Chapter 32

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Raven's POV

Luna paces the waiting room of the doctors office. I watch her go back and forth until I start to get a head ache due to the constent movment. I stop Luna by standing up and standing right in front of her.

"Why don't we go get some air." I suggest and Luna just looks back at the door where Lexa is, "We won't be long... just long enough for you to calm down." Luna nods and I take her arm out of the small building.

We walk down the crowded streets while I hold her arm. We start to get some wierd looks so I let go of her. After a couple of turns we make it to the docks. We keep walking down the docks until we get to the beach. I take her arm again now that no one is around.

"Lexa wrote me a note." Luna speaks up first as we walk down the beach.

"Did you read it?" I ask. She shakes her head and stops. Luna looks down at the soft sand and she pushes it around with her foot.

"No... I couldn't- I couldn't bring myself to read it." Luna shakes her head and wipes away tears.

"What do you want to do with it?" I ask and she shrugs, trying to hide all emotions. I just watch her as she thinks and pushes around sand, "Can you read it?" She ask quietly with a small voice crack.

I nod and Luna pulls her hand out of her pocket with the note laying in her grip. I take it from her, she doesn't even look at me while I open it and start reading.

"To Luna," I start to read and I hear Luna choke on her tears, "I lived. Please don't mourn me. You made all these days on the ocean bearable. You and your sarcasm." Luna chuckles a little with the smallest smile.

"Tell Lincoln I love him. Tell Titus even though we fight he always held a place in my heart." Luna nods at the words like she is silently promising Lexa.

"Please protect Clarke... she deserves more then she gets. Don't ever let her settle for Bellamy and whatever you do make sure she is safe. Make sure she lives a wonderful and happy life in America." This makes me tear up. Even on her death bed she is trying to protect Clarke.

"Where ever you go when you die is where I am going and I will finally be in peace. I will finally be able to apologize to Aden... please don't mourn me. I'm going to be happy." I look up with I hear Luna gasping for air. She has tears streaming down her face.

"Keep going." Luna shakes her head and I nod.

"I owned every seconds this world could give me, I saw so many places with the things that I did, and with every broken bone... i swear to you... I lived." I finish and Luna let's out a cry and falls to the ground.

I fold up the paper and put it into her pocket as I slide onto the floor next to her. She wraps her arms around my waist and cries into my neck. I hold her until she calms down.

"I thought I lost her Rae. I thought she-" Luna gasps for air, "I thought she died." Luna's nose brushes against my neck when she speaks.

"But she's not dead, Luna... She isn't gone." I reassure her. She moves her head away from my neck and she slowly releases me.

"Raven, she has been in that doctors room for 'bout 3 hours and Clarke hasn't told anyone they could enter... what if she-" I cut her off before she can think of the worse.

"How about we go back and you get into that room... they have to let you, you're her sister. She loves you and will always be with you, Luna." Luna nods along to what I say and I stand up. She looks up at me and I reach my hand down to her.

After helping her up and brushing the sand off us, mainly me because I am in a very nice dress, I turn to make our way back to the hospital. I am stopped by Luna grabbing my wrist and pull me back.

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