"So, have you known you were a wizard?"

"Of course, my entire family is full of wizards."


"Yes, from what I know, your parents were wizards too, right?"

You turned to the conversation, suddenly curious at the topic being your parents.

"Well, we never met them. They died when we were only babies." Harry said.

"Right, of course. And your scar," Ron pointed to Harry's forehead, "it's a famous scar, you know? But you, [F/n], you have no scar like it?"

With this, you smiled gently as you gently lowered your collar, revealing the top of your chest with a large scar going across it diagonally. It looked much rougher and painful than Harry's due to its larger size and uneven shape. You weren't very proud of it, rather self-conscious, for you always believed it to look incredibly ugly, but, looking on the positive side, also badass. Sometimes you refused to look in the mirror, for the scar inspired feelings and distant memories of your parents and their deaths, which snapped you back into the harsher reality of living with the Dursleys.

"Your scar looks more painful," Ron said sadly, "do you remember how you got it?"

"A car crash, I suppose, that our parents died in."

Ron opened his mouth to say something, but immediately shut it as the door to the compartment swung open and a woman with a trolley began offering you sweets.

Other than so, the ride to Hogwarts was peaceful and fun. You enjoyed it and got to know the boy Ron very well. You were certain you'd get along, for he proved himself to be kind, helpful and caring, but also curious. It was at the end of the ride that you encountered Hagrid once more, guiding the students to boats and helping them sail across a large lake which led up to a huge castle with thousands of candles and gorgeous lights. It was an unusual sight, yet one you were sure to treasure for the rest of your life, and the more you saw, the more you began realising this was no dream and your life as a wizard was truly real.

Upon reaching the castle, you were all greeted by a woman who introduced herself as Professor McGonagall, and she directed you up a large flight of stairs and told you to wait outside the doors as she prepares your entrance. There were many students, many, many students, some large, some small, some excited, some scared, brown hairs, black hairs, blonde hairs, blue eyes, brown, green, black - the list was endless of diversity. And then there was, within the crowd, a familiar face with a rotten smirk, pushing its way through. You remembered this bleached blonde hair from the robe shop as it was making its way towards you, pushing people out of the way, and eventually stood directly in front of you. Two other boys stood behind him, smirking just like him, and you knew this was going to be trouble, for your short temper would lead to something that oughtn't happen.

"Harry and [F/n] Potter, I see."

"[F/n] before Harry next time," you said with a grin, rather sardonically and mockingly.

"And the ginger hair, hand me down robes, definitely a Weasley," the boy said again looking at Ron, who now frowned and looked away.

"Listen," the boy began, "I can show you around here. You shouldn't mix up in the wrong crowd, and I can make sure you don't," he lifted up his hand and offered to shake your hand first, since Harry stood behind you, and you looked down at his hand, then back up at him, and immediately began to laugh which inspired furrowed brows on his face and pursed lips. "What're you laughing at?"

"The fact that you thought I'd actually shake hands with you."

His hand was snapped back immediately, a bitter look on his face, as his cheeks flushed red. You had made him mad, that was clear, as yourself satisfied.

"You shouldn't mess with the Malfoys," Ron whispered quickly to you.

"Malfoys?" You said out loud, and the boy's attention was completely on you again. "Sounds like the family name of twats, if I'm honest."

And thus the boy stepped closer once more, exhaled loudly and opened his mouth to say something aggressively, his face right up to yours, completely angry, perhaps about to hit you, when Professor McGonagall returned and announced that the hall was ready for the first years, and the doors thus opened, revealing a large hall lit by candles floating within the air and elongated tables with older students, which eventually reached the final table at the back of the hall with, what you supposed, were all the teachers.

And so you walked in a long queue, about to find out your house. Ron had spoken of being in Gryffindor and how all his family had been in it, and how he believed it was the best house. He gave a rough outline of what all the houses meant:

To be a Gryffindor was to be brave, chivalrous and confident.

To be a Hufflepuff was to be loyal, patient and friendly.

To be a Ravenclaw was to be wise, clever and logical.

And to be a Slytherin was to be cunning, ambitious and innovative.

He'd informed you also that Slytherin was full of bastards and was possibly the worst house, for the cruellest wizards in history found themselves in Slytherin.

"What if I'm in Slytherin?" Harry asked, nervous, standing in the queue.

"You won't be, you're too kind for that. They're all horrible."

"I think I'm going to be in Ravenclaw! I studied all summer." Some girl quickly butted into the conversation with lengthy, wavy hair. "To be honest, I don't mind where I go, as long as it's not Slytherin."

"And who are you?" Ron asked.

"Hermione Granger. Who are you?"

"Ron Weasley," he said.

"Harry Potter."

"[F/n] Potter."

"Harry and [F/n] Potter! How awesome! I saw you shut down that boy earlier, I thought that was really cool. We should be nice to each other but he seems horrible."

"Yes, I think he was going to hit me," you said.

"I would have hit him back," Harry said.

"No, I would have." Ron said.

"I would have too, then!"

"You guys wouldn't have had to, since I would've knocked him out straight after he touched me." And the four of you laughed at the matter.

The queue began becoming shorter. The boy who was called Draco Malfoy, the snobby asshole, was called up - indeed, he was accepted into Slytherin. Typical. Eventually it was time for Ron - he looked nervous as he sat down underneath the hat, but finally the hat called out: Gryffindor! The smile beamed on his face as he stood up and walked to the Gryffindor table. So came time for Hermione - Gryffindor! She looked happier than ever. You were getting closer and closer, until it was finally time for Harry. This was intense, for he was your brother, and you hoped he was going to be in Gryffindor so that you could all be together with Ron and even Hermione.

The hat sat upon his head, and stayed there. Whispers, whispers.

"Gryffindor!" Called out the hat. Harry beamed with joy, got up from his seat, and gave you a quick hug before turning to the Gryffindor table.

"See you in a second," he said.

And now it was your turn. You made your way to the hat, took a seat on the stool, and thus the hat was placed on your head. You sat in silence for a couple of moments, when you began to hear the hat's voice inside your head.

"Great bravery here, I see," it spoke. "Gryffindor worthy, I see."

You closed your eyes tightly, awaiting it to call out Gryffindor.

"But exceptional loyalty, perhaps Hufflepuff."

Well, perhaps Hufflepuff wouldn't have been bad - but Gryffindor was where you felt your heart belonged.

"Intelligence, I see - and creativity! Ravenclaw qualities peeking through."

Ravenclaw was no bad option, either! But Gryffindor - that was your place.

And finally, the hat announced, to the entire hall: "Slytherin!" 

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