Stealing His Heart

Start from the beginning

"Huh?" he was confused.

"My dad, he keeps me calm at night when I was a little girl. So, I like wearing his shirts. I was er, well, I was thinking that it may calm me down if I can smell you – "

"Geez, 'Mione! You should have just asked me, you know," he chuckled as he got out of bed. Since it was dark, he didn't mind walking around the room in just his boxers. He rummaged around his trunk and he found something that no longer fit him. Just by touching the cloth, he knew that it was his old Quidditch jersey.

"I know this is really weird and freaky, but I can't sleep and I – I, well, if it works with my dad's shirt maybe, you know, it can work for you too... This is so embarrassing, I'm just going to – " Hermione was rambling now so he bit his bottom lip to stop himself from laughing out loud. He didn't want to embarrass his best friend when she hurriedly left her parents just so she could be with him after he had visions of Mr. Weasley being attacked.

"No worries, Hermione. Here you go," he handed the old jersey to her.

"Oh... Er, thanks," she muttered.

"Good night, Hermione," he awkwardly stood in front of her.

"Night, Harry," Hermione quickly hugged him before she left his bedroom.

He chuckled as he went back to bed. Hermione could really be odd sometimes, but she always had his back. So, he also accepted her for all that she was, quirks and all.


September 9, 1996

Harry was confused. He knew he had kept an extra quill in his bag this morning. But now, it was no longer there. He poured all the contents of his bag on the table, but he just couldn't see another quill. What in the world, he was annoyed.

"Something the matter, Harry?" Hermione asked as she continued to scribble notes on her parchment. They were in the library to do their homework, well at least he was. He was sure that Hermione was already doing advance reading.

"I swear! I had an extra quill right here! But it's gone," he sighed in frustration. I have no time for this shit, he thought grumpily.

"Oh... Er, here you go," Hermione handed the quill she was using. When he accepted it, he gasped in surprise. It was his missing quill.

"Where did you – "

"I asked you if I could borrow it, but you were too busy goofing off with Ron and – "

"It's alright, no worries," he shrugged. He briefly recalled Hermione asking him if she could borrow something and he easily nodded without knowing what it was.

"I'm sorry, Harry but – "

"Is this like my jersey story?" his eyes sparkled with mischief.

"What jersey – oh! No! Of course, not! It's just, your quill is sturdy. It's like whoever sells it to you makes it even more special because you're, well, you are who you are," she blushed.

"You keep this one and I'll send Hedwig to get me more quills. Since I am who I am as you say, I can get more quills for us. That sound good?" he grinned.

"Thanks, Harry," Hermione smiled.

"Sure, 'Mione. No problem. At least being the Chosen One is good for getting discounts," he joked, and she rolled her eyes.

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