Chapter Eight

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Walking down the stairs to the Hogwarts trophy room seemed like the longest walk of my entire life. Whoever put my name in the Goblet of Fire was no friend of mine. I have heard about kids dying in this sort of competition, and Harry along with myself were both barely of the age of fourteen. Poor Harry, he already had so much on his plate with the dark lord and everyone thinking his godfather was crazy person that killed his parents. This was not something he needed right now.

And with the terrifying visions I kept having each night — it wasn't something I needed either. 

"Ali?" Harry called out when I entered the trophy room. I awkwardly raised my hand, no idea what else to do. 

 "I don't know whats going on." I whispered to him, his eyes growing increasingly concerned with more bodies in the room. 

 I didn't even have time to notice Viktor Krum standing a few feet away from me, as I was now picking nervously at my fingernails.

 "Stop that." Harry said firmly and separated my hands before holding one of them in his. I blushed furiously, and didn't even care that his hands were slightly sweaty. I looked to the ground and let my hair hide my pink stained cheeks.

I looked up to see Cedric leaning against the wall and watching as Fleur paced back and forth muttering words in french. I looked to my left and finally noticed Viktor, and my blush intensified as he gave me a small smile. I returned it and looked past him to see the three headmasters along with several other teachers sprinting down the stairs towards us.

 "This is an outrage! They are cheating!" Madam Maxine, the Beauxbatons Headmistress shouted as she pulled Fleur towards her. She motioned her hand towards Harry and I who were cowering in the corner. So much younger than the other three entered in the competition. 

"Harry, Alisanna—Did you put your names in the goblet of fire?" Dumbedore asked calmly as he and Mcgonagall stood before us.

 "N-n-n-o-o." I studdered as I shook my head. 

"No, Headmaster." Harry said calmer than I.

 "They are lying!" Igor Karkaroff from Durmstrang said, causing Krum to whisper something to him making him shake his head.

 "I don't want this! I am not lying!" I shouted back at him.

"Can't my father get us out of this? He 's the ministers right hand man!" I asked as I let go of Harry's hand and walked closer to my headmaster with pleading eyes. "Please. Stefan Soloria! He can talk to minister Fudge!" I said quickly trying to get someone to get my father. 

Dumbledore and Mcgonagall exchanged a look before Moody spoke up. "I'm afraid your father can't help you. The goblet of fire is a magically binding contract." Moody said so fast I almost missed what he said entirely. 

"Moody is correct —as of this hour, Mr.Potter and Ms.Soloria are Hogwarts champions." Dumbledore said with a shake of his head.

 I felt myself stumble backwards, but was caught by someone before I could hit the ground. I can't even stand up straight, how the hell am I going to stay alive in this competition.The headmasters along with Snape,Moody and a few other teachers talked among each other before heading back to the upper levels of the school.

I noticed whoever caught me still had ahold of my waist, but my blush returned when I saw it was Viktor Krum. "Th-thank you." I said softly and stared at the bulky Bulgarian quiditch player.

 "You are Damian's sister correct?" He asked in his strong accent. With widened eyes and my inner fan screaming at the top of her lungs, I could do nothing but nod. 

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