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I was sleeping when I heard rustling coming from behind me. I sat up and I saw the three girls leaving, the Mya girl was crying...

Lexi: " Hey are you ok?"

Mya: " Samy really is a bitch I'm glad I didn't sleep with him!"

She walked out the house with the other two girl and drove off. It was 7 in the morning I didn't even know what happened so I locked the door and walked to Samy's room. He was laying on his bed with his headphones in. I walked over to the bed and tapped his shoulder because he didn't hear or see me come in.

Samy: " Oh shit you scared me!"

Lexi: " Sorry but why did the girls leave?"

Samy: " Because I said I wouldn't have sex with her loose pussy ass."

Lexi: " Why would you say that!" I said trying to hold in my laugh even though he was so serious.

Samy: " The only person I would have sex with in this house is you and she isn't you so..."

Lexi: " Well maybe that would've happened if you weren't being a liar..."

Samy: " It just made me mad seeing you with him after the moment we had at the party."

Lexi: " Well if you want me to be yours its gonna take a little more than saying it for it to be true..."

Samy sat up and smashed his lips into mine. We started making out and things started to get heated, he moved his head down and started sucking all over my neck leaving hickeys. He found my sweat spot and I let out a soft moan. His hands started trailing around my body and he took my shirt off and then started sucking my neck again. My moans started to get louder...

Samy: "Shhh mamas you're gonna wake someone up..."

He took off his shirt and shorts and then took off my pants. He was on top of me as I was laying on the bed. He started kissing his way down to my thighs. He looked up for consent and I shook my head. He slowly removed my underwear while still kissing my thighs. He started licking my kitty while making circles on my clit. I covered my mouth so I wasn't loud. He pulled down his boxers and slowly entered. It hurt for a little and then it turned to pleasure. My moans were loud even with my hand covering so Samy put his hand over for me. After a while we both came(weird asf writing that💀).We were laying next to each other when we heard a knock on the door.

Kairi: " It's Kairi, is everything ok in there?"

Samy: " Yeah bro everything is cool"

Kairi: " Alright bro goodnight"

Samy: " Night..."

We just laid back and started laughing. I got up and showered but I didn't have any clothes so Samy let me borrow some of his. Of course they were huge on me but its chill becuase I was gonna go home once Maria and everyone woke up. Mattia woke up first and came into the kitchen were I made pancakes for everyone.

Mattia: " Morni- who's clothes are those?"

Lexi: " Samy's, I showered and didn't have any clothes"

Mattia: " I can tell you did more than just borrow his clothes and showered..."

Lexi: " wdym?"

Mattia pointed to my neck and walked away. Shit. I went to stop him before he left the kitchen.

Lexi: " Wait I maid breakfast!!"

Mattia: " I'll eat it when everyone else wakes up... and why do all that stuff with me if you were just going to choose him?" as he said that a tear slipped from his eye. He turned quick wiping his tear and went to the bathroom slamming it closed. Everyone heard it and woke up. Kairi walked into the kitchen with everyone behind him.

Kairi: " Wtf was that?!"

Lexi: " Um I think Mattia just closed the bathroom door a little too hard that's all"

Maria: " I can tell you had fun last night..."

I adjusted my sweater to cover the hickeys but there was no point everyone already saw them.

Ale: " Where did the girls go?"

Lexi: " Um they left at 7... said they had things to do..."

Ale: " Oh ok well thanks for making breakfast this look good"

Mar: " Yeah and I never knew we had the ingredients to make pancakes?"

Lexi: " You guys don't seem like the cooking type anyways lmao I'm going to go get Mattia and Samy before their food gets cold."

I walked out the kitchen and to the bathroom. I knocked on the door and Mattia didn't answer so I just talked to him through the door...

Lexi: " The food is ready and everyone is awake... you said you would eat when everyone wakes up...look I'm really sorry ok?...friends?"

Mattia opened the door and looked at me...

Mattia: " Fine... friends..."

I gave him a smile and he gave me one back and went to the kitchen. I went to Samy's room to wake him up and when I cracked the door open I heard him on the phone...

Samy:" Baby they are just friends ok......... no I would never do that to you....... you know me better than that....ok thank you for believing me, love you.... alright talk to you later...bye."

Samy got up and looked at me then his phone.

Lexi: " Don't worry I only heard EVERYTHING but just wanted to let you know I made breakfast and you don't have to worry I'm not a home wrecker I'll give your clothes back when I get home and you can forget we ever met..."

I closed the door and walked downstairs. Everyone was still eating so I sat down and ate with them. After a few minutes Samy came downstairs and sat next to me. I was eating when he put his hand on my thigh. I didn't even finish eating I just got up and put my plate in the sink.

Lexi: " Um I'm gonna head home I have stuff to do but you guys have my number right?"

Everyone: "yeah"

Samy: " I don't"

Lexi: " Maria are you riding with me or is someone dropping you off?"

Maria: " Um I can have someone drop me off but Samy was talking to you..."

Lexi: " K see you when you get home! Bye everyone love you guys!!... bye Samy..."

Who do you think Samy was on the phone with?

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