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"We're in here!"

Lily came rushing into the living room, enveloping him in a quick hug. She turned to Maeve who was laying on the sofa, Remus' shirt (now beginning to become soaked with her blood) pressed to her stomach. Her whole body was bruised and bloody, her leg was bending at an uncomfortable angle and she was unhealthily skinny and pale. But, at least she was safe now. She shot a painful smile towards Lily, reaching out her arms to get a hug too.

Lily kneeled beside her and pulled her into a hug, sighing.

"Shit, not too tight, Lils," She said, before breaking away and going into a coughing fit.

"Sorry, sorry," Lily pulled away.

The rest of the group were beginning to fill the room. Sirius rushed to Maeve's side, beside Lily and Remus.

Marlene hobbled in, supported by James, but apart from her, everyone seemed to be relatively alright.

Dumbledore walked in, and once he saw her he said, "She needs to get to the hospital wing."

"What did they do to you?" Sirius asked quietly.

"What didn't they do?" Maeve said, cracking a tired smile, "Well...we've got the broken leg, broken ribs from being thrown into a wall one too many times, beat up face, and Bellatrix got a bit trigger happy with a knife, too."

"Fucking hell," Marlene said, wiping sweat off her forehead.

"Also, the cruciatus curse, of course," Maeve said.

"They used that on you?" Lily gasped.

"Yeah, of course," Maeve said, as if it was obvious, "It's okay, I'm out now."

"Thank goodness," Remus held her hand, stroking comforting circles on it with his thumb.

They sat quietly for a moment, everyone resting after the tiring battle against the Death-Eaters, and of course, Lord Voldemort.

"Professor Dumbledore?"

"Yes, Maeve?" He looked down at her.

"What are the horcruxes?" She asked.

"The..." He seemed to falter for a moment, "I don't know...Well, I know that horcruxes exist, yes. Why?"

"Voldemort asked about them, constantly. He wanted me to tell him what we were planning," Maeve said.

"Curious, very curious," Dumbledore looked away.

They heard the front door open, and everyone looked at each other, warily grabbing their wands

"Guys! I heard what was going on so I came here to help!"

Peter fucking Pettigrew.

Everyone relaxed, apart from Maeve, of course.

She grabbed Remus' wand from his pocket, and stood up, with immense pain.

"Maeve, sit down!"

"Maeve, what are you-"

"It's him, he's the rat."

Peter walked in, but stepped back in shock when she saw her.

"How did you get out?" He asked.

"You bastard," She spat, stepping towards him, wincing.

"What's going on?" Dumbledore asked.

"He's been working for Voldemort. He told him everything about me, the Order, everything," Maeve said, her hand holding the wand shaking slightly.

⚯͛ Unfortunate - Remus Lupin ⚯͛Where stories live. Discover now