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Lexi's POV
I got up and started packing me and Samy's bags since he was still asleep. Once I was done I brought them downstairs near the front door. I heard someone come downstairs and when I turned around Maria was standing there crying. I ran over to her and hugged her.
Lexi: " Hey what's wrong"
Maria: " I just don't understand how you still love me and let me stay after what I did"
Lexi: " It wasn't like you had a choice to do that stuff, look at me you did nothing wrong"
Maria: " If I never let Mar go get that mail and I went instead I would've died instead of him"
Lexi: " Hey don't talk like that-"
Maria: " It's true... Lexi he was my everything! And he's gone and I have to move on but it's so hard no matter what I do, he stays on my mind all the time! I don't feel complete without him!"
Lexi: " You wanna go do something with me and Samy before we leave?"
Maria: " Like what?"
Lexi: " It's a surprise for the both of you, I'll be right back!"
I ran upstairs and seen Samy getting dressed for the day.
Lexi: " Hey baby, before we leave I have a surprise for you and Maria so hurry and get dressed"
Samy: " Ok... love you!"
Lexi: " Love you more!" I said walking out the room
Lexi: " Ok he'll be down in a second"
Samy: " What are we doing?"
Lexi: " Lets go to the car lady and gents!"
We got in the car and I started driving to our destination while listening to some of Mar's favorite songs. We were close to the place so I told them to put blindfolds on. We got there and I parked the car and helped them inside.
Samy: " Do I hear tattoo guns or am I bugging?"
Maria: " I hear them too"
Lexi: " Take them off"
Maria: " Tattoo shop?"
Lexi: " So you guys can a tattoo in memory of Mariano, I know how much he meant to the both of you and how his death affected the both of you so..."
Samy: " Thank you baby"
Maria: " Really thank you!"
After what felt like hours their tattoos were done. Maria just got Mariano tattooed down her forearm and Samy got a cross on his chest to match the one Mar had on his chest. We got back home and showed everyone. Eventually it was time for me and Samy to go to the airport.
Lexi: " Bye guys!"
Everyone: " Bye! Love you"
Me and Samy got in the uber and went to the airport. We got on the private jet and we were on our way to Cali.
Lexi: " I wonder if the kids still look the same?"
Samy: " I know it feels like forever since we last saw them"
I took a nap and was woken up by Samy shaking me.
Samy: " Baby we're here"
We got off the jet and my parents had some guards take us to the house. We pulled up to the front gates.
Samy: " I feel like this place got bigger since last time"
Lexi: " Right, big as fuck for no reason"
We got out the car and the guards grabbed our bags and lead us inside. We put all of our stuff away in our room and then went to find the kids.
Lexi: " Excuse me do you know where the kids are?"
Guard: " In the training room"
Lexi: " Thank you"
Me and Samy walked to the training room and seen all the kids fighting and learning self defense tricks.
???: " Kids your parents are here"
Amira: " Mama!"
Luca: " Daddy!"
Mateo: " Tia! Tio!"
Lexi: " Hi guys!"
Samy: " Dang you guys got strong!"
Mateo: " Is my mommy home yet?"
Lexi: " She is! And she's so excited to see you when we get back!"
Mateo: " Yay!"
Amira: " Let me show you my room!"
Lexi: " Ok let's go"
We walked to her room upstairs and the walls were a blush pink and had unicorns and princesses painted on the was and she had a bed but the headboard was like a throne.
Amira: " Since I don't share a room with the boys here I get to decorate how I want!"
Samy: " It looks beautiful princess!"
Mateo: " Wanna see me and Luca's room?"
Lexi: " Of course!"
We walked to the room across the hall and the room was painted with a dark blue and dinosaurs and robots and they had race car beds.
Samy: " This room is so cool guys!"
Mateo: " I know right! I wish my dad could see it..."
Lexi: " He sees it bub, he's looking down at you watching you" I said rubbing his back
Mateo: " I just wanna give him one more hug..."
Lexi: " We all do baby"
Amira: " What's wrong Teo?"
Samy: " He misses his dad"
Amira: " Oh sorry bubba" She said giving Mateo a hug
Samy: " Wanna go get ice cream to make you feel better?"
Mateo: " Yeah"
Lexi: " Lets go get some ice cream!"
