Chapter 22

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Clarke's POV

"Mother leave me be." I say turning away from her.

She grabs my arm and throws me on the ground. She slaps me once then pulls my hair so I am looking up at her.

"You will stay away from that girl! What more do I have to do to make you stop!?" She screams. I'm pretty sure the whole ship heard.

"Nothing." I say plainly as she strikes me again.

I see Abby get picked up and torn away from me. She keeps a hold of my hair. Abby is thrusted a way from me and I feel the relief of her letting go of my hair.

Abby slams on the floor and I see Lexa towering over her. "You never touch Clarke like that!" She yells. I see fear in my eyes.

Lexa picks her up by the sleeves of her dress and I see the horror in Abbys cold eyes. Lexa lifts her up so easily up to her face"If you even think of doing that I WILL kill you." Lexa says nodding a little. "Do you. Understand. Me." She says with a slight breath from yelling. Lincoln and Luna run in.

"Lexa drop her!" Luna shouts and pulls on Lexa's shoulder. Lexa just drops my mother making her fall to the ground.

"You worthless slob!" Abby yells at her. Lexa just brushes it off. "You are as worthless as my own daughter." Abby murmurs getting Lexa angry again and she starts toward her. Lincoln grabs her arm but Lexa gets away. I quickly stand up and stand in front of Lexa. She stops when my hand touches her toned stomach.

"Come on Klork. You can't defend her. Not when she talks to you like that." Lexa whispers lightly down to me. Her eyes getting softer as her pupils widen looking at me.

"I know Lex.... but she is my mother. My father wouldn't have wanted this." I whisper back up to her.

Lexa nods and looks passed me with dark eyes. "If you ever touch her again I promise you... it will not end well for you."

"It's yourself you should worry about." Abby says getting up and dusting herself off. "Physically harming me and then threatening me..." Abby raises her eye brow in a knowing manner.

"Oh Madam... you have no clue what physical harm is... yet." Lexa says with a devious smirk playing on her perfect lips. I mean wait. Not. I mean just her lips.

Abby humphs and walks out. When the door closes Lexa looks at me lightly and Luna smacks the back of Lexa's head.

"Ouch!" Lexa exclaims (a/n: big words) "what was that for?"

"She may not know about physical harm yet but you still touched her and threatened her." Luna says and then she flicks her head.

Lexa pierces her lips. "Touch me one more time and I swear that finger will be broken." Lexa says now boiling with anger. After my mother and then Luna touching her, which she doesn't like it when people just touch her or point fingers at her, she was going to blow.

Before Luna could dare touch her again Lincoln stood between them. "I'm going to call it a tie and have you go to your separate sides of the ships."

Before we could move Bellamy ran in. "CLARKE IM HERE! I HEARD YOU SCREAM!"

"That was like 10 minutes ago Prince Charming." Lexa says annoyed.

"Did I ask your opinion rug rat?" Bellamy said back.

"Sir Blake you shouldn't call yourself a rug rat and you should probably see a doctor if you are having conversations with yourself." Lexa simply says looking at me for a second then back at him.

"I am going to ignore your stupid worthless remarks and talk to my soon to be wife." When he says that both Luna and Lexa gag at the same time.

"I'm not going to be your soon to be wife." I say pointing at him.

"Oh come on darling." Bellamy said with a smirk. "I came to save you."

"Too bad Lexa got here first. I'm fact too bad that Lexa has been there for me more than you have in your life. Too bad you like to hurt her and too bad you care about your hair more than others. Bellamy I will NEVER marry you." I say getting closer to him.

"You sound just like your worthless father." He spits and everything went black. All my emotions went away and my mind stopped as I just acted.

I slap him. Not as hard as Lexa could at all but he looked at me with anger as he raised a hand to hit me. Lexa had him on the floor punching him before he could get all the way up.

Luna take Lexa off of Bellamy with Lincoln's help. Lexa has blood on her knuckles and I'm pretty sure it's not hurts. Bellamy has a bloody face and is looking around gaining his thoughts again.

"Let go of me I'm not gonna hit him." Lexa says but they hold her. "I said I won't hit him." She says and they let go. Lexa helps Bellamy up. Leads him to the door. And pushes him out. He falls with a thump. She holds the door open and looks at Lincoln and Luna who get the idea and leave. She closes the door and looks at me.

"I'm tired." She sighs like nothing just happened. I when and hugged her being careful of her badges.

"I need to change you bandage. Your blood pressure must have been through the roof." I say slowly lifting her shirt up then blushing at what I was doing. I stop. "May I?" I ask looking up into her eyes that were soft again.

She nods and I slowly lift it. She helps me and I just keep eye contact with her bandages. The injury has bled through. I slowly unwrap them as to not hurt her and blush again at her abs.

I bandage her back up. "Thanks for backing me." I whisper.

"I was doing what people should do. I mean she won't do anything to you until the day I die." Lexa whispers back looking down at me.

"Do you ever talk about any thing other than your death?" I say with a smirk and she lightly smiles. WHY WAS THAT SO CUTE?!

I clear my throat. "You are all good."

"Thank you doctor." She says and we look in each other's eyes. "I um... I uh got you something..."

I look at her with question in my eyes. "You know it's not something that like Bellamy could give you or anything cause like I don't have that much money to get something but I still think you would like it." She says ranting.

I smile a little at her cuteness. "Um here." She says pulling out a small box from her pocket. It was a little smushed. "Sorry I must have fallen on it. Or maybe it was kicked. I don't know." Lexa says shrugging and I smile at her and take the box.

I slowly open it and it is a piece of metal molded into a dolphin. "Lexa! It's so beautiful."

I feel her eyes on me as she says "ya it is. Um I saw your face when you saw the dolphins for the first time. I thought you would want something to remember them.

I wrap my arms around her neck. "Thank you." I whisper and she holds me.

After a good 3 minutes I slowly part from Lexa. "Um I should let you get some rest." Lexa says nodding.

I nod and she turns away from me. "Uh Lexa-" I ask and she turns.


"Could you stay with me... I know they won't come and hurt me if you do." I whisper and she smiles lightly.

"Of course Clarke. I'm never leaving you."

Hey guys. So today is 3/3 and it's been four years 😓 her memory lives on and so does her spirit. She is our one true heda. RIP a legend.

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