Chapter Sixty-Two

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The Malfoy Manner was exactly like I remembered it. From the haunting black shingles that seemed to reflect minimal light, to the curtains that were forever closed. The large brick mansion that had once been my home looked exactly the same. 

A burial ground for so many. I could only hope my friends weren't about to be added to the list of fatalities that also included my mother. 

I apperated into the dining room to meet the eyes of not only Bellatrix but many other loyal death eaters, including Scabiour and various other snatchers who had seen me with Ron only days ago. 

They smirked as they eyed me, their traitorous  colleague. Without hesitation, with a single flick of my wrist they came crumbling to the ground in pain. Scabiour screamed loudly, Fenrir crawled against the wooden floor panels. The other I couldn't name was writhing in a pile beside them. 

"I can kill you in two seconds. Do not tempt me." I growled, kicking Fenrir over with my boot.

"I'll have your head, girl!" Scabiour growled. "Bella, she—" 

I didn't let them finish, I ended their lives with a mere glance. The most frightening thing being I felt no remorse. I felt nothing for taking the lives of these miserable men who had done more harm than good. Send me to Azkaban when the war is over, at least I'll know we won. 

"Was that necessary?" Droned Bellatrix, slowly walking around the table. "He was my best snatcher." 

"He looked at me funny." I shrugged. "And they interrupted my nap. Why was I summoned?" 

I kept the walls in my mind up against any legilimancy, my tone bored as always when dealing with the death eaters. I had kept up a great facade with them acting like another puppet. I couldn't give away my act now just because I knew my boyfriend and best friends were somewhere in the house.

"Ah, we think we caught Harry Potter!" She exclaimed, bouncing up and down like a kid on Christmas. 

"You think?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. I stepped over the dead bodies of Fenrir and Scabiour to follow her to the other room where she motioned. 

"Somethings wrong with his face." She answered.

"Besides the obvious?" I hated diminishing him in this way. It was needed for survival. 

Bella giggled and skipped to the center of the room. I could see Draco nod to me gently, standing in front of his parents. Two death eaters had hold of Hermione and Ron, while I saw Harry kneeling in the center of the room. Stinging jinx from Hermione was what I guessed had happened. 

"We didn't want to summon our Lord without confirmation." Bella claimed.

"You couldn't have asked Draco? He also knows what Potter looks like." I growled, taking a step towards her. She attempted to hide her fear of me, she did so terribly. I knew she was terrified since her bout with my cruciatus curse. 

"Draco was no help." She hissed in his direction. I caught her arm in a tight hold.

"You speak of Draco like that again, and I'll remind you just was true pain feels like." I growled. She attempted a glare before nodding her head.

"Take those two to the cellar." I ordered to the death eaters. "They're of no use to us." 

"Traitor!" Ron screamed, fighting against the hold against him. Real or not, his words hurt me all the same. 

"Wait!" Cried Bella, her eyes on the glinting red handle peeking out of Hermione's bag. Shit The sword of Gryffindor. "How did you get that?" 

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