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Everyone was on the couch watching tv when we heard a car pull into the driveway. Alex shot up from the couch and ran to the front door like a five year old. When he opened it there was this lightskin with curly hair and glasses and this girl with long black hair. Alex walked them into the living room to introduce them to everyone.
Alex: " Everyone this is Diego and Danielle!"
Lexi: " Hi I'm Alexis and this is my sister Maria"
Kairi: "I'm Kairi"
Ale: "I'm Alejandro but you can call me Ale"
Mattia: " I'm Mattia"
Samy: " I'm Samy and this is Mar"
Dani: "Hello!"
Diego: " Wassup"
Lexi: " Well we don't have a lot of room right now but we have a closet you can put your luggage in"
Dani: " Baby I'll go, you can get to know everyone"
Diego: " Ight"
I grabbed one of their bags and walked to this closet we had in the hallway. Danielle put the last bag in and as I was getting ready to walk back downstairs she stopped me.
Dani: " You seem like a sweet girl but I recommend you don't flirt with my man"
Lexi: " Yeah so do I, my man is waiting for me downstairs so shall we?" I say giving her a fake smile
We walked into the living room and I walked over to Samy and sat on his lap. Everyone was looking at me shooked. Samy just put his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. We were sitting around and talking when I seen Dani keep giving me a side eye so but all of a sudden Diego pulled into the kitchen to talk to him privately.

Diego: " I'm sorry about Dani, she's just gets really jealous"

Lexi: " It's chill, I already told her I wasn't interested you"

Diego: " She's never going to drop it though"

Lexi: " It's fi-"

Dani: " Why the hell are you talking to my boyfriend in here, I already told you stay away!"

Lexi: " Bitch I already told you I don't want him!"

Dani: " You obviously do!"

Lexi:" Trust me sweetie I don't! There is a whole other female in here why do you think I want him!"

Dani came charging at me and I kicked her and she flew back onto the floor. I got on top of her and started punching her. I felt someone pull me off of her.

Samy: " What the fuck Lexi you know you can't be doing that!"

Lexi: " This weird ass bitch thinks I want Diego when I clearly want Samy!" I realized what i just said and covered my mouth.

Everyone made a big ass gasp and then I ran upstairs into my room. A couple seconds later I heard my door open.

Samy: " Lexi it's me"

Lexi: " Do you hate me?"

Samy: " Why would I hate you?"

Lexi: " Because I said that infront of everyone"

Samy: " It's fine, I'm actully glad you said that"

Lexi: " Why?"

Samy: " Cuz now I can ask you to be my girlfriend"

Lexi: " Yes I would love to be your girlfriend Samy!"

Kairi: "Yuhhhh get into it!"

Mattia: " I ship!"

Lexi: " Were you guys ease dropping on us!?"

Kairi: " Maybe"

Samy: " Get out bro!!!"

Mattia: " We just wanted y'all to know we are going to a party"

Lexi: "It's almost 1 in the morning"

Mattia: " Ok so? make sure your ready in 20 minutes!"

The boys walked away from the door and I started getting ready. I just put on some black leggings with a black hoodie and my black ugg slides. We all got ready and got in the car and drove to this house. There was alcohol and drugs everywhere but I couldn't do anything because I could possibly be pregnant.

Well this night is going to be boring...
It's my birthday so I haven't updated but this was short asf and everywhere💀 I'll make a whole bunch of chapters tmr because I'm not doing any school work

How about a kiss? | samychuhaWhere stories live. Discover now