Maeve grabbed her shirt from the side and pulled it on over her head as Remus went to flick on the main lights. Sirius was still standing awkwardly by the door.

"Did you want something then?" Maeve asked, laughing slightly.

"I, uh...I went to the corner shop to get some more milk and...I saw this on a shelf," Sirius held out a muggle pregnancy test. "I bought it just because, well, you're not sure if you're actually pregnant yet so..."

"Wait, what actually is it?" Maeve asked.

"It's a muggle pregnancy test, love," Remus said.


"You don't have to use it, but I thought I'd give you the option," Sirius said, handing the box to her.

She looked at it unsurely, "What do I...what do I actually do with it?"


"Oh Merlin, I have to pee on it?" She gasped, reading the instructions on the box.

"You do?!" Sirius exclaimed, equally as shocked. "That's so gross."

"I know," Maeve looked at the box in disgust.

"I sometimes forget that you two are pureblood, but then something like this happens and I remember," Remus snorted. 'Look, there's just a little stick thing in the box, you pee on it, and then I think you wait a minute or something and then it will tell you."

"That's such a weird way to do it though, why pee?" Sirius asked.

"I think it has something to do with the chemicals in it...and then the stick kinda detects it, I suppose."

"Muggles are so clever," Maeve said, raising a brow as she opened the box. "Okay, I'll do it."

"Wait, really?" Remus asked.

"Sure, I might as well find out sooner or later."

She went to the bathroom and both of the men stared after her in shock.

"I didn't think she'd actually want to do it."

"Same," Remus said, looking at Sirius. "Oh God, I really don't think I want to know."

"Why not?"

"We never wanted kids...well, I never wanted kids. I'd be afraid that I'd give the kid my werewolf gene."

"Oh," Sirius frowned, going to sit by the kitchen counter. "How high is the chance of that happening?"

"I think it's a fifty-fifty," Remus sighed, going over to the fridge.

"So there's a fifty percent chance that it won't have the werewolf gene."

"I guess. Beer?"

Sirius nodded and Remus got two bottles out the fridge, "Cheers."


They both looked to the closed door of the bathroom from which Maeve had just sworn.

"Everything okay?" Remus asked.

"Um...I think I'm pregnant."

Shit indeed.

≿ ———————— ❈ ———————— ≾

"How's Regulus doing?" Maeve asked Dumbledore before the meeting started.

Recently Regulus' painting had been moved to Hogwarts per his request. He felt he wanted to be around other paintings, of course, but it was more to see Hogwarts students as they developed, and to be able to offer them some guidance that he wished he had had when he was studying there.

⚯͛ Unfortunate - Remus Lupin ⚯͛Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora