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One month later
I still don't leave my room. I've gotten extremely skinny which is bad for the baby. Oh my baby I have to through my whole pregnancy alone. I finally decided to leave my room. I went downstairs and everyone was eating dinner.
Maria: " How are you feeling"
Lexi: " Pregnant and alone"
Katie: " You're not alone"
Lexi: " Yeah..."
Ale: " You hungry?"
Lexi: " I guess"
I sat down and ate the food. Everyone was just watching me eat and then the kids came downstairs.
Amira: " Hey mommy"
Lexi: " Hey princess"
Luca: " You finally came out your room!"
Lexi: " Yeah"
Amira: " It'll be ok mommy he'll come back"
I started to cry a little. I didn't want to talk about him. I got up and went back to my room. It still smelled like his cologne.
Amira: " Was it something I said?"
Maria: " No princess she's just want to talk about your dad right now"
Amira: " Is she mad at me now?"
Maria: " No you guy should go comfort her"
I heard the door open and Amira and Luca came in closing the door and laid on the bed.
Amira: " Tell me how you feel mommy"
Lexi: " Can I tell you what daddy did?"
Amira: " What?"
Lexi: " He changed his number and made new accounts on everything"
Amira: " Is that why your sad?"
Lexi: " Yeah..."
Amira: " Do you think he found someone else?"
Lexi: " I don't know..."
Amira: " Would you be mad?"
Lexi: " No...we knew it would happen one day"
Luca: " Wanna go downstairs and finish your food?"
Lexi: " Yeah"
We got up and went back downstairs. I sat back down at the table and ate the food.
Ale: " Damn what kind of speech did y'all give her?"
Sicily: " Shut up"
Lexi: " So did you guys see what he did?"
Mattia: " Samy?"
Lexi: " Mhm"
Mattia: " No what did he do?"
Lexi: " He changed his number and all of his social medias"
Kairi: " You're kidding?"
Lexi: "No"
Mar: " That's why he hasn't answered any of my texts or calls?"
Lexi: " Yeah I guess"
Ale: " Wow that's fucked up"
Lexi: " It's whatever I guess"

3 years later...

Amira and Mateo is 7, Luca is 6, Roman is 3, Marco is also 3. We moved into a bigger house so Sicily and Amira can have their own rooms. Angel moved in a year ago.

Angel: " Guess who's 21 bitches!"
Noen: " Oh my god let me guess you wanna drink alcohol now?"
Angel: " Yes let's go party!"
Cora: " Ouu yes!"
Sicily: " I'm going to get ready!"
Mar: " You coming Lex?"
Lexi: " Nah I'm good"
Mattia: " Lame!"
Lexi: " Someone has to stay and watch the kids"
Noen: " I'll stay with you"
Maria: " Are you sure you guys are good here with the kids?"
Lexi: " Yeah you guys go have fun"
Ale: " Don't gotta tell me twice"
Lexi: " Noen you don't have to stay"
Noen: " Are you sure?"
Lexi: " Positive"
Noen: " Alright... make room for me and my pepper spray bitches!"
Everyone got ready and left the house. Me and the kids were watching tv when Amira started talking to me.
Amira: " Mommy remember when I said daddy would come back?"
Lexi: " Yeah..."
Amira: " Are you mad at me for lying about that?"
Lexi: " Of course not princess"
Amira: " Ok just checking"
We went back to watching the movie. After a while I checked the time and it was 11.
Lexi: " Bedtime kiddos"
Mateo: " Tia please can we watch one more movie!"
Marco: " Please Tia"
Lexi: " Nope I'm tired too so to bed children!"
Amira: " Wack"
Lexi: " Be quiet and go to bed"
The kids went upstairs to their rooms and went to bed. I went to my room and showered. Once I was done I got and bed and drifted to sleep.


I woke up feeling like posting something on instagram.

I woke up feeling like posting something on instagram

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

@Alexis.Garcia: Morning! Lowkey forgot I changed my ig name😭
Comments disabled

I disabled my comments because every time I don't the comments are filled with questions about him. I went downstairs and all the kids were running around and everyone else was in the living room talking but when they seen me they stopped talking.
Lexi: " Morning everyone?"
Katie: " Morning"
Lexi: " What are you guys talking about?"
Ale: " Just last night"
Lexi: " Well fill me in I wasn't there" I said in a duh tone
Angel: " I got drunk"
Sicily: " She can't handle her liquor"
Mattia: " Neither could you"
Kairi: " It was there first time give them a break" He said laughing
Lexi: " Anything else happen?"
Maria: " Nope"
Lexi: " I know you guys are lying but ok"
I was walking away to the kitchen when Mar blurted out
Mar: " Samy is back in Jersey!"
Cora: " Mar!"
Mattia: " Way to go dude"
Mar: " Sorry"
Lexi: " Um that's cool"
Ale: " You don't care?"
Lexi: " I don't know what to feel"
Maria: " Mar just can't keep his fucking mouth closed"
Lexi: " It's chill, did you you guys go talk to him?" I said taking a bite of my bacon
Ale: " Yeah"
Lexi: " And he saiddd..."
Mattia: " He's engaged to a girl named Celia"
Lexi: " What?!" I choked on my bacon
Kairi: " He wants all of us to go to the wedding...including you"
Lexi: " He wants ME to go to HIS wedding?!"
Kairi: " Yeah..."
Lexi: " No"
Maria: " We need you to go and crash it!"
Lexi: " What?" I said chuckling
Mattia: " We know he wants you to crash the wedding why else would he want you to go?"
Lexi: " I'm not going and I'm not crashing that wedding"
Katie: " You're going and that's final"
Lexi: " Are y'all still drunk or something?"
Ale: " Pleaseee go"
Lexi: " ...fine"
Ale: " He also wants to come over today..."
Lexi: " When?"
Katie: " I'm like 10 minutes"
Lexi: " I'll be in my room"
i have no words🙈

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