We got in the car and the guard drive us to the nearest ice cream shop. We got our ice cream and went back to the house. After hanging out with the kids I went to go say hi to my parents. I walked to there office when I heard talking.
Davido: " Mija you have to keep training some more"
???: " But papa"
Mila: " That's final"
???: " This is so unfair bro"
I knocked on the door confused.
Mila: " Who is it?"
Lexi: " Alexis"
Mila: " Come in mija"
Lexi: " Who's this?"
???: " I'm Sicily"
Lexi: " Cool"
Davido: " We missed you so much" He says pulling me into a hug
Lexi: " I missed you guys more!"
Mila: " What have you been up to?"
Lexi: " Well I'm pregnant again"
Mila: " Congratulations mija!"
Davido: " Have you heard anything from Maria?"
Lexi: " Actually yeah, she's back home"
Mila: " She didn't come?!"
Lexi: " You did disown her..."
Mila: " I was angry I could never disown her"
Davido: " So did she tell you what happened"
Lexi: " Viper made her date him our he was going to kill Mateo and then said if she didn't run away with him he was going to kill everyone and pin the murders on her"
Sicily: " Poor girl"
Lexi: " Wait so is this like my prima or something?"
Mila: " Um mija take a seat"
Davido: " We have been hiding something from you and your siblings for many years"
Lexi: " What is it?"
Mila: " This is your sister..."
Lexi: " Sister?"
Mila: " I don't know if you remember because you were kind of young but I left for 2 years... I was pregnant with Sicily"
Lexi: " Why would you hide her?!"
Davido: " We has people that wanted to kill her, we had to protect her"
Lexi: " This is crazy, is this real like this isn't a prank or something"
Mila: " No..."
Lexi: " I don't know what to say"
Davido: " We were wondering if you wanted to take her back to Jersey to visit"
Lexi: " Um yeah"
Mila: " Well go get to know each other"
We both got up and walked out the office.
Lexi: " So tell me about yourself"
Sicily: " I'm Sicily, I'm 18, and um I've been training so I can go on missions... what about you?"
Lexi: " I'm Alexis, I'm 24, I'm married, I have 2 kids, I'm pregnant, I'm some what famous, I live in a house with my friends that I consider family um I think that's it"
Sicily: " That's why you looked familiar! You had drama with Avani Greggs right?"
Lexi: " Yeah" I said chuckling
Samy: " Hey baby, who's this"
Sicily: " I'm Sicily her little sister"
Samy: " You have a little sister?!"
Lexi: " I just found out too"
Samy: " Well hi I'm Samy her husband"
Lexi: " She's gonna go back to Jersey with us and meet everyone"
Sicily: " Is it just a whole bunch of adults there?"
Lexi: " Out friends sister is visiting right now and she's 18 too so maybe you could get to know her and her friends?"
Sicily: " Sounds good! Well I have to go train I'll see you later big sis"
Lexi: " Bye!"
Me and Samy go to our room and watch tv.
Samy: " So you really have a little sister..."
Lexi: " I know right"
We heard a little knock on the door.
Lexi: " Come in!"
All the kids came in and sat on the bed.
Amira: " You met tia Sicily?"
Lexi: " You knew?"
Amira: " Yeah we promised Abuela we wouldn't say anything"
Lexi: " I'm hurt" I say fake crying
Samy: " I'm gonna go get us some snacks from the kitchen"
Mateo: " Ou can you get me some popcorn?"
Samy: " Sure little man"
Luca: " And chips!"
Samy: " Ok"
Amira: " And chocolate!"
Lexi: " And gummy bears!"
Samy: " Anything else?" He said playfully rolling his eyes
Amira: " Nope"
Samy's POV
I went downstairs to get all the snacks. On my way back to the room I walked past this room and the door was open. I glanced over and seen a guy sitting on the bed. He looked familiar but I was walking too fast to see who it was. I got back in the room and put the snacks down.
Lexi: " Baby can you go get us some waters?"
Samy: " Seriously!"
Everyone: " Sorry"
I was curious to see who that guy was so I went to go get the waters. I walked by again a little slower but this time we made eye contact and he ran to the door closing it. I went to get the waters and when I came back his door was still closed. I gave everyone their waters and we all cuddled up watching movies. But that guy stayed on my mind the whole time. Who was he? Why did he look so familiar? Why did he panic when he saw me?
thank you guys for 11k🥺❤️

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