he tried.

"Hey, Moony...anyone in there?"

He blinked at James who was looking at him oddly.

"Sorry, what did I miss?" He asked.

"Something's up with you," James sat back, stroking his chin as if he had a beard, "What is it? What did you do over the holiday that could cause...well, this."

"What?" Remus asked, looking out the window.

"He's right, Remus. You're all smiley and daydreamy...it's like you're high or something," Sirius snorted, before realising, "Oh...OH."

"What? What is it?" James asked.

"I'm so confused," Peter squeaked.

"You've figured it out?" Remus asked Sirius amusedly.

"What is it?!" James asked again, louder.

"He had sex!" Sirius announced.

"Well don't say it like that," Remus said.

"Like what?"

"As if I've just won an award," Remus laughed, "It's just sex."


"Calm down, James," Sirius chuckled.

"Our little boy is all grown up," James said dramatically, wiping away a fake tear.

"Wait, so Remus had sex?" Peter asked.

"Yes, Pete, keep up," James said with a now cheerful grin, slinging a happy arm round his friends shoulder, "Honestly, mate, I'm chuffed for you."

"Thanks, Prongs," Remus said with a grin.

"So, who was it?" James said, "Did she have big-"

"Woh-kay!" Sirius covered James' mouth quickly, "What James was trying to say was that you don't have to tell us who it is, but we are very happy for you."

"Thanks, Sirius."

And he meant it, because Sirius was lying to James for him, and that meant a lot.

≿ ———————— ❈ ———————— ≾

When Maeve came back into the compartment from the toilet she could feel the atmosphere had changed since she had left. It was strange. It felt tense, as if everyone was struggling to keep it together. What had happened that could cause a change in mood so drastic?

"What's going on?" Maeve asked, sitting down between Regulus and Cissa.

"Well, we know you don't approve of gossip..." Liz started, "But we have all just heard some that you might find a bit interesting."

"Oh, really?" Maeve asked, quirking an eyebrow.

Cissa gripped her hand for a second, which made Maeve's heart plummet...how bad was this gossip?

"We've just heard that the Dark Lord has a Gryffindor working for him," Cissa told her, her wide eyes obviously trying to communicate with her.

Well, it definitely was not Remus, that's for sure. Who else could it be?

"Maybe it's a seventh year that we haven't heard of? Gryffindors are pretty forgettable, after all," Maeve said with a shrug.

Who could it be?? Maeve knew everyone. No one obvious came to mind, which was scary because it was someone who was very good at blending in - that's the worse type of villian, the sheep turned backstabber.

"That's true," Dahlia said with a small giggle, "It is strange though, don't you think? I mean...a Gryffindor of all people?!"

"He obviously has a reason for it, I think we should just trust him," Severus said wisely, "I know I do."

"So do I," Maeve lied.

"Imagine if it was someone like Pettigrew," Liz snorted with laughter.

"Don't be stupid, Liz," Regulus chuckled, "I will never understand why my brother ever befriended that...cretin."

"Cretin?" Maeve asked.

"For lack of a better word," Regulus waved his hand dismissively, the trace of a smile on his face, "But seriously, have you ever talked to Pettigrew? It is not a pleasant experience, that's for certain."

"He's such a creep too, proper slimeball," Dahlia said, scrunching up her nose in disgust.

"Now now, everyone, let's not be mean," Maeve said, before realising they were looking at her strangely, "Not behind his back, I mean. Why waste all these insults on something he won't even be hurt by?"

Nice save...it did not feel good, though.

"Too right," Liz high-fived her.

Cissa squeezed Maeve's knee comfortingly.

Cissa was the only person in that compartment who understood Maeve, and it was a shame that Maeve couldn't help her escape too. She just hoped her friend would find the happiness that Maeve never could.

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