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Remus Lupin was happy. For the first time in his life, he felt like everything was going right. He had smashing friends, a beautiful girlfriend that completely understood him, his grades were high as ever, and his transformations were becoming easier to deal with, what with the help of potions and his mates. He was content with his life, and he was thankful.

This happiness all came crashing down when a flustered James Potter exploded into his dorm room one night. He had just been out looking for Sirius after his detention.


Remus snorted, why would he want to know that? Sirius was one of his best friends, but Remus knew he got around, and was often referred to as a 'fuckboy'...why was this late night snog any different to the other hundreds they'd caught him in?

"Can I guess?" Remus asked, "Might as well make it interesting."

"QUICK! I DON'T THINK I CAN HOLD IT IN MUCH LONGER!" James shrieked dramatically and threw himself onto his own bed, staring at the sky in the most furious bewilderment that Remus was beginning to worry who James had caught Sirius with.

"Umm...Marlene Mckinnon?" He asked.

"Nope, been there done that, remember."

"Fine, uh...Rita Skeeter? I feel like he's always had a thing for her," Remus shrugged.

"NOPE!" James almost squealed.

"Bertha Jorkins?"


"Emma Vanity?"


"Francis Lockhart?"

"Nopedy nope!"

"Oh my Merlin, was he snogging a bloke? Because if so, I called that and you owe me 5 galleons," Remus said knowingly.

"IT WASN'T A BLOKE!" James yelled, "Can I tell you now??"

"Fine, go ahead," Remus laughed.

James sat up and turned himself so he was facing Remus. He took a deep, dramatic breath, making Remus want to roll his eyes.

"It was Maeve Iverson."

And suddenly it felt like Remus' whole body had gone cold, as if he had just been thrown into the deep end of the black lake. His heart had plummeted and his stomach turned uncomfortably.

"Are you sure?" Remus laughed, trying to hide the sudden pain he felt.

"Yes! I mean, I wasn't at first. Let me explain."

And James explained about how he interrupted Sirius who was in the broom closet with some girl. After he had walked away from it he became too curious and decided to check the Marauders Map, the map they had created which could track anyone.

The map never lied.

"Wow, well that's just brilliant," Remus said, trying to appear as enthusiastic as he could, "we can properly take the piss out of padfoot now, can't believe this."

"He could have done anyone in the school, and he chooses Maeve Iverson!" James laughed in disbelief, "To be fair on him though, she is pretty fit."

"Merlin, James, you'd think you'd have standards," Remus laughed, trying not to physically wince at the pain in his chest...in his heart.

"I can't wait 'til Sirius gets back, holy SHIT!" James yelled excitedly, "This is the moment, I'm never gonna let him live this down."

Remus chuckled along with James, but on the inside he felt numb. How could she do this to him? After everything they'd been through, how could she?

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