Chapter Thirty-Seven

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        "Do you remember the concealing charm?" Draco asked as I helped him pack the rest of his belongings. We were leaving in a couple hours to head back to Hogwarts, and I was not emotionally ready for what was to come. Not that I ever would be, I was being sent to kill someone -- and pretty much everyone would know by now I was on Voldemort's side. All of my friends and even my father witnessed me telling him I would join his forces, I wouldn't blame everyone if I was shunned by every person at school.

        "For the tenth time this morning, yes I remember it" I grunted, feeling the anxiety rising inside of me. Draco looked up from the other side of his bed and raised an eyebrow. "No need to get snappy" he mumbled before closing his trunk. 

        "Sorry" I whispered "I just don't want to do this" 

        "You think I do? Iv'e had nightmares about that bloody cabinet for a week now" 

        Last week, Draco and his mother visited Borgin and Burkes in Knockturn Alley. I stayed home seeing as nobody wanted me to accidentally run into my family or friends and have them whisk me away from them. Draco told me of a cabinet that linked to one in Hogwarts, and a plan was created to fix it to allow some of the death eaters inside the school. I hated the idea, killing Dumbledore was one thing -- innocent students was another.

        It was going to be a challenge to help Draco with the cabinet, while still residing in Gryffindor. People would definitely turn on me, wonder why i was being friends with Draco after our incident in fourth year, and of course the questioning about me being a death eater. All of the wondering was making my head hurt. 

        "I think everything would be easier if I was in Slytherin" I chuckled "Who ever heard of a death eater in Gryffindor?" 

        "Well if Potter and Weasel Bee give you too hard a time, you're always welcome in our common room. Snape wont care" Draco told me as he dragged his trunk towards his door, he quit using his house elves after I threatened I would free all of them and tell his father if he wasn't nicer to them. 

        "Aw are you growing soft on me, Draco?" I asked as I slipped my arm through his so we could head downstairs. 

        Draco grunted and shook his head, I only squeezed his arm so he knew I was teasing. "As much as I hate to say this, you've become one of my best friends" he told me. 

        I smiled and went to hold his hand instead of his arm. "You too" and I was sad to say, but that was the honest truth. I never thought the boy who embarrassed me during the Tri-Wizard cup, my first disaster of a relationship would turn out to be one of the closest people in my life. And I think it's all because I understand him, I understand his need for approval from his father, and I understand that this life isn't what he wants. 


        The Hogwarts express stood before us, as magnificently scarlet as always. I saw what I could as the hood that shaded my face obscured my view. I walked with Draco past excited first years, familiar faces who looked to the pair of us with confusion, and parents who cried as they watched their children board the train.

        I stopped abruptly, causing Draco to skid to a halt as I was still holding onto his hand. He saw what I was looking at and looked to me sympathetically. "You cant see them now, you know that. We have a job to do" He whispered, giving my hand a comforting squeeze. I didn't think seeing my family for the first time in months would be this hard though.

        My mother looked terrible. Her normal vivacious blonde hair looked stringy and was tied back in a tight bun. Her eyes were red, and I could see a pile of tissues hanging out of the pocket of her dress that now looked two sizes too big. She hugged my sisters goodbye quickly, before bursting into tears. "That's my mom, Draco. I need to see her" I said trying to walk over to her, Draco stopped me. 

Someone to save me | Harry PotterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora