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Amira's POV

Luca: "Mimi can you get me some juice?"
Amira: " Yeah"
I walked into the kitchen and seen Celia on the phone. I grabbed the cup and grabbed the juice out of the fridge.

Celia: " Hey baby, he should be taking the kids out some time tommorow so you can come over then"
Amira: "Who are you talking to because that doesn't sound like my dad?"
Celia: "You don't know what your talking about so mind your business!"
Amira: " I'm 7 not stupid."
Celia: " Don't you have something better to do other than be in my business?"
Amira: " Whatever Celia"
Celia: " You call me mom"
Amira: " I will never call you mom"
I went to go walk out of the kitchen when Celia put her foot out and I tripped dropping the cup of juice.

Celia: " Oh my gosh now look what you did you useless child!" She said hitting me
Amira: " Don't touch me! DADDY!"
Samy: " Yes princess? What's wrong"
Amira: " I need to call my mom"
Samy: " Why?"
Amira: "I um left my favorite bear at home and I can't sleep without it"
Samy: "Ok here"
Amira: " Can I talk to her alone?"
Samy: " Ok?

Phone Call
What Samy?
Mommy it's me Amira
Oh what's wrong princess?
I left my favorite bear can you bring it?
Fine I'll be there in a few
Call ended

Lexi's POV
I pull up to Samy's house with Amira's bear. I knock on the door and Amira opens it. I see she has a red mark on her arm.

Lexi: "Quien te hizo eso?!" ( who did that to you?!)
Amira: " I- um Luca hit me...."
Lexi: " Amira I know when you're lying"
Amira: " Celia tripped me and I spilled some juice so she hit me"
Lexi: " She what?! Go get you and your brothers bags you're coming home"
Amira: " Ok"

A couple minutes later Amira came to the door with the boys and as I was buckling Roman in Samy came outside.
Samy: "Woah whats happening?"
Lexi: " 4 hours. They were under your care for 4 hours and you let your wife put her hands on my kids!"
Samy: " What?! What are you talking about?"
Lexi: " Celia hit Amira! Its bad enough I dont want her around them but I suck it up and this is what happens"
Samy: " So where are you taking the kids?"
Lexi: " Home with me. where they belong"
Samy: " They're my kids too!"
Lexi: " The kids you left behind? Listen you left once I'm pretty sure you can do it again. Permenently this time." I pulled out of his driveway and drove home.

We got home and the kids went to their rooms to play. I sat down at the table and ran my hands through my hair.

2 weeks later

Samy has tried calling me trying to see the kids but I don't care and if he calls again I'm blocking him. Today I was home alone, everyone went to the park but I didn't feel like going.


Lexi: "Who is it?"
No answer.
Lexi: "I said who is- oh its you, why are you he-"
I was cut off by Samy smashing his lips into mine.
Lexi: What the hell! You're married!"
Samy: " Just shut the fuck up!" He said smashing his lips into mine again but this time I didn't pull away.
He tapped my leg signalling me to jump so I did. We went up to my room and he laid me on the bed. He started kissing down my body as he took off my shirt and got to my shorts. He slowly pulled off my shorts and underwear. He started to make a figure eight motion with his tongue.

Lexi: " I-I'm gonna cum"
He instantly stopped and sat up.
Lexi: "Hey why'd you sto-"
HE shoved himself in me and started thrusting. After a while I felt his thrusts getting sloppy. We both came and he laid beside me.
Lexi: " Are you going to tell Celia?"
Samy: "Should I?"
Lexi: " Yeah it wouldn't be right"
Samy's POV
I got dressed and left Lexi's house. I got home and I realized the door was unlocked. I heard music playing from our bedroom so I walked upstairs and into the room. I seen Celia in bed with Kairi.

Samy: "Seriously?!"
Celia: "Baby!"
Kairi: "Um..."
Samy: "Kairi go home."
Kairi: " Ight"
Kairi got dressed and left the house.
Samy: " So when I'm not around this is what you do?"
Celia: "Samy I-"
Samy: "How long?"
Celia: " A few days after we seen them at the club for the first time..."
Samy: " That was before we got married! That is so sick"
Celia: " Samy I'm sorry!"
Samy: " Pack your shit and get out!"

3 years later...

Noen got a girlfriend and moved back to LA to start his modeling career. Celia moves back to Canada. Amira and Mateo are 10, Luca is 9, Roman and Marco are 6. Samy moved back in but we aren't back together. Our Co-parenting has been going really well.

Samy: "Lexi can we talk real quick?"
Lexi: "Yeah wassup?"
Samy: " I'm sorry about everything I've ever put you through, I don't know what I was thinking but I love you so much and I don't know what I would do without you"
Lexi: "What are you trying to say?"
Samy: " I miss you...I miss us"
Lexi: " Samy you know I love you so much and you will always be my first love but the amount of times you've hurt me...I can never forget that but I'm always willing to forgive...but I'm sorry Samy there is no more us....

The End....

so um yeah thats the end and i'll start the sequel soon😭itwas nice having you...see you next year...or not

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