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I was sitting around when I seen Samy at the little bar. He looked at me and winked. I walked over to him and dragged him to the dance floor. We were laughing and dancing having a good time.
Lexis thoughts
Looks like this night isn't going to be boring after all...
Maria's POV
I was taking a whole bunch of shots and I felt myself getting sick so I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I washed my mouth out and walked out of the bathroom. When I was walking past the rooms someone pulled me into this dark room. The person was kissing on my neck and rubbing all over my body. I thought it was Mar
Maria: "Mar not here, wait till we get home"
He kept kissing me and then he pushed me really hard onto the bed.
Maria: "Ow Mar what the fuck!"
He grabbed my arms and pinned them above my head. My eyes started to adjust to the darkness and I could see that was not Mar.
Maria: " Who the fuck are you! Get off of me!"
???: " You know who I am princess"
Maria: " Diego?! Get the fuck off me!"
Diego: " Come on it will be fun princesa"
Maria: " Diego get off me or I will scream!"
Diego: " Ugh fine you're no fun! But if you tell anyone who did this to you I'll fucking kill you!"
Diego walked out the room and I was sitting on the bed crying. After 20 minutes everyone came in the room looking for me.
Lexi: " Maria where were you?"
Maria: "..."
Mar: " Mamas you good?"
Maria: " Can we just go home..."
Alex: " Ok let me find Diego an-"
Maria: "NO- I mean no problem can we wait for them in the car?"
Mattia: " You sure you're ok?"
Maria: "I'm fine stop asking damn!"
Lexi: " Ok it's fine come on let's go"
We got outside and we're waiting outside for Alex to bring the others. I pulled Lexi to the side so I could talk to her alone.
Maria: " Can Kairi, Alex, and me ride in your car alone?"
Lexi: " Ok sure..."
We walked back over to the group. Mar wrapped his arms around me and I jumped a little bit.
Mar: " You sure you're ok baby?"
Maria: " If you ask me that one more time I swear to god I'll chop your dick off Mariano!"
I walked off and sat in the passenger seat of Lexis car until everyone else came out.
Lexis POV
Mar: " What the fuck is her issue?!"
Lexi: " Just drop it ok..."
Mar: " Did she tell you?"
Lexi: " No but if she doesn't want to talk about it then we can't force her too"
Alex came outside with Dani and Diego and everyone was getting ready to get in the cars but I stopped them
Lexi: " Wait, Maria wants just Alex and Kai to ride in my car and everyone else ride with Mar"
Alex: " Why?"
Lexi: " I don't know but obviously something is wrong with her and if she wants her older brother to be there for her don't you think you should get your ass in this damn car?!"
Alex: "I-"
Lexi: " Get in the damn car!"
We all got in the car and started driving home.
Maria: " I'm only telling you 3 what happened to me and I don't want you to say anything to anyone. Don't even discuss it with each other or me. Just pretend I never said it after I say it"
Lexi: " Ok tell us Maria we are here for you"
Maria: " Diego...almost raped me at that party..."
Alex: " He did what?!"
Maria: " Nope we can't talk about it"
Kairi: "Fuck that we are going to talk about it!"
Lexi: " You can't just let him get away with that!"
Maria: " He said if I told anyone he would kill me"
Alex: "Not if I kill him first the fuck!"
Lexi: " When we get inside I want you to tell everyone what he said and if he tries anything we will beat his ass"
Alex: " We can always send mama or papa to come kill him for us"
Lexi: " Are you stupid?"
Kairi: " He deserves it"
We pulled in the driveway and everyone had gotten out of Mars car and was waiting at the front door for us to get out.
Lexi: "We'll be by your side the whole time"
Alex: " We got you hermana"
We got out the car and I unlocked the front door. Everyone went to their rooms to get ready for bed but we were actually going to call a secret family meeting without Dani and Diego. After everyone was in their room ready for bed we snuck into everyone's room and told them to meet in the living room in 5 to talk.
Mattia: " Where's Diego and Dani?"
Lexi: " Shhhh this is a family meeting"
Alex: " Ok Maria whenever you're ready"
Maria: " I had drank a lot and I went to the bathroom to throw up and on my way back to the party someone had pulled me into a dark room, I thought it was Mar but then I realized that it was actually Diego and he almost raped me and he said that if I told anyone he would kill me..."
Mar: " WHAT?!"
Lexi: " Shhhh"
We group hugged around Maria and she started crying. We broke up the hug and were sitting around in silence when we heard yelling upstairs.
Dani: " She tried to what?!"
Diego: " Shhhh"
Dani: " No way I'm going to beat her ass!"
Dani came downstairs looking mad and Diego was coming down the stairs behind her. She walked over to Maria and slapped her. Maria got up and punch Dani in her face and she fell to the ground.
Maria: " What the fuck is your problem bitch?!"
Dani: " You tried to fuck my man you hoe!"
Maria: " Is that what he told you?!"
Diego: " Shut the fuck up Maria!"
Mar: " Talk to my girl like that again and see what happens!"
Dani: " You're girl is hoe!"
Maria kicked Dani in her head. And then started kicking her in the stomach. The boys got up and tried to take her off but she kept breaking loose and going back. Diego tried to jump in and hit Maria but Mar punched him and they started fighting. I pulled Maria off Dani after a while and the boys pulled Mar off of Diego.
Dani: " You're dead bitch"
Maria went towards the couch and pulled a gun out from under it. She pointed it at Dani.
Maria: " Say something else bitch and I'll blow your brain out!"
Diego: " You're fucking crazy!"
Maria: " Shut the fuck up you rapist!"
She shot Diego in the leg and he fell to the ground yelling in pain.
Maria: " You two are going to get the fuck out of my house and you can find your shit on the sidewalk tomorrow!"
Dani ran over to Diego and picked him up and the rushed out of the house. Mar slowly walked over to Maria and took the gun out of her hand.
Ale: " That was crazy as fuck!"
We were sitting there talking about what just happened and cleaning everything up when I started to feel sick. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Samy came in behind me and pulled my hair back. Everyone was in the door way looking.
Kairi: "Bestie are you ok!?"
Lexi: " I think it was just something I ate"
I- I kinda wanted her to kill someone but like we not in the gang so we can't do that without the police getting involved😗✌🏽

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