Chapter 4

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As we eat Bellamy starts questioning me. "So Clarke Titus has suggested that we take a little tour around the upper deck of the boat to see how the ship sails. What do you say?"

"Oh yes that's fine with her." My mother answers for me. I nod.

"Yes this ship has been around for quite a while however he had it renovated so the Arks is in its finest shape." Titus says proudly.

"Do you have a favorite ship mate?" Octavia asks and we all listen for his answer.

"Well my family. The Woods. Lexa, Luna,Lincoln." He says and we all keep looking at him as to tell him to explain farther. "Well Lincoln is my oldest and my right hand man. Lexa and Luna are twins and Luna is older." I giggle at the thought of Lexa being the youngest. "Those two are trouble makers. They always have been. They like to swing around the boat and find the secrets of the boat." He says frowning.

We all chuckle.

The breakfast is finished and we follow Titus to the top of the ship. Everyone is working to move the boat. There is a lot of wind. I see Lincoln barking out orders. He sees us and walks over.

"Ladies, gentleman. How are all of you this fine morning?" Lincoln asked with his hands behind his back and feet shoulder width apart.

"Good- great... ya..." Octavia answers with a smile. She smiles at her. His loose white shirt is blowing in the wind.

"Well Lincoln are we on track?" Titus asked.

He was about to answer but was cut off but voices coming behind us.

"Ha! No. This idiot has us going the wrong direction. It's a good thing Lexa caught the mistake. We gotta turn the boat." Luna says walking past us. Lexa is behind her and she does a 180 spin to walk backwards, wink at me, then turn back and keep walking forward. Raven nudges me and I step on her foot lightly.

"What?" Titus asks. Luna and Lexa stop next to Lincoln and looks at Titus.

"Listen I know we have guests but I'm not going to sugar coat it. This idiot messed up and we have to turn the boat a bit." Lexa says pointing her thumb at Lincoln. He looks embarrassed.

"Don't call people idiots in front of ladies." My mother says to Lexa.

"My apologies. Luna go cover the ladies ears." Lexa says and Luna walks over to Bellamy and covers his ears. "Idiot." Lexa says when Bellamy's ears are covered. Luna lets go of his ears and walks back to Lexa and they high five. Raven and I couldn't hold back our laughter.

Titus jaw is dropped and Lincoln was smiling. My mother glared at us and we stopped laughing and tried to hide our smiles.

"Well fix the course and then we are going to have a serious conversation!" Titus says and the Woods sibling nod and walk off. Lincoln starts shouting orders. Luna starts untying a rope. Lexa walks to the side of the boat and starts climbing up to the sails. She scales that think like a pro.

They change the sails and you feel the boat start to shift. Lexa climbs down with a rope in her hand. She hands it to some guy and pats his shoulder. She walks back over to us. Luna and Lincoln join her.

"All good." Luna says and she smiles at Raven. "Would you like to see how the ship works Miss Reyes?" She asks with a gleam in her eye.

"Yes she would." I answer for her. I push her forward. Luna puts her arm out for Raven to take. She takes it with hesitation.

Bellamy turns to me. He smiles. "Clarke darling-"

"Imma stop you right there." Lexa says and she pats his shoulder. "She obviously wants to know how the ship works. She is a bright woman. However I might not know if you are as bright. You might not know the ship is what I mean. I'm not judging your intelligence. However I know more about this boat so I will give her a tour." She says confidently to Bellamy she turns to me with the same confidence. Something flashes in her eyes and the confidence is gone. "If that's alright with you..."

"I would love to." I answer and she smile. Her smile is bright but shows no teeth. I don't think she means to smile.

"I'm sorry but Clarke and I have to go and have a conversation of our own." My mother says and she grabs my arm and pulls me away.


We are in my mothers room and she closes and locks the door. "Are you kidding me Clarke. You are going to let that sailor with no education and no manners talk to your future husband like that?!"

I gasp. "First off mother Bellamy has never and will never be my future husband. Second, Lexa is brilliant!" I say defending this girl I barely know.

"Hardly. Living on a boat your whole life does nothing!" She says and she steps closer to me. I step closer to her. "You need to focus on what's important! The money!"

"What?! Money doesn't matter to me. I'd rather be poor living in the street and be happy!" I say yelling at her. She strikes at me. My cheek is red.

"You will obey me!"

"No way. You are mental!" I scream. She hits me again I feel tears coming. My cheek hurts and is warm. I storm out to my room.

I lay on my bed crying. Why is my world like this. My father would have helped. He would have laughed at Lexa's jokes. He would be here for me. He would tell me I don't have to marry at all if I don't want to. He would be poor and happy with me.

I hear a knock at the door. "Come in." I say as I try and straighten myself up for another beating from my mother. I didn't show great manners.

"You know that Bellamy guy is easy to mess with." I hear Lexa say and I remember she was coming to get her jacket. I keep my back to her.

I do a fake chuckle. "Ya. He is so easy."

"Are you alright?" She says with a worried voice. She comes a little closer.

"Ya. I'm all good. Yup." I say and turn a little farther.

"Klarke. Don't hide from me." She says. I can feel she is right behind me.

She hesitantly places her hand on my shoulder but removes it quickly. "Sorry..." she mutters. She must think she isn't allowed to touch me. I turn to her.

Her jaw drops but she picks it up ad clenches her jaw. Anger flashes in her eyes.

"Who did this to you?"

Her hands clenched in fists.

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