Chapter Seventeen

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I sat in my dorm room staring out the window towards the Hogwarts grounds. I wore my Gryffindor sweatshirt with the hood pulled over my head, and a blanket wrapped tightly around my body. It was cold, but that wasn't why I was exiling myself from everyone down in the common room who was celebrating after the second task. It was because I felt like a freaking idiot. I couldn't believe Draco was using me, all because his father had asked him to.

I twiddled with the charm bracelet on my wrist that Draco had given me for Christmas. What a lie, was all I thought. Like I had to wonder if he took pleasure in watching me smile every time he kissed me or held my hand, and had to wonder if all the Slytherins knew about what was going on. But I doubt Draco would let something like that get around with my brother in the same house. I felt my eyes getting blurry as the inevitable tears were threatening to fall once more. I ripped the bracelet off my wrist before throwing it fiercely across the room, my quidditch aim proving deadly even with something much smaller than a quaffle. 

I smirked at the ruined gift that was lying on the floor and huddled farther into my blanket, watching the darkness of night come over the tall tress of the forbidden forest. I heard the door to the room creak open and sighed to look over and see who was entering. I wasn't surprised at all that it was Hermione that was walking in, she wasn't one for parties.

 "Oh Ali, I was wondering where you went!" Hermione exclaimed walking to sit by me under the window. I just scooted back on the bench to make room for her and kept my stoic glance out the window.

"What's the matter, you're tied for first place!" Hermione said cheerfully patting me gently on the leg. I looked over at her and the second she saw the tears running down my face, her smile fell. "Ali, what happened?" she asked her voice laced with pure concern.

 I sighed before wiping the tears that were resting on my cheeks. I wasn't really even sure as to why I was still crying, probably just from feeling like a complete idiot for believing a guy actually wanted anything to do with me besides a quidditch partner.

"I was an idiot ,Mione." I said quietly and pulled the blanket from around my body to cover both of our legs that were facing each other. "Malfoy was using me, because his father asked him to get close to me." I said closing my eyes to prevent any more tears from falling that already had. 

"And please don't say I told you so, I know everyone warned me about him." I added angrily, realizing I should have listened to all of my friends.

 "I would never tell you that Ali, you're one of my best friends." She said giving me one of her friendly smiles.

"I should have known it was fake, why would any guy want me anyway." I said sadly playing with the fringed ends of my red blanket. Hermione surprised me when she slapped the side of my head. I winced in pain and looked up at Hermione shocked, she was looking at me appalled. 

"You're gorgeous and funny, you're a powerful pure blood witch who tames dragons like they're pixies!" She said waving her hands around like she normally did when she was telling a story. 

I couldn't help but laugh at Hermione who looked like her head was about to explode. "I'm sorry Mione," I said through my laughter, but ended up just falling off the bench onto the floor. 

Hermione was looking down at me with bewilderment before she started giggling herself. "You're right, I'm bad ass." I said nodding me head into the wooden floor. I looked to Hermione who raised one of her eyebrows before we both fell back into fits of laughter, I really don't even know why we were laughing but after the day I had it felt nice. 

We spent hours laughing and chatting about girl things way into the late night. It was only when the other girls ran in drunk from the party, and slipped on the spilled pieces of bracelet on the floor, did we finally get up clean up our mess and go to bed.

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