Chapter 7

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Clarke's POV

I open my bedroom door smiling like an idiot and see Raven Reyes smirking at me.

"Where have you been" she asks while sitting down on my bed.

"Out." I answer as plainly as possible.

"With..." Raven says trying to get me to confess.

"The sounds of the ocean waves and my own thoughts." I answer putting the parchment that Lexa gave me of her poem on my dresser.

"Must have been some crazy thoughts to get you blushing that much." Raven answered raising her eyebrow. She stands up and grabs the sheet of paper from my hands and I try to get it back but she reads it before I can. "FOR YOUR EYES ONLY?! So she is a poet too! How romantic!" She says as she fakes a romantic sigh.

Okay fine so I went and talked to her tonight but it wasn't anything special!" I say trying to defend myself.

"This letter would say differently." Raven says holding up the paper and I take it back from her.

"Go away Raven I want to sleep." I say and I sigh. She sighs too.

"Love you little griffin..." she says as she walks to my door.

"Loath you too." I say sarcastically. She leaves and I read the paper again.

For your eyes only. God she has me hooked. How?

I throw the paper on my dresser and get ready for bed. I get in bed and close my eyes. My eyes are occupied by the sailor.


"Okay Clarke today is the day you and Bellamy are going to be official! I have it set up! A picnic on the top of the boat and then a stroll at night! I told him these were your wishes and you will act like they are." My mother says waking me up from my sleep.

"First off good morning to you too, and second.. no." I say putting my head back up on the pillow.

"Clarke Griffin if you don't get up right now I wil-" My mother was cut off my a throat being cleared at my door. We both turn to see who it is.

Lexa Woods.

"Excuse me Ma'am I bet this is a very important conversation but the captain would like to see you about the... picnic..." she says picnic questioningly. My mother nods at her then turns to me.

"This isn't over..." she whispers and walks past lexa.

"May I come in." Lexa asks with a smirk.

"Yes thank you for asking." I say getting out of bed and fixing my hair a little. "Why did you say picnic so weird.

"I may have been walking by and listening to that whole thing and wanted to save you from well... getting hurt... sorry for listening in I didn't mean to invade privacy..." She says finishing her rant and I smile at her.

"Thank you a lot lexa..." We keep eye contact for a couple minutes.

"Also if you happen to need a... you know... invation of privacy during that picnic date..." she smirks. "I might be able to interrupt. She says with a wink and she leans on the wall. I giggle.

"That is immature. But I wouldn't tell" I say and she smiles.

"I'll be there..."she says staring at me.

"Why were you coming by my cabin room... it's plenty of distance from the main deck..." I question.

"Oh um- I-" before she could answer Raven barged in.

"Wake up you sad sack of-" she stops and looks at Lexa then at me. "Oh you are already awake." She says then smirks at me.

"I'll take my leave." Lexa says as she nods to Raven.

"Wait Lexa!" I call out and she turns back.


"Your jacket." I say pointing to her leather jacket.

"Oh ya... uh ya that's why I came..." Lexa said while she grabs the jacket and walks out the door.

"OoooOooOoOoo" Raven mocks as I sit down and start brushing my hair. She comes over and helps me. "The tension is thick...." Raven says and I flick her. I also blush.

"She just came for her jacket and saved me from the monster I call a mother. That's all." I say as I look at myself in my mirror.

"Ya and think about it Clarke.... She doesn't ever need to be walking down by the cabins. That's not her job, however she happened to be walking past..." She says and looks at me. "Interesting."

"What are you trying to say? She came down here just to see if I slept well of if I was awake?" I asking and Raven smirks at me. I knew very well that Raven is right.


Off to breakfast we go. When we enter the eating room I see all three woods siblings standing in the corner talking. Lexa sees me and smiles then look back at her family.

Titus walks over and stops my view of Lexa.

"Good morning Ladies. I am here to inform you that we are having a celebration tonight. A celebration of life. You ladies are invited. There will be food music and dancing." Titus said smiling but had a curtain hurt in his eyes.

I look back at the three siblings and they look sad.

What's going on.

"Good morning darling... are you ready for our breakfast picnic?" Bellamy asks holding out his arm. I take it and we walk out of the room.


We come to this beautiful picnic spot. It is lovely... I wonder if Lexa would like it.

Bellamy sits next down and opens a drink for me. We lays out food and smiles. "Clarke what are you looking forwards to when we make it to the new world?" Bellamy asks as he starts to eat.

"Well... a new start... with new people and new life's... new stories... just... being able to make a new me..." I say while eating a strawberry.

"That's lovely." He says and he tucks a hair behind my ear. I am less blushed then I am annoyed... what if I likes that strand of hair out. Bellamy starts to lean forward and I freeze.

Just as on cue Lexa and Luna come over.

"Oh shoot I'm sorry... we just have to fix something over here." Luna says with some tools. Lexa walks by me with a wink while she carry's heavy wouldn't planks on her shoulder which shows her biceps on her sleeveless shirt.

"Could you wait a couple minutes." Bellamy said. He is obviously getting annoyed.

"Oh I'm sorry... would you like us to not fix this and we all drown and die." Lexa asks.

Bellamy just stares at her.

"Didn't think so." Luna says for Lexa.

They start hammering on something that doesn't need hammering. Bellamy tried to talk over them but they just get louder in everything they do.

"I- how about we go somewhere else." Bellamy asks. Just as on cue Lincoln walks up.

"Ah yes Bellamy just the man I was looking for." Lincoln says and he shakes Bellamy's hand. "I have a few questions for you." He says as he winks at me and pats Bellamy's shoulder. They walk off and Lincoln starts talking to him.

"Wow... man I sure am glad we fixed this before my ship sunk..." Lexa says with a exaggerated sigh. "Well tell me if I need to fix anything else Miss Griffin."

"I sure will Miss Woods." I say smiling and she steals the strawberry I was about to eat from my hands and walks off eating it.

Luna walks by shaking her head. "Idiots." She mummers as she walks away.

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