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She started with his eyes. Regulus had the same grey-blue eyes as his brother. They were the kind of eyes that always knew more than you did. They were the kind of eyes that made you want to talk.

After the eyes she began to paint the contours of his face, the soft curves and the sharp angles that framed his face, that made him Regulus. He had these dimples that sat either side of his smile. He always hated them. Maeve enjoyed to poke them when they were younger, at the time it was hilarious, but now it just shot a pain through her chest to think about.

She stood in front of the canvas in their living room, the time passing by in a blur as she stared at the portrait of Regulus. He stared back, inanimate, still.

"Hey," Remus walked through the front door.

"Hey," she murmured back, not tearing her eyes from the canvas as she looked at her painting analytically.

"That's good," Remus commented.

"It's not done yet."

Remus put down the groceries on the kitchen table and began to pack them away. Maeve dipped her brush in the pot of water beside her before beginning to paint again.

Remus cleared his throat, "Coffee?"

"Yes, please," she flashed him an appreciative smile before turning back to her painting once more.

"Babe, are you okay?" Remus asked as he began to make the coffee.

"Of course, why?"

"Well...don't you think that painting him might trigger you?" Remus asked gently. "You're still grieving."

"It helps," Maeve said softly, looking at the painting.

"Are you sure? I don't want it to make you more upset-"

"It won't," Maeve put her paintbrush down and turned around, "I promise."

She walked towards him and he nodded, watching her, his eyes sad. Maeve had realised how empathetic of a person he was, and how when she was in pain he was in pain too.

"Come here," she walked into his arms and he hugged her back.

He buried his head into the crook of her neck for comfort, just taking her in. She rubbed his back.

"Screw coffee here," she murmured into him, "why don't we go out for coffee?"

"Yeah...okay," they pulled away, "oh and hey, remember we've got drinks tonight."

"What drinks?" She asked, going to the side to grab her jacket.

"Don't tell me you forgot..."

She raised an eyebrow, "I can't forget something you never told me."

"I...I swear I told you," he said.

"Baby you didn't," she said with a laugh. "Who's are we having drinks with?"

"Just our mates...James, Lily, Sirius, Frank and Alice," Remus said.

"Wow...I really can't believe you forgot to tell me!!"

≿ ———————— ❈ ———————— ≾

"A toast," James stood up, raising his glass of red currant rum, "to friends, to love, and to...um...really good alcohol...cheers!"

"Cheers!" Everyone repeated, laughing.

"You should have gone into politics, mate, honestly, you're a bloody good speaker," Sirius made fun of him with a smirk.

"Shut up," James nudged him with an equal smirk.

"This is good," Maeve murmured to Remus.

He laughed into his own drink, "How many have you had?"

"I've lost count..."

"You feel a buzz yet?" He asked.

"Ehh...it's there...it's not that major, but it's there," she shrugged, taking another sip of her firewhiskey.

"I'm so the opposite of you, I've only had a beer and a half and I'm already feeling a buzz."

"Which is weird because you should be the more alcohol-tolerant one," Maeve said.

"How come?"

"Because you're bigger...small people are normally more the lightweights, you know?" She said.

He nodded slowly, "Ohh yeah...is that really a thing?"

"Yep," she popped the 'p' before finishing the rest of her drink and standing up, "hey, I'm going to get a refill...anyone want anything?"

"Wait, um, before you go," Alice put her hand up so Maeve sat back down unsurely. "Um...me and Frank have to tell you all something."

Frank reached forward and interlocked their hands, looking at them all expectantly, "we're...uh...Alice is..."

Alice grinned and interrupted him, "I'm pregnant!"

The table erupted in loud, roaring cheers. Lily shrieked and yelled something that sounded like, "WE'RE GONNA BE BIRTH BUDDIES!!"

"I'm so happy for you, mate!" Sirius punched Frank playfully on the arm.

"How far along are you?" Maeve asked.

"Oh, about two months," Alice said.

"You guys will probably be due around the same time then," Remus mused, looking between the two pregnant couples.

"Ain't that cute?" Lily smiled brightly.

"They'll probably be in the same year at school as well," Alice said.

Sirius laughed, "Oh yeah, I forgot about Hogwarts...poor MgGonagall..."

"Yeah, little baby Prongs...poor woman," Remus grinned.

"What about a baby longbottom? I bet they'd be mates and drive her nuts," James grinned, high-fiving Frank.

Sirius grinned and nudged Remus, "Next up is baby Moony..."

"Oh God," Remus laughed nervously.

"No," Maeve laughed too, "not yet."

"Why not?" James asked,

"Kids are...I mean we're only 19!" Maeve spluttered.

"It's too soon, we'll wait," Remus agreed, before clearing his throat.

They both looked suddenly very awkward. It was obvious that actually they hadn't discussed the whole concept of children since they had become engaged. Or more like they had never discussed the concept of children.

"So..." Sirius cleared his throat too, "refill anyone?"


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