Chapter 26

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Clarke's POV

I sit in my dark room alone. The only light is from my candle on my nightstand. Laying in bed I look up at the ceiling. What just happened? Could I have lost Lexa? What would I do without her? I barely know this woman but yet I need her. I need her touch, her voice, her smile, just her. I can't figure out why I feel like this.

I know its not love... I wouldn't love her this quick... is it pity? Is it... I don't know... she is the one that is good with big words. I smile lightly at my own joke. There is a light knock at my door taking me out of my thoughts.

Getting up I check myself in the mirror and go to the door. It is Luna, "Sorry to wake you." She says lightly. She isn't sorry, she came here for a reason.

"Don't worry you didn't." I answer back while making room in the door way as a way to invite her in." I move to my seat at my dressing table thing that the author forgot the name of. Luna leans on the foot of my bed and crosses her arms, "Is Lexa okay?" I ask making eye contact with her through the mirror.

"Lexa is fine she is sleeping. Roan is keeping a close eye on her." Luna says to me, "Lexa is going to want to float herself if she has to stare at that ceiling for a long time." I glance at Luna.

"Float?" I ask and she chuckles.

"Don't ask." Luna shakes her head, "Anyway, I wanted to ask if you had some drawings or something I can put on the ceiling for her to look at. I think she would really love that."

I smile lightly at Luna, "Look at you being a loving sister." She rolls her eyes.

"Don't remind me." She crosses her arms, "well, Princess, got any art?" I nod and walk over to my locked drawers. I unlock it with a key that is hidden under my lamp. In the drawer you see a small box, that is filled with Lexa's writings; paper, charcoal, ink, or pretty much anything that could make art. At the bottom is an envelope full of papers. I pull it out and hand it to Luna.

"There are about 25 drawings in there... most of them are of the crew and the ship." I tell her while she looks at the big envelope.

"Woah... okay thank you.... any um... any of Raven in here?" She asks with a little blush on her cheeks.

I smile again, "No, but, I do have a drawing of Raven." I say walking over to my desk and grabbing a small slip of paper. It has a portrait of Ravens face on it. One of the only drawings Raven let me keep of her. She hates them.

"Wow, Clarke you are a great artist." She says staring down at the picture.

"Take it." I say pushing my hand towards her.

"I couldn't pos-"

"Luna Woods take it." I say will pushing the small slip of paper onto her chest. She takes it and smiles at me.

"Thank you, Miss Griffin..." She gives me a light smile and walks out my door. I smile lightly at the thought of Lexa waking up to my drawings above her.


Lexa's POV

I slowly open my stiff eyes, they really don't want to move. Light from the door makes it hard to open them to. When they finally open my vision clears and I see masterpieces above me. Drawings of me and my crew... well more like memories... like someone took a picture with their eyes.

I see one picture that has my crew working on the deck and Luna and I are sitting up by the sails. Our comfort zone. You can see the outline of both of us so clearly... its like a black and white picture.

There is another picture of me looking to my right. I have the war paint that Clarke drew on my one day because she was bored. I smile lightly to myself.

There is another picture that makes my jaw clench. It is me hanging from the ceiling with my crew around me. You can see my Bellamy bruise and you can also see Bellamy walking away in the background as I hang there with my head down.

These aren't just pictures these are memories... Clarkes memories...

I move onto another picture. It is of... my hand. You can see all the scars on it... that is from when Clarke was asking about every scar I got. That was our first night together. I smile to myself again...

The is another image of a lantern in the sky with the words, May We Meet Again, neatly written around it. I see the stars in the picture just like how I remember them...

This next picture makes me laugh. It is me holding up the fake snake that I threw at Bellamy... and at my feet is the dead lobster that was in his bed. I laugh so hard that I start coughing. This gets Roans attention.

"Woah woah calm down." He says running over to me. I can't stop coughing... My throat feels like it is burning., like a match was lit and it hurts... God it hurts. I see him put a rag under my mouth... it burns to cough... when I finally calm down he pulls the cloth away... we both look at a layer of red blood that has soaked the cloth.

"Don't tell Klark." I say looking in his eyes, "Don't tell anyone."

"Heda-" He starts but I glare at him. Heda is another word for Commander, my crew made up their own language a while ago incase of intruders like those French the night before.

"Don't..." He looks at me with concern, "don't."

"Not even Luna... or Clarke?"

"Especially not those two." I say and I look behind him at Clarke walking into the room smiling at me. I glare at Roan and he nods. He walks away and Clarke comes and sits on the bed. She doesn't sit on the chair she sits on the bed and smiles at me.

"This morning when Raven and I went into the dining room we covered Bellamy's food in salt and he was so disgusted it was so funny. You would have laughed so hard." She starts talking to me me and I smile at her. As she is talking she takes my hand and she runs her finger over the scars scattered on it.

"But my mother sadly gave him her food and had raven and I share a plate of food while she took mine." Clarke says and I struggle to sit up a little, "I told Raven to eat it so ya... long story short that prank backfired." She says while looking down at my hand. I take my other hand and cup her cheek.

Her blue eyes take their time wondering up my body till she looks at me... "Thank you for he drawings." I say and she looks up.

"Oh ya!" She looks back at me, "I forgot."

I bring my hand down from her face as Roan walks in with food. It's nicer food than I usually eat. He puts it on my lap and then leaves like he was never here.

"Have it Klark." Clarke just looks at me and shakes her head.

"No, Lex, you need the food." She says and I shake my head. Clarke takes some of the bread and rips it bring it up to my mouth. "Lexa Woods I will shove this food down your throat... now eat." I gulp and open my mouth.

She puts the bread in my mouth then looks back down at the tray of food looking for the next thing to put in my mouth.... My throat still burns for coughing. I have no clue how much I can eat but if Clarke tells me to eat i'll eat.

I'm just happy she is here and safe.

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