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Lexi's POV
The jet landed and when we got our parents were waiting with body guards. The guards put our bags in the car and we drove to the house we were going to be staying at. We pulled up to this huge mansion. We got inside and everyone had their own room that had weapons and outfits to wear. Everyone was getting settled in their rooms when we heard someone blow a whistle from the living room. Everyone went to the living room confused and my parents were standing their with a whole bunch of other people.
Davido: " Guys these are our top finest spies in your age ranges! They will be helping and guiding you through your training!"
Alex: " Wait there's 8 of us and there's only 7 trainers?"
Davido: "When Alexis was here she already did some training so she is already prepared for whatever"
Mattia: "So when do we start?"
Mila: "Now, everyone go get dressed into your proper training clothes that you will find in the right side of your closets!"
We went into our rooms and got changed. I still put on my training clothes and went because I wanted to practice still. We were in the training room and the trainers were teaching everyone the basics while I sat on the side watching. The door to the room had opened and Chris walked in. I got up and decided to talk to him since I had nothing better to do.
Lexi: "Hi Chris!"
Chris: " Hey Lex, want to help me train?"
Lexi: "Sure it's better than sitting there and doing nothing!"
We put on my protective gear for my stomach so I wouldn't hurt the baby but it was big because I was 7 months when I last wore it. We put on our gloves and were just messing around while talking.
Chris: "So hows the baby?"
Lexi: "Amira? She's doing good!"
Chris: "That's really good to hear!"
Lexi: "So how have you been? Have any girlfriends?"
Chris: " Yeah her name is Alessya."
Lexi: "Why don't you seem happy about it?"
Chris: "I think she's cheating on me with one of the guys in the gang..."
Lexi: " Make her jealous!"
Chris: "With who? All these girls here will take it way to serious and will actually want something"
Lexi: "Maria."
Chris: "No way, her boyfriend just died!"
Lexi: " It's not like you guys are actually going to date!"
Chris: "Fine... but if I get attacked because you think flirting is going to solve this I'm sending people after you!"
Lexi: "Yeah yeah, now go!"
I pushed Chris over to Maria and he bumped into her and the trainer.
Maria's POV
I was trying to work with the trainer and was finally getting a hang of things when someone bumped into me. I thought it was one of the boys being clumsy so I was about to yell at them but when I turned around I seen Chris.
Maria: "What the fu- Chris?"
Chris: "Sorry about that, hey Macy I'll train her from here!"
Macy: " Yeah whatever, I'm going to get ready for the meeting."
Chris: "Sorry about her, she doesn't really like training people"
Maria: "It's ok, I don't really like training so we would be good friends!"
Chris: "How have you been since..."
Maria: "Oh um I've been doing alright I guess..."
Chris: " Sorry for your loss"
Maria: "Yeah thanks..."
Chris: "Sorry to bring it up, you were in a good mood before I came over!"
Maria: "No no you're fine, but what brought you over here?"
Chris: " So I'm dating this girl named Alessya and I think she's cheating on me and Lexi says I should make her jealous"
Maria: " Where do I come in?"
Chris: "I need your help making her jealous!"
Maria: " I don't know, I don't want drama with anyone"
Chris: "Please just this one thing?!"
Maria: "Urgh fine but I want $100"
Chris: "Deal!"
Maria: "So when do we start this master plan?"
Chris: "We have a member meeting at the hub in about 20 minutes, she'll be there so you'll come with me"
Maria: "Like this?"
Chris: "No you have 20 minutes to get ready, you have to blend in so wear the black latex outfit in the closet on the left!"
Maria: "Ok I'll be back!"
I ran upstairs and took a quick 5 minute shower and put on the outfit. It was tight and had all these little holders for weapons. I went downstairs and Chris had on his outfit and we got in his car. We got to the hub and seen a whole bunch of other people waking in.
Chris: "Just keep you head down and try to look normal"
We got out the car and walked inside the building. I had made it inside and we walked into this room that look almost like a auditorium. I sat next to Chris and there was a empty seat on his other side. I seen this very beautiful girl walk in and she started walking up to me and Chris.
Chris: "Ok here she comes, plan is a go!"
Maria: "Wait thats her?! I can't compete with that!"
Chris: "You got this, now act like I said something funny!"
Maria: "Omg Chris, you need to cut it with these jokes I can't take it anymore!"
Chris: " I'm not even trying baby that's just my personality" He said as he put his arm around me.
Alessya: "Um babe who is this?"
Chris: "Maria meet Alessya, Alessya meet Maria!"
Alessya: "Hi I'm his girlfriend and you are?"
Maria: "Just someone to fill in when you aren't playing your roll" i said with a sarcastic smile.
Alessya: "I don't think you know me but I throw knives quicker than you throw yourself around to boys"
Maria: "If that's the case, you must throw it very slow because I have less bodies than the amount of times you were actually loyal to Chris so that isn't saying much"
Alessya: "Yeah whatever"
She sat down next to Chris and the meeting had started. I zoned out through the whole thing and shortly it was over. We were getting up to leave when Alessya started talking.
Alessya: "Babe I'll see you at the house? So we can talk about some things?"
Chris: "Yeah I'll see you there, maybe"
We walked away and got in the car.
Chris: "That totally worked, thank you Maria!"
Maria: "No problem, so where do you stay?"
Chris: "Same place you stay, everyone lives in that house except the head members"
Maria: "Oh cool... so when do I get my money?"
Time skip 1 week because I don't know what to write about training ~ Lexi's POV
We were on our way home when I remembered Viper and his gang had broken into our house. I never told everyone else because I didn't want them to worry. The jet landed and there was a guy waiting with a car to drop us off. When we got to the house the door was still kicked down and you can see from outside the inside the house was trashed. Everyone got inside and was trying to clean up.
Lexi: "Guys I'm sorry this is my fault, I watched it happen and didn't tell you guys"
Kairi: "It's fine Lexi, we couldn't stop them anyway"
We finished cleaning up and just put the door up as best as we could and went to bed.
So we are almost at 3k 😌 but I need this school stuff to be over already so I can focus more on this story instead of work😔only 3 more days🥱

 ————————————————————————a/nSo we are almost at 3k 😌 but I need this school stuff to be over already so I can focus more on this story instead of work😔only 3 more days🥱

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^^^ this is what Maria had on for the meeting without the heels!

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