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Albus Dumbledore had blue eyes. But they were more than that. The light shined in them playfully, never seeming to dim even for a second. They were humorous and kind. Maeve felt comfortable, even thought he had been looking at her for an unusually long time.

He was probably trying to see if she was being truthful. Which she was.

"Alright," He said finally, "I believe you. I have been aware of Voldemort's uprising for a long time, but I never thought he would get my own students to serve him...are there others from Hogwarts involved?"

"Yes, sir, but they are all...seemingly...happy serving him. None of them know I'm here."

"You seem to be a very skilled occlumens," Dumbledore said.

"Oh," Maeve felt herself go slightly pink, "I am, sir, I taught myself so as to hide my thoughts from the Dark Lord."

"That is very smart of you," Dumbledore said, a hint of suspicion still in his voice, "Miss Iverson, I assume you made an unbreakable vow when you were first initiated as a death eater. What were the specifics of this unbreakable vow?"

"To be loyal to the Dark Lord, and if I was to ever stop serving him or betray him then I consent to my torture and death, by him or one of my other death eaters...oh."

"Yes, oh indeed," Dumbledore said, sitting down at his desk and rubbing his temple, "Curious as to why he included those consequences, when breaking an unbreakable vow would kill you anyway."

"He's sick," Maeve said.


"Sir, please, is there any way we can reverse the unbreakable vow? I really don't want to die," She said, her eyes wide with desperation.

"There is a way," He said unsurely, "But it will take time. If you are willing to do it, I shall help you."

Her heart leapt. She had a chance, she knew it now.

"I am willing. Please, help me."

"Okay, I will be in touch once I am fully prepared. For now, I advise you to keep quiet about this, Miss Iverson. I ask you not to tell anyone, not even your good friend, Mr Lupin," Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

"How did you-"

"I know everything, Miss Iverson," Dumbledore smiled, "You are dismissed."

"Thank you sir," She bowed her head slightly, "I cannot tell you how grateful I am."

This was it. She couldn't see it before but now it was as clear as day:

She had a chance.

≿ ———————— ❈ ———————— ≾

"Do you think we'll have a Halloween ball this year?" Maeve asked Remus.

They were sitting on their window sill...well Remus was sitting on the window sill, Maeve was sitting on his lap.

"Merlin, I hope not," He laughed slightly.

"Really? I love it," She shrugged.

Remus sighed, "James and Sirius always come up with the most elaborate costumes and drag me and Peter into it as well. I always look ridiculous."

"Oh yes, I remember now," She chuckled, "You looked very cute in that lycra a couple years back."

Remus groaned, "James thought it would be funny to recreate muggle workout video outfits, you know when they're in the bright leotards and tight shorts..."

Maeve shook her head, "Obviously I don't know, but I can tell you you guys looked absolutely incredible."

"Shut up," He rolled his eyes at her as she bowed her head and laughed at him.

She lifted her eyes to look at him, a silent laugh still present on her lips. He was just looking back, not bothering to hide the fond smile that was on his face. She scrunched her nose (adorably) and looked down again in embarrassment, even his gaze made her feel flustered.

"Look at me," He said softly, she did.

He remained silent, looking at her still.

"What?" She asked in a hushed voice, "What, Remus?"

"You're just so beautiful."

His focused blue eyes, not leaving her own eyes, showed he was serious.

"No I'm not," She said, smiling like an idiot, not seeming to be able to conceal how happy she suddenly was.

"You are."

And he kissed her, gently, lovingly. When they pulled away, it was as if it was their first kiss all over again. She had never known that a kiss should feel like that until he came along.

She smiled at him again, a million words managing to be communicated between them in just one look.

And then he did something she never would have expected him to do.

Remus Lupin began to sing.

"I'm singing in the rain," He murmered the tune softly at first, his eyes still on her, "just singing in the rain."

"It's not raining," Maeve said, obviously a bit weirded out.

He pushed her off him gently and stood up.

"What a glooorius feeling, I'm happy again!!" He sang, getting louder this time, spreading his arms wide.

He held out his hand for her to take, which she did, laughing. He grabbed her other hand as well and started dancing badly with her. What an absolute idiot...she loved him so much. She couldn't help but laugh her rare but musical laugh along with his singing.

"I'm laughing at clouds, so daaark up above," He flung open the window to sing to the sky.

"Shhh Remus," She pulled him in, giggling ironically very loudly at him now, "someone could hear."

He put up his hands in apology, before pulling her really close to him.

"The sun's in my heart," He sang very quietly now, subdued, before asking, "And what am I?"

Maeve knew he wanted her to finish the last bit.

She really didn't want to.

But she did it, of course. She couldn't resist those eyes.

"Ready for love," She sang quietly, her green eyes bright.

And it was just them, at the top of that little staircase, surrounding by nothing but moonlight and discarded cigarettes. And it was perfect.

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