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After taking our pictures we got in our car and went to the party. We pulled up and the place was pretty nice and had a nice backyard that was covered with underage teens drinking and smoking. We walk inside and I look around and I went to turn to Maria and she was gone.

Lexi's thoughts

Great now I'm by myself... what a way to get over "heartbreak"....

I went over to get a small drink since I knew I was going to be the one driving home. Maria gets shitfaced at every party we go to no matter what. It's like it her goal to not be able to speak, stand, and make sense by the end of the night. I seen a guy looking at me so I walked over to the dance floor and started dancing with him. I was grinding my hips on him to the music when he whispered something in my ear...

???: " Come with me to a room and show me what those hips really do..."

He grabbed my thigh and started working his way up. I slapped his hand and he grabbed me tight and pulled me close breathing on my neck. I could smell the alcohol coming from his hot breathe so I went to go look for Maria. He grabbed me by my wrist but I snatched it away and ran towards the bedrooms. I opened about 3 doors already and either find no one or people fucking...yikes. It was the last room and I opened it slowly to find this boy crying on the end of the bed.

???: " I'm sorry this room is occupied." He replied not even looking up at me .

Lexi: " S-sorry looking for my frien- hey are you ok?"

???: " I'm not. I just walked in on my girlfriend cheating on me..."

Lexi: " I know how that feels I just got out of a relationship with someone that cheated on me too... I'm Alexis but you could call me Lexi!"

???: " I'm Samy... But you seem so happy did you cheat too?"

Lexi: " LMAOO no I just knew it was going to happen I just didn't know when..."

Samy: " I wish I felt that way... I really liked her... she said she would never do something like that to me and she promised... I told her about me... I did things with her.. I was going to marry her..."

Lexi: "I wish I could help you feel better and get your mind off of things..."

Samy: " Maybe you can..." He said smirking looking me up and down.

Lexi: " 1. we just met 2.I'm a virgin 3.we just met."

Samy: " I'm sorry that was some creep shit to do... I'll go, hope you find who your looking for."

Lexi: " WAIT!!... I might not be able to give you want you really want but how about a kiss?"

Samy: " Umm ok"

We walked up to each other... he was about 6'0 and I'm only 5'5 so he was looking down at me. We got really close and he smashed his lips into mine. He brushed his lips against mine asking for entrance and I let him. We fought for dominance for a little and he won without even trying. Just as things got a little hot someone barged into the room...

???: " SAMY there you are bro I've been looking all over for you...why did Alessya leave with some guy?... Who's this?"

Samy: " Mar bro she cheated on me..."

Lexi: " My name is Alexis but you can call me Lexi!"

Mar: " OK... cool..."

Lexi: " alright... I'll leave you guys, it was nice meeting you Sam-"

Maria busted into the room falling onto Mar's shoulder barely being able to stand or speak.

Maria: " LeXi I'vE bEEn lOokInG AlL OveR FOr yOu!!!"

Lexi: " Omg really Riri let's go home"

Samy: " Who's that?"

Lexi: " My bestfriend... well bye Samy and Mar!"

Mar's POV

As this girl Lexi was about to leave some girl busted into the room and fell onto my shoulder. I was holding her up as she was attempting to talk to Lexi. Not gonna lie this girl kinda bad ;).

Lexi: " My bestfriend... well bye Same and Mar!"

Mar: " Wait do you guys want to come over I just invited a whole bunch of my friends over to spend the night?"

Lexi: " Aren't your parents home?"

Mar: " Nah I live by myself with Samy. So ya'll coming or not?"

Lexi: " I mean I don-"

Maria: " NO We ArE GoInG!!"

Lexi: " Your lucky I dont want mom to see you like this or I wouldv'e already been in the car by now!"

Samy: "Mom? I thought you said she was your bestfriend?"

Lexi: " My mom took custody of her so she is like my sister now."

Mar: " Ight that's cool and all but ya'll just follow my car, we gotta get there before the others"

Lexi's POV

We got in the car and every time we go to a party we put a bucket in the backseat for Maria. And of course she used it to throw up while laying in the backseats singing.

Maria: " My bitch a forei- bleeeehhhh and she love to fu- bleehhhhh"

Lexi: " You better be getting that all in the bucket or your cleaning it up"

Maria: " Don't worry it's not that much"

Lexi: " Whatever we are here I think"



Who do you think Mar invited? What do you think is going to happen?

How about a kiss? | samychuhaWhere stories live. Discover now