Chapter 6

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I eat quickly and go back to my room. I got in a comfortable dress and leave out to the railing that I talked to Lexa first.

"Hey there." She says and she drapes her leather jacket over my shoulders. She has another ragged jacket.

"Lexa you can't keep giving me all of your warm things " I say and I try and take the jacket off but she shakes her head.

"Yes I can." She says and she smiles. She clears her throat and puts her arm out for me to hold. "I'll show you where I like to escape." She says and we start walking. We come to this part of the ship and Lexa lightly pushes me onto a platform. "Trust me." She says and I nod.

She takes a rope and starts lowering us down. We reach the water and there is a small row boat with some blankets and pillows.

"Luna and I made this place when we were kids. The sides of the boat a built so water can't get in and one of its sides is literally part of the main boat. So it's safe. And nice and quiet." Lexa says and helps me sit down on the warm blankets and pillows. She sits next to me. We are a good distance apart and she drapes a blanket over us.

"It's beautiful Lexa." I say looking out to the calm sea.

"Ya... it's a calm night. No wind. It's safe to be down here." She says looking out.

We are silent for a moment.

"Bellamy said that we will be on this boat for 3 months." I say looking down at my hands. "He said that I could start gathering feelings... I'm scared I might."

Lexa clenches her jaw. "I don't want you to... not for Bellamy..." she whispers to me.

We stare at eachother.

I break the silence. "Do you have any hobbies?" I ask.

She nods. "Ya... literature. I write some poems." She says.

"Could I hear some?" I ask and she nods and gets a little nervous. She gets a small slip of parchment out of her pocket.

(These are lyrics not mine, 1 direction)

"I'm a little shy to read them so here..." she says handing me the slip. I read out loud.

"Right now I'm completely defenseless
For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart
For when you're lonely and forget who you are
I'm missing half of me when we're apart
Now you know me, for your eyes only
For your eyes only." I am in awe of the writing.

"When did you write this?" I ask.


"Who is it about..." I ask and she stares at me. Me... no it can't be.

"What about you? Do you have hobbies?" She asks.

"I- yes I sing a little." I say and she smirks at me.

"Let me hear some." She says with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Oh well... I don't know what to sing." I try to dodge embarrassment.

"I just wrote something for you..." she says smiling. I sigh. I read it again and add my own rhythm.

"Beautiful." She says while looking at me. I have a piece of hair dangling in my face. Lexa reaches her hand out to move it but stops. She hesitates and looks me in the eyes as if asking me permission.

I put my hand on her wrist and guide my hand to my face. She lightly pushes the hair out of my face and I feel her rough worked hands. My own hand glides into hers. They are so strong and rough against my smooth clean hands. Her hand lays in my lap. I trace all of the scars on her hand with my finger. I was so concentrated and she didn't move.

"What is this scar from?" I ask tracing a scar.

"I told Luna her hair looked like the monster under the bed and she threw me over the boat to hang on with one hand. We got in a lot of trouble for that one." Lexa says chuckling and I giggle.

"What about this one?" I say tracing another scar.

"Oh I closed a knife on my hand. It was an accident." She says and she's smiles. "Lincoln grounded me from knifes for a month.

I giggle. "That's right! You are the youngest!" I says and she groans.

"Don't remind me." She says and I laugh. I put my hand in hers. We look off to the calm waters. I am warm under these blankets and her jacket.

"Lexa have you ever dreamed of England?" I ask and she looks off in the distance. Her chiseled face is glowing in the moon light.

"Not exactly. I never wanted to be in England. I love the sea. I'm used to the sea. But I always wondered if there was something out there, someone out there... that's I was meant to find. If I was missing out on opportunity because I love this boat." She explains. "No I have never wanted to live in England but I would have liked to go to school. I would have liked to have friends other than people on this boat. But I would never want to leave my safe place... you know?"

She finishes looking at me.

"Ya I know." I answer and she rubs her thumb on my hand. She stops as if she would hurt me.

"Maybe I should get you back to your cabin." She whispers.

We get back on the platform. Lexa pulls us back up to the top of the boat. She walks me to my cabin. We didn't hold hands again. Sadly.

We stop at my door and she smiles at me. "Thank you for keeping me company." She said kissing my hand.

"Goodnight Lexa."

"Good night Klarke." She said and walked off.

What am I doing?

The poem/song lyrics where from the song If I could fly and it's not my style music but I absolutely love it. Like I'm an pull school rocker. But I do love that song. I thought it fit for Clexa.

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