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Maria's POV
It's been a weeks since Mar died and everyday it get harder and harder knowing he isn't coming back. Everyone babysits me like I'm a little kid and it makes me sick! But I understand why they are doing it. Today is his funeral and every memory we've had together is flowing through my head. From when he was holding my drunk ass up at that party to when he was by my side when I was giving birth to our beautiful baby boy Mateo. Poor Mateo doesn't know his dad is never coming back.
Lexi: "You ready?"
Maria: "Yeah..."
We got out the car and walked into the building. Mars dad hosted the funeral and chose to place it at the random building saying it was safer that way, whatever that means. We sat in the front and the whole time I was just crying holding Mateo in my arms. Mateo had whispered something in my ear.
Mateo: "Mama why is daddy sleeping in that bed?"
Maria: "Baby daddy is going to be sleeping in that bed for a really long time"
Mateo: "When will he wake up?"
Maria: " Never baby..."
Mateo: "Is daddy a angel now?"
Maria: "Yes daddy is a angel now, who taught you about angels?"
Mateo: " Tio Ale did when we were riding here"
Maria: "Daddy is going to watch over you now and make sure your safe forever"
Mateo: "When can I see daddy?"
Maria: " Not until your really old and it's your turn to be a angel"
Mateo: "Ok"
After a while it was over and people were standing around talking and eating. This man came up to me with sunglasses on which was weird because we were inside.
???: " Hello ms are you Marianos wife?"
Maria: "Maria, I was his girlfriend, and you are?"
???: " My name is Viper, your...boyfriend has something of mine and I was wondering if you could give it to me?"
Maria: "Oh I'm sorry, what was it?"
Viper: "He has my drugs and money"
Maria: "Drugs? Money? I'm sorry sir but we don't have any of that stuff in our house"
Viper: "Maybe your little boyfriend didn't tell you who he really was but I want my supplies"
Maria: "Who the fuck are you?"
Viper: " I would watch your backs if I was you and your family, don't wanna get on my bad side and end up like Mar"
Maria: "Who the-"
Mars dad= Mickey
Mickey: "Is there a problem here?"
Maria: "This guy is talking about drugs and money that we don't have!"
Mickey: "Ok let's calm down, Viper let's go handle this outside"
Viper: "Now we're talking business, it was very nice to meet you Maria...I'll be seeing you soon"
He winked at me then walked away. After a couple hours we helped clean up and then went home. We bought a storage unit to put some of Mars stuff in and I was cleaning out some of the clothes I wouldn't wear into boxes. Mar lined his shoes up under the bed so I grabbed them all and put them in boxes. I realized that there was a duffle bag under the bed that wasn't mine. I pulled it out and opened it and it was drugs and money. I closed the bag back and put it near the door trying to calm myself down. Where the hell did he get this stuff from?! Is he a drug dealer?! I seen the package on my dresser that Mar went to get the day he got shot and I decided to open it. It was more drugs stashed in the box. I dropped it on the floor and Alex came in.
Alex: "You alright?!"
Maria: "I-I-I"
Alex: "What's that?"
Maria: "..."
Alex: "Is that drugs?!"
Maria: "Yeah..."
Alex: "Why do you have drugs?! Are you taking drugs now?!"
Maria: "NO this is Mars stuff and look there's more in this bag with a whole much of money!"
I opened the duffle bag near the door and showed him.
Alex: "We have to tell our parents!"
Maria: "And say what?!"
Alex: "That Mar was selling drugs!"
Maria: "That's not it, this guy named Viper came up to me at the funeral and threatened me if I didn't give him the drugs and money!"
Alex: " Now we definitely have to tell them!"
We grabbed Alex's computer and facetimed our parents.
Mila: "Holá!"
Maria: "Holá, mama do you know a man named Viper?"
Mila: "I only know one Viper and he's bad news, how do you know about that man?"
Maria: "He came up to me at Mars funeral and was threatening us saying Mar had his drugs and money"
Mila: "Mija he doesn't make mistakes like that, did Mar ever tell you he knew Viper?"
Maria: "No but-"
Mila: "Did Mar ever tell you he was apart of a gang of some sort?"
Maria: "No..."
Mila: "Adios mio, take the kids to Samy's parents and all of you are flying here!"
Maria: "Wait why?"
Mila: "Viper is not a man to play with Maria, if he threatens your life he plans to take it!"
Maria: "What are we going to do down there?"
Mila: "I never wanted you guys to be involved in stuff like this but when things like this happen we have to start training you guys"
Alex: "When do we go there?"
Mila: "I'll have a private jet on there way when we hang up, tell everyone to start packing NOW, Viper waits for no one!"
We hung up the call and ran upstairs. We told everyone that we had to go California because our dad was sick and to drop the kids off at Samy's parents. We all packed up and were waiting for the location of the jet when a black SUV pulled into our driveway. We didn't know if it was Viper so we hid. The person unlocked the door and walked inside.
???: "I'm here to pick you guys up for the jet!"
We all got up and he started grabbing our bags and putting them in the car. We drove to the airport and got in the jet and we were in our way to California to start training. We were all in the jet sleeping when one of the pilots tapped my shoulder waking me up.
Pilot: "Excuse ma'am I think you'll want to see this..."
He walked me to a part of the jet that had some computers set up. One of the computers had surveillance of our house. I was about to yell at him when I seen cars pull up to the front of our house. Viper and other people came out the car with guns and kicked our door in. After about 30 minutes they came out with the duffle bag and package with the drugs and money. They all got in their cars and were about to drive away when Viper turned towards the camera and shot it. I went back to my seat scared. What if he finds Samy's parents and kills our kids?! What the hell was Mar apart of?! Was Viper the one who killed Mar?! He made it pretty clear at the funeral he did it... well he better hope we don't get to him before he gets to us because I will kill that motherfucker... you don't mess with a Garcia.
this took a while because I have A LOT going on rn and I had lost the paper with my notes on it and almost committed because I couldn't find it😭but idk how much i'm going to post this week because it's the last week of school and i have a lot of work to pass in and like 3 different zoom calls😐

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