Nerds Win In Life

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Summary: Hermione's musings during her 40th birthday. Her reflections on missing her prince charming as she recalls her love for fairytales as a little girl. And the most beautiful birthday surprise - ever

Rated: M



by: tweety-src-clt9

As a little girl, Hermione Jean Granger, absolutely adored fairy tales. What excitable child doesn't? Fairytales are no pun intended – magical. Knights slaying dragons. The perfect Prince Charming. Ladies swept off their feet. And of course, true love's kiss. Even as a naïve child, she noticed one common theme in the many tales her mother read – the female lead characters are ALWAYS drop-dead beautiful women. ALWAYS. Cinderella. Snow White. Sleeping Beauty... It is so obvious really, especially for a child prodigy like herself.

Of course, since her father and mother always made her feel like the most special and the most beautiful little girl in the world, she saw herself as the princess in fairytales. Her innocent view of the world crumbled when she first entered primary school.

Her young peers saw her in a way that her parents never did. They only saw Hermione – the girl whose name was too difficult to pronounce. The bushy-haired bucktooth know-it-all who keeps slaying every academic record in school. Really! It's not her fault that she loved reading and learning that much. Besides, it's not her fault either for having a very logical brain that could easily crack mathematical scenarios as easy as ABC. Nor is it her fault that she had a near perfect memory either. I mean seriously! Her mother, Dr. Emma Granger nee Puckle, was a bona fide MENSA member. And well, psychology has stated that children inherit most of their brains from their mother. So, whoopy doo! Her daughter inherited her awesome brain as well. Funny, her mother had an IQ of 143 but well, she is an astounding 169.

And so, Hermione always knew that was different. She doesn't fit that typical princess profile at all!

Everything changed for our young genius when she received her Hogwarts letter...

She can do magic! She is a witch! Maybe, she could be a fairytale princess after all.

In a way, all her childhood fairytale fantasies became a reality...

For here she is, sitting behind a large oak desk that is situated in a very elegant office. Hermione Jean Granger, who is celebrating her 40th birthday today, just happens to be the first muggleborn and the youngest ever British Minister for Magic – the highest seat of power in the United Kingdom's magical community.

Who would have thought that the bushy-haired bucktooth know-it-all mudblood will eventually rule over magical Britain? The irony.

Now, as a heavily oppressed princess who finally got her crown, the fairytale will not be complete without the perfect Prince Charming. I mean, honestly! Every queen needs a king to manipulate, er, cohabitate with.

Truth be told, Hermione even as a child, never really cared if her 'Prince Charming' would be good-looking or not. If her prince would turn out to be good looking, then well and good – an added bonus if you will. She isn't a superficial and shallow girl after all. But she did have standards! She imagined her prince to be loyal, understanding, brave, respectful, smart, caring, faithful, honorable, loving, and sweet. For her, attitude and personality trumps over looks any single day. She was a realist through and through! Why should she expect a good-looking prince charming if she herself doesn't fit the stereotypical princess with the perfect blonde hair and all that stuff about a beauty that could launch a thousand ships... Oh wait, that's Greek Mythology.

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