Chapter Twenty-Eight

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It didn't take long before everyone in Hogwarts was hating life. Professor Umbridge was worse than we could have imagined, and her sickly high voice was something that haunted me in my dreams. We have been back for two weeks now and I was already ready to go back home. Today though was one of the more happy days for me, Quidditch trials were today and i finally got to show my house what I could do.

I stood in the middle of the field with dozens of people to my left and right as we waited for Harry to begin try outs. We waited for him to try out the other positions before the chasers were last. "You're a guarantee already" Someone mumbled from my left. I looked over to see a fourth year shifting his broom in his hands. "Why do you say that?" I asked when Harry grabbed the last of the people on my right. 

"Your best friends with the captain and you have wicked powers"

"Not to mention your dad was a famous quidditch player back in the day" Someone said from his other side.

I frowned and turned around to face them, my long maroon robes blowing behind me. "First off, you should know Harry doesn't place favorites. Dumbledore placed a spell over the pitch so there can be no wandless magic no matter how powerful. And yes my father was a famous chaser, but I am ten times better than him just so you know" I said with a smirk as I turned back to field to watch the other chasers try out.  The two boys immediately shut up and started glaring down at their shoes making me smile. Sure I was being cocky at that moment, but I didn't care I wanted them to know I would earn my spot fair and square.

"Alright Ali, your turn" Harry said as he landed on the ground in front of me, I nodded and me and the two other boys mounted our brooms and started to ascend into the air.

Tryouts were pretty basic, we played half a game of quidditch against some other people trying out. I scored at least ninety points by myself when tryouts were over, the two fourth year boys I was trying out with were rather impressed to say the least. I was sweaty and exhausted but I felt amazing. It felt so good to be able to get back on a broom again. 

"Well done everyone! I'll post the team list in the common room by the morning! Have a great night!" Harry said, leaning against his Firebolt. Everyone quickly dispersed leaving Harry to collect the bludgers that were still flying around by himself. I stayed to help him and grabbed a beaters bat and whacked one into the ground before collecting it and placing it in the trunk. 

Harry finally got a hold of the last bludger and quickly strapped it into the trunk."Thanks for the help, Ali" He said giving me a smile. "No problem" I said and grabbed the end of the trunk so we could take it into the locker room. We locked up the quidditch equipment before locking up the room and headed back to the castle.

It was getting really dark out and I just hoped we didn't run into Umbridge on our way inside. She had a habit of popping up when you least wanted to see her. "You did great out there Ali, don't tell anyone until I post it  but your on the team" Harry said giving me a smile. My eyes widened and I leapt over to him to hug him tightly. "Thank you Harry! I'm so excited to be able to play again" I said finally letting him go. Harry's cheeks were crimson red and he was nervously scratching his head.

"Not a problem" He said as we walked through the front doors to the castle. 

It was quiet inside, only the small echoes sounding through the main staircase. It was dark, and I didn't realize how late we were for curfew, oh what I wouldn't give for teleportation to be one of my powers at the moment.  "I hope Umbridge isn't wandering around right now" I mumbled as I illuminated my hand so we could see where we were going. "Yeah, you and me both. That detention last week was torture" Harry said.

Umbridge used this torture method of detention where she made us write with blood quills Harry and i both bearing scars on our hands from our "Sessions". When I thought Harry and I were in the clear, and Umbridge wasn't going to catch us, I heard that high pitched snicker behind is making us stop in our tracks.

"And why are you two wandering the halls at this time of night?" Umbridge asked, that fake smile still permanently plastered on her face. "Quidditch try outs" Harry told her, scratching nervously at his head. 

"I see you two couldn't bother to clean up before coming inside, poor Mr.Filch will not be happy about this" She said, ticking away at her teeth as she looked at the mud trails behind Harry and I on the staircase. I rolled my eyes and leaned against the banister before waving my hand and letting all the mud disappear. "Would you like me to clean you too, Professor" I said frowning down at the woman who resembled a toad.

Harry tried to contain a snicker, but Umbridge definitely heard him. "Mr.Potter, Ms. Soloria, detention NOW!" Umbrdidge bellowed before grabbing both out collars and dragging us towards her office. 

Two hours later and I was practically in tears at the pain in my left hand, the words "I will obey" embedded in my hand, blood droplets pouring out of my hand. I swear I'm owling my father when I get out of here to have him handle this woman. God I sound like Draco right now...

Harry was seated beside me wincing just as much as I was, he was writing as quick as possible to get this over with. I looked over and noticed Umbridge was standing next to vials of blood, no doubt the blood from all the students she gave detention. With a flick of my wrist all of the vials went crashing down on top of her, she now resembled someone from a horror movie and that gave me sick satisfaction.

I smirked before turning back to my parchment to continue writing. Umbridge screamed loudly and stomped over to me. "Give me your wand right now!" She yelled holding her hand as if expecting me to hand something over to her. I raised an eyebrow and looked at her as if she was crazy. 

"I don't have it with me" I said shrugging my shoulders. She turned to yell at Harry, but I cut her off. "But to answer your question, yes it was me" I said smirking at her in satisfaction. She glared daggers at me before stomping over to my desk to stand in front of me. "Potter you're dismissed, Soloria, maybe a few more lines will quiet your tongue" She said before turning around to clean off the blood with her wand.

Harry gave ma a worried glance before he walked out of the room clutching his hand....

By the time Umbridge let me out of her office it was way past midnight, and the words "I will obey" Were not only on my hand but all up my left arm, the blood tinted my skin so badly there was no way i could hide this. I will obey, god who did this woman think she was, Loki? I chuckled remembering my favorite muggle movie and how I would love to watch it right now to calm me down.

I figured everyone would have gone to bed but Harry, Ron and Hermione were all sitting on the couch beside the fire when I walked in.

"Ali, are you alright?" Harry asked running over to me, he grabbed my arm and his eyes went wide seeing how bad it looked.  He was too busy looking at my hand, i was glad he didn't see the blush on my cheeks from him holding my hand so tightly. "Umbridge is bloody insane" Ron said looking down at my arm as well.

"We need to do something. Umbridge isn't teaching us defensive spells, and we cant keep letting her get away with this" Hermione said angrily as she crossed her arms across her chest. She looked at me with both sympathy and disappointment. I'm sure Harry told her what I did in detention, I'm sure Ron got a good kick out of that one. 

"And what do you have in mind Hermione?" i asked with a sigh and i fell exhaustively onto the couch. 

"We find someone who will" Hermione said looking between Harry and I. My eyes went wide as I realized what she was insinuating for us to do. "Hermione, I don't know the first thing about teaching kids spells!" i said jumping from the couch. I looked over to Harry who just looked completely confused to what was going on. 

"Yeah I don't either" Harry said, scratching the side of his head as he plopped down onto the couch. "Oh come one, you two faced Voldemort last year you know what to expect. Besides, Ali your one of the most powerful witches alive right now!" Hermione said waving her hands in exasperation.

"Yes but I cant teach kids my wandless magic, only I can do that" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Well either we do something, or when Voldemort attacks again nobody will be ready!" Hermione said raising her voice. I sighed and fell down on the couch again beside Harry, we looked to each other both of us realizing that Hermione was right. Voldemort would be attacking again, and we don't know when. But with the crap Umbridge has been teaching none of these kids would be prepared.

So we both sighed and looked to our best friend before mumbling at the same time "Fine". 

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