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Samy's POV
Today we are going back home with the kids and Sicily. We packed up everyone's stuff and put it in the car.
Lexi: " Is that everything?"
Samy: "  Hold on I forgot something"
I jogged into the house and went upstairs. I didn't forget anything. I went to go talk to that guy. I knocked on his door and waited for him to open it.
???: " Come in"
I opened the door and my eyes went wide realizing who it was. His eyes went wide as he seen who walked in the room. My eyes started to water and I felt my legs going weak.
Lexi: " Hey baby what's taking so- omg"
We all stood there in shock. I felt my legs getting weaker. I couldn't speak and get anything out. I just cried and Lexi pulled me into a hug as I cried on her shoulder.
???: " I can explain!"
Lexi: " You can explain on the way home Mar!"
Mar: " You want me to go back?"
Lexi: " We'll be waiting in the car for you so hurry up"
Lexi's POV
I help Samy walk to the car and he sat down and put his face in his hand crying.
Lexi: " We are waiting for someone"
Guard: " Ok"
Amira: " Daddy why are you crying?"
Lexi: " Daddy can't talk right now princess he's really sad"
Amira: " I'm sorry daddy" She said hugging and rubbing his back
Mar came out with his bags and put them in the trunk and got in the car.
Mateo: " Daddy?"
Mar: " Hi Mateo"
Mateo: " Daddy!" Mateo unbuckled his seat and climbed on Mars lap.
We got to the airport and got on the jet. I was sitting in my seat comforting Samy who was still crying. I looked over after a while and Samy was asleep with dried tears on his face. We arrived and we got a uber back to the house. I told Sicily and Mar to go in the house last.
Lexi: " Ok so no one talk to Samy right now"
Ale: " Why?"
Lexi: " You'll see, everyone should sit down for this"
Everyone sat on the couch. The kids came running in.
Mateo: " Mommy!"
Maria: " Mateo!"
Amira: " Hi everyone!"
Luca: " Hi!"
Lexi: " Ok so I want you guys to meet someone...Sicily can you come in here"
Mattia: " Who is that?  Did y'all actually adopt a kid?"
Lexi: " No this is...my little sister"
Maria: " What?!"
Sicily: " Hello?"
Lexi: " Sicily this is our other sister Maria"
Maria: " Omg come here hi" she said giving Sicily a hug
Ale: " Wait I'm confused, you never knew about her?"
Lexi: " My parents hid her from us"
Angel: " Hi I'm Angel"
Lexi: " Angel she's 18 too so next time you go to Mr. José house bring her with you"
Angel: " Ok"
Kairi: " Wait so why is Samy upset?"
Lexi: " Whatever you guys do don't start yelling and shit"
Maria: " What is it I can't wait anymore! Another sibling?"
Mar walked into the living room and everyone's jaws dropped. Maria got up and slowly walked over to Mar crying. She pulled him into a big hug and he hugged her back crying.
Maria: " Did you know?!"
Lexi: " No Samy found him at the house"
Maria: " You were alive all this time and didn't contact anyone you didn't contact ME?!"
Mar: " I had to protect you, I had to protect all of you"
Maria: " Protect is from what?!"
Mar: " Me! I was putting you guys in danger in what I was doing?!"
Maria: " But you- you died in my arms?!"
Mar: " I did but they brought me back in the ambulance but my dad wanted me to stay away from you guys so Viper wouldn't do worse damage. So he paid the doctors to say I didn't make it.
Maria: " But your funeral...that was you it was your body!"
Mar: " My dad drugged me so I would be passed out through the whole funeral"
Maria: " And then what?!"
Mar: " And then I joined Lexi's parents gang for protection and time to heal"
Mattia: " Wow..."
Ale: " Welcome back bro..."
Kairi: " Good to see you again"
Mateo: " Daddy can we go watch the together?!"
Mar: " In a second Teo I gotta talk to your mom"
Mateo: " Ok!"
Maria's POV
Mar: " Can I talk to you privately upstairs?"
Maria: " Yeah..."
We walked upstairs into my room and I sat on the bed and he stood in front of me. He put his fingers under my chin and lifted my head up.
Mar: " I see you got my names to tattooed on you" he said with a smirk
Maria: " Yeah in memory of your fake death " I rolled my eyes
He lifted face up again but this time he kissed me and I could help but to kiss back.
Mar: " I'm so sorry baby... really"
Maria: " You left me alone"
Mar: " I promise I won't do it again"
Maria: " How long were you planning on hiding from us? Like if Samy never saw you?"
Mar: " I don't know..."
Maria: " Unbelievable."
Mar: " But baby I'm here now"
Maria: " Yeah after we thought you died! Do you know how much pain I went through?!"
Mar: " More than I could imagine..."
Maria: " At least you know."
Mar: " Baby look at me, I'm sorry but I'm here now and I'm gonna stay here and help you with Mateo and love you until I really die"
Maria: " I just don't know what to think about this"
Mar: " Do you want me to leave again?"
Maria: " Of course not! I'm happy your here but the way you left Mariano... it was wrong"
Mar: " I'll say sorry for the rest of my life if it'll get you to love me again"
Maria: " I never stopped loving you..."
Mar: " Maria what can I do to fix this?"
There was a knock on the door
Maria: " Come in"
Mateo: " Hi"
Maria: " Come here baby"
Mateo: " Are you guys going to leave again?"
Mar: " No baby I'm staying right here and I will never leave again"
Maria: " We aren't going to leave you again"
Mateo: " Daddy you never got to see my room at Abuela's house"
Mar: " Trust me Teo I saw it, I kissed you goodnight every night"
Mateo: " You knew I was there?"
Mar: " Yeah"
Mateo: " Why didn't you come talk to me?"
Mar: " It's complicated Teo"
Mateo: " I'm happy we're a family again"
Mar: " Me too" he said kissing my forehead
Mar: " I have to go talk to Samy"
Maria: " Ok"
Mar: " When I come back we can all watch a movie together just us 3"
Mateo: " Yeah!"
Mar's POV
I walked over to Samy's room and knock on the door. There was no response so I opened the door and Samy was in bed crying.
Samy: " Get out."
Mar: " Can I talk to you?"
Samy: " No. Get out."
Mar: " Samy"
Samy: " Leave!"
Mar: " Come on bro" I said hugging him
Samy: " Let me go" He said crying onto my shoulder to weak to move
Samy: " Why'd you do it?"
Mar: " If I didn't fake my death Viper and his people would've came back and killed all of you"
Samy: " This is so wrong bro"
Mar: " I'm sorry bro I really am"
Samy: " I guess I have no other choice but to forgive you"
Mar: " Thank you"
Samy: " I got a tattoo..."
Mar: " Really let me see"
He took off his shirt and he had gotten the same cross I have on my chest.
Mar: " You and Maria got tattoos in memory of me?"
Samy: " Yeah..."
Mar: " Where's Alex?"
Samy: " He moves out and lives with his daughter and girlfriend"
Mar: " Oh wow"
Samy: " Yeah"
Mar: " What else I miss?"
Samy: " Well Lexi and Katie are pregnant, Mattia is in the mafia so he left for like a year and then came back and broke up with Katie and Katie went to date Kairi but they recently broke up and now Katie and Mattia are back together, Ale is dating this girl named Cora, and we have a new member of the house and his name is Noen"
Mar: "Well damn"
Samy: " I gotta go hang out with this kids"
Mar: " Same" We both got up and walked out the room
Samy was walking downstairs and I was walking the opposite direction back to the room.
Samy: " Yo Mar"
Mar: " Wassup?"
Samy: " I missed you bro"
Mar: " I missed you too bro"
I walked into the room and watched a movie with Maria and Mateo. I ended falling asleep with the both of them in my arms... I missed this...
yeahhh i did do that😭 what about literally what about it? ah😜

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