Chapter 37

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"Calm down, Clarke." Octavia whispers to me while I glare at Titus. I then turn my glare to her. She gulps and I glare at Titus again, "I am serious. You could get her in more trouble if you go off about it."

"He can't just hit her and get away with it." I whisper back to Octavia who shakes her head.

"He can and he will. He is in charge of the crew and Bellamy isn't going to care if Lexa gets slapped... in fact he might praise it. You have to watch your mouth so she doesn't get into anymore trouble. They can't whip you but they can whip her. They know you care about her so that will always be your punishment. Be smart. Think with your head and not your heart." Octavia says and I takes a deep breath.

She is right. Bellamy is probably just waiting for a chance to hurt Lexa. I have to behave if I want to keep her safe, "She was just playing with kids." I shake my head and walk away from Octavia, who keeps an eye on me.

A maid hands me a glass of wine and I turn to see Bellamy waving me over to him. I sigh and walk over to him and the couple he is talking to, "Ah, my love, did you get me a drink?" Bellamy takes my drink from me, "These are our neighbors, Richard and Margret."

"Pleasure to meet you." I say and stick my hand out. Margret shakes the hand and Richard kisses it, "Welcome to our home." I made sure to say our to get on Bellamy's good side.

"Hey... isn't she the girl we saw sneaking into the woods?" Richard asks Margret and my throat goes dry. Bellamy looks at me and I look at Margret who reads my pleading eyes.

"No, honey, the girl we saw had brunette hair." Margret answers while smiling at me, I let out a sigh of relief and look at Bellamy.

"Yes... I suppose my memory is failing me." Richard jokes but there is too much tension for anyone to laugh.

"I wouldn't go outside at night. You know me... I am scared of the tiniest sounds." I smile at Bellamy. He lets out a laugh and nods.

"That you are." The rest of us laugh a little with Bellamy.

"Why don't I get us all some more drinks." Margret says and Bellamy agrees to what she says, "Clarke, why don't you help me. I might need the extra hands."

"Of course." I say and Bellamy hands me his now empty glass. How did he drink it all already? Margret leads me over to a table that has a waiter and bottles of wine. Margret puts hers and Richards glass on the table and I put Bellamy's down.

I silently point to Bellamy's favorite wine for the waiter to pour. I am upset that I actually know his favorite wine. I look up and out the window to see Lexa piling rocks into a wagon. I blush while I watch her lift the heavy stones.

"You have to be a little more careful sneaking gout with that girl." Margret says to me and I look at her with shock and worry in my eyes.

"I'm- I'm not." I clear my throat and Margret smiles. She leans in a little so she can whisper to me.

"I was the same way." She whispers and I just stare at her, hoping for more information, "Her name was Emily and she was my neighbor. She would sneak into the woods all the time to... talk."

"What happened?" I ask while picking up Bellamy's now full glass.

"We got caught and she got shipped away to a church. My father was more forgiving. I met Richard and I fell in love with him. But I will never love someone the way I loved Emily." Margret says to me after we slip into the corner of the room so we can talk without anyone hearing.

"You fell in love with someone else?" I ask, "If you were so in love with her... how did you just move on?"

"Oh, I never moved on. I think about her all the time. I still love her and I will always love her. Sometimes I see her face in other faces... She is my soulmate. But Richard loves me and I do love him, but her phantom will always be there." Margret explains.

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