Chapter Fifty-Seven

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I've had only one other near death experience in my life. I was eleven, it was my first year on the academy's quidditch team, and my nerves shook something fierce. I dropped the quaffle numerous times on our way out to the field, and  my captain that year had been hesitant to let me play. Seeing as one of the starting chasers had come down with some kind of sickness -- that left me to play in his wake. 

To add insult to injury it was raining that day, not a normal thing for the region in Texas our school resided in, so the field was muddied as we walked across it. The game went on for hours, the snitch seeming to hide itself between the raindrops. I had scored numerous times, which helped my confidence but it did nothing for my ability to see in the rain. 

It only took two seconds and my body was crashing into the opposing team's seeker that was diving after the snitch. The pair of us went tumbling down one hundred feet, our team robes flying against each other in a flurry of Green and Blue. In the midst of the storm nobody even saw us and we both went crashing into the mud. 

We were told so many times we were lucky to be alive, that the fall should have killed the pair of us regardless of the many advancements in wizard medicine. My mother fussed over me for that entire year, not wanting me anywhere near a broomstick. And for most people they probably would have quit the team after a fall like that, but for me -- that was when I fell in love with the adrenaline rush that playing quidditch provided me. 

As I laid in a puddle of my own blood I quickly realized that it wasn't some miracle that I survived that fall. It was my ability as a Telania and my ability to heal quickly saved my life. The opposing seeker's fall was surely nothing short of luck, but mine -- that was something else entirely. 

Draco was knelt beside me in the second floor lavatory, Myrtle was floating obediently by his side. Both of them wore shocked looks as the wound on my arm started to close itself, my pale skin growing itself back together. 

I blinked away the spots in my eyes and pulled myself to a seated position. Glad to know I couldn't even kill myself if I wanted to -- my body wouldn't let me. 

"What the bloody hell were you thinking?" Draco growled, grabbing my arm and pulling me into his side. He held out my still healing arm, both of us shocked to discover that my plan actually worked. The ugly mark was no longer housing itself upon my arm. 

"I don't know. I hated looking at it." I mumbled, glaring at my large piece of skin that was laying across the room. I'm sure Voldemort could track that, lucky for me it was exactly where it was supposed to be. I had half a mind to flush it down the toilet. 

"I can't say I haven't thought about doing the same thing." Draco mumbled, running his fingers over my now healed bare skin. I suddenly turned to look at him with an idea. 

"Let me do it for you! I can heal you after!" I exclaimed, causing Draco to shake his head with widened eyes.

"You've healed me before and you ended up in the hospital wing for two weeks." 

"You were cursed, this is different." I argued, crawling across the pools of water to retrieve my dagger. "We can go anywhere in the world, just like we talked about!" 

"Ali, stop." Draco said softly, grabbing my hand giving me pause. He gently took the dagger from my palm and set it beside him. "No." 

"Why not?" I asked in confusion.

"Ali, I'm not going to make a difference on either side of this war. But you can. You can get out of here, find Harry and help him finish what he's started. You're going to need someone on the inside who can help you, contact you if Voldemort gets suspicious." 

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