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"Hello, Miss Sofia, fancy seeing you here."

Maeve's cat strutted across her covers as Maeve laid in bed one night, now a couple of weeks in to the second term at school.

"I hope you liked the tattoo I got of you, but of course it will never be the same as you," Maeve said, stroking the cat gently.

Sofia cuddled into Maeve's side, curling into a ball and falling asleep. Strange, Maeve thought, Sofia never normally did that. Of course, she was an affection cat, but she liked to sleep at the foot of the bed and not right next to Maeve. But Maeve wasn't complaining. The new warmth in her side from her feline companion made her heart swell and brought a smile to her face. She was careful not to move so as to not disturb the cat, and just continued to stroke her gently.

In the morning, Maeve awoke to see Sofia padding away from a pile of sick on the floor. She groaned and pulled out her wand, muttering "Scourgify" to clean the mess up.

"What are you like, Sofia? What, too much food last night? Seems like your gaining a bit of weight round the tummy their too," She joked with a giggle too, before realising something, "Sofi, baby, can I see your stomach?"

Sofia, being a magical cat, was normally able to understand Maeve more than non-magical cats would. So, her breathing slightly laboured, she lowered herself to the floor and turned over. There it was.

She was pregnant.

"Sofia!" Maeve breathed.

The cat got up again, unbothered, licking herself, before padding away and out the room. Maeve quickly shaked Cissa awake to tell her the news, and they both squealed together.

After doing her own morning routine, Maeve went downstairs with her bag, ready to leave for an early breakfast. The common room was pretty empty, apart from a few early birds like herself.

On the way out she bumped into Barty. They both quickly apologised and Maeve began to walk away, trying to be near him as little as possible. She still had nightmares about that night.

"Wait! Maeve, can I talk to you? Please?"

She stopped, and turned around, slowly.

"You have 30 seconds."

They walked to the side of the common room, already making Maeve feel antsy, but she stayed.

"I want to apologise...for everything that happened that night. It wasn't right, I know that now. I'm really sorry," He said.

She looked at him for a second, unimpressed. Was that it? It had been two months, and that was it?

"Thank you for apologising," She said, he seemed to visibly relax so she added, "But I do not forgive you and we are definitely not friends. Okay?"

"Okay," Barty said quietly, looking down at his feet.

"Good day to you," And with that she walked out of the common room, immensely proud of herself.

≿ ———————— ❈ ———————— ≾

Remus and Maeve had decided they could invite Sirius to join them for their late night smoke up on their window sill. It was a big deal for them. First of all, that was THEIR place, no one else's. Second of all, they had never been able to act a couple around any one else, and since Sirius was the one of the only people who knew, they felt they could. They trusted him.

Maeve sat on the window sill, her legs dangling over the edge, drinking some coffee and fiddling with the new box of muggle cigarettes in her pocket.

"How did I never know this place was here?"

"I never realised either, so it's never been put on the map."

Maeve heard Sirius and Remus talk as they walked up the stairs. She took one last sip of her coffee before turning around and standing up.

"Hi," Remus said, pressing a quick kiss to her lips.

"Hey," She grinned at him, "Hey, Sirius. You alright?"

"Yeah...just can't believe I never knew about this place," He said.

"Come, sit down," She said, sitting back where she just was.

"Aren't you worried you'll fall?" Sirius asked.

"That's the fun in it," Remus patted his back, before sitting next to Maeve.


Sirius awkwardly climbed onto the window sill and sat down, unsure. He gripped the side as his feet dangled down.

"Don't be scared, mate," Remus turned to him, "Have a cigarette?"

"Yeah, that's what I need."

Maeve flicked open the box, handing it to Remus who handed one to Sirius before lighting it for him.

"You know what I want?" Maeve said as she took one for herself.

"What?" Sirius asked as Remus lit her cigarette.

She pulled it away from her lips with a sigh, "I want to get like...a whole sleeve of tattoos."

"Mmm me too," Sirius said, "Do you have a tattoo already? Apart from the, you know..."

"Yeah I have loads now," She said, grinning.

"Yeah she does," Remus said, sitting back with a smirk.

"Gross, man," Sirius laughed.

"They're just little ones for now. Remus has one too, I did it on him last summer," Maeve said, nudging him.

"Woh, really?" Sirius said, almost jumping in excitement, "Do you think you could tattoo me?"

"Of course! When I'm not a death-eater anymore, I want to be a tattoo artist -

Sirius was gaping at her, and Remus was shaking his head.

"You just told him you're not going to be a death-eater anymore, love," Remus told her.

"You're not?" Sirius asked.

"Ah, well...it's really very complicated, and it's really supposed to be confidential!" She said, before taking another drag of her cigarette.

"I won't blab, I promise, I'm not a blabber," He said, "Pinky promise?"

She laughed and linked her little finger with his.

"What are you guys, twelve?" Remus asked with a grin.

"Only when necessary," Sirius said, shooting a friendly wink at her.

And then Maeve and Remus began to explain what had been happening, and how Maeve - with the help of Professor Dumbledore - was going to be able to reverse the unbreakable vow she was forced to make when first initiated into the death-eaters.

"I never realised you could reverse an unbreakable vow," Sirius said, looking out thoughtfully, "This night is just blowing my mind."

And there they sat, laughing, smoking, talking. Being together. Maeve felt comfortable, content, happy. She was desperate to hold on to this feeling, but how long would it really last?

⚯͛ Unfortunate - Remus Lupin ⚯͛Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant