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Mattia POV
I was still at the club when a girl came up to me.
???: " Hi I'm Bianca"
Mattia: " And I'm not interested..."
Bianca: " Damn I just wanted to get to know you"
Mattia: " And I just want to fuck, looks like we both can't get what we want"
Bianca: " I can make that happen for you"
Mattia: "Yeah right, probably say I raped you when we are done"
Bianca: "Papi I would never, just let me show you..." she whispered in my ear with her hand on my print
I chugged a shot and grabbed the girls arm and yanked her to my car. We drove back to my house and when I opened the door Alejandro and Kairi were on the couch. They looked at me and then at each other. I dragged Bianca to the basement and Katie was sitting on the couch down there.
Mattia: "Get out"
Katie: "What the fuck no, I stay down here too dickhead!"
Mattia: "GET OUT, you're ruining everything right now!"
Katie: " Whatever, I hope you get aids!"
She walked upstairs and closed the door. I threw Bianca on the couch and took her shirt off. I took my clothes off and yktv they did the nasty.
Mattia: "Ok is your ride on the way?"
Bianca: "What?"
Mattia: "You weren't planing on spending the night were you?"
Bianca: "Kind of..."
Mattia: " I told you I need a quick fuck not a new complication"
Bianca: " Damn that girl that was down here was right, I hope you do get aids!"
Mattia: " Then you would have them..."
Bianca: "Whatever give me my bra!"
Mattia: " 28B kinda small, bye bye now the door is waiting"
Bianca left and I got in the shower. When I got out Katie was back on the couch on her phone watching tik toks.
Mattia: " You know I just had sex on that couch?"
Katie: "You literally have a whole bedroom down here why the fuck would you do it on the couch!"
Mattia: " You sleep in that room over there, the rest of the basement is mine"
Katie: " Go fuck yourself Polibio" she mumbled
Mattia: "What was that Katie?"
Katie: " I said go fuck yourself!"
I walked over to her and grabbed her neck pushing her against a wall.
Mattia: "Watch your mouth when you talk to me"
Katie: "Or what? You gonna get your mafia wives on me?"
Mattia: "Tuh Katie go to your room"
Katie: "You're not my boss the fuck"
Mattia: " You don't want to get me mad Katie, now go to your room!"
Katie: "I'm going upstairs your fucking weird"
Katie's POV
I went upstairs and Kairi was on the couch watching tv.
Katie: " Kairi can I talk to you about something that's been bothering me?"
Kairi: "Of course what's up?"
Katie: "Is it me or since Mattia joined the mafia he's been...different"
Kairi: "He definitely has been acting different but there's nothing we can do about it now"
Katie: "I guess..."
Kairi: "Hey it's alright I'm pretty sure he'll get back to his old ways and you guys will be back together"
Katie: " I don't think I want to get back with him..."
Kairi: "Why not?"
Katie: " He's too controlling now, I think I'm better off without him now"
Kairi: "Whatever is best for you is your business so do what feels right"
Katie: "Thanks Kai, now I see why your Lexi's best friend"
Kairi: "Anytime"
1 week later
Mattia brings a new girl everyday and kicks me out the basement everytime. He has had sex with a different girl in almost every spot in the basement, even my bedroom which is fucking sick! I told him to stop but he never listens to me. I decided to talk to Lexi about it and see what she thinks.
Katie: "Hey Lex can I talk to you real quick?"
Lexi: "What's up?"
Katie: "So you know how Mattia is bringing a new girl over every night?"
Lexi: "Yeah, he's a total dickhead for that!"
Katie: "I was wondering if you could talk about it to him for me since he won't listen to me?"
Lexi: "For sure, Ill do it right now!"
Katie: "Thank you so much Lexi"
Lexi: " No problem"
Lexi's POV
I went down into the basement and Mattia was sitting at his desk doing what I assume was mafia work.
Lexi: " Ahem Mattia do you have a minute?"
Mattia: "Yeah make it quick this is important"
Lexi: " You know you bringing girls over every night and kicking Katie from her OWN room is really getting to her and everyone else, no one want to hear you fucking girls all night every night"
Mattia: "I'm sorry you guys feel that way, not my fault non of you guys get dick or pussy"
Lexi: "First I'm married I get dick whenever I want, second why have you been such a dick since you came back!"
Mattia: "You're right I'm sorry I guess I should tell you why I've been like this... Lexi I'm in love with you and always have been!"
Lexi: "Excuse me?"
Mattia: " Why did you choose Samy? We could've had kids and gotten married but you chose him... do you know how lucky you would be married to a man in the mafia?"
Lexi: "Mattia what the hell is wrong with you!?"
Mattia: "Come on Lexi, I know you want me"
Lexi: "Ew Mattia I would never do that to Samy!"
Mattia: "He wouldn't need to know!"
Lexi: " Your lucky I don't send him down here to beat your ass!"
Mattia: "I have plenty guns hidden around here, I'd kill him."
Lexi: "You got a lot of balls talking to me like this!"
Mattia: "Whatever Alexis, have you made dinner yet?"
Lexi: " Feed yourself dickhead, you wanna be a tough guy well tough guys do their own shit!"
I walked upstairs and Katie was sitting on the couch waiting.
Katie: "So how did it go?"
Lexi: "He's a officially a prick!"
Katie: " I take that as not good"
Lexi: " Who does he think he is!"
Katie: "What did he say?"
Lexi: "Nothing..."
do you think lexi is going to tell samy?
y'all better start mf voting and commenting before i drop this book and leave y'all stranded😭😤

